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SE Asia Chronicles Podcast Transcript #5


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This is an auto-generated speech-to-text transcript of a SE Asia Chronicles Podcast


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06:25:23:01 - 06:25:59:03
Yeah if you watch a professional they do that before they go on. I'm not sure. Certain means I'm stupid. Okay. I don't care. This would be episode or volume number five of the Southeast Asia Chronicles and they're designed to kill people, first of all. First, most importantly. Well, really, really first is retired of the Matrix in the US or a western country?

06:25:59:03 - 06:26:22:20
Are you tired or you're weary to the bone if the answer is yes. Okay, are you ready to leave? The answer is yes or no. Think sort of doesn't. Even if you don't want to leave, these might still be interesting. You know, watch them keep in the back of your mind as your escape plan to be used or not.

06:26:23:14 - 06:26:44:18
Just like a little piece of the hold back here in the back of your brain, you can be thinking, you know, things really get that bad. I can do. This guy did. Maybe I don't want you right now. You will never want to, but maybe I will. You know, I have been married for 36 years. I've got 2.3 kids.

06:26:45:19 - 06:27:20:01
We own two business to businesses together. And I would not be talking about you in life is good you know forecast we get a five bedroom split level in the burbs careers are okay money's okay got some activities she's got activities. We're happy we got friends kids are too frickin horrible. You know, we had off that one because he was a little asshole.

06:27:20:01 - 06:27:51:18
But you know, the other 1.3, they're doing okay. Got a dog or cat? No, we had no thought that they were going anywhere. You can retire right there. And then one day you find out what are your businesses is bankrupt. That's fucked. Something happened. Something you never, never expected. It's garbage. It's toast. And I go, My God, oh, this is fucking terrible.

06:27:51:18 - 06:28:23:04
Our income is cut by half. What can we do? Well, we can't stay in that house enough to have to move, have to sell that house move, and then you find out that the other kid, you know, the one you didn't off, he's a drug dealer and a pedophile. And you think, oh, hell, this is a bad day.

06:28:23:04 - 06:28:51:00
They really suck. I never thought this shit was going to happen. And cops are looking for him. Yeah. Some of the drug dealers are looking for the parents of his little kid. Victims are looking for him and like is. Fuck you think, man? Man, man. All really, really bad. Really, really bad. I thought I had this sucker nailed.

06:28:51:00 - 06:29:20:09
I thought I had this whole thing in the bag because I was smart and I made great choices and I did good things and said, go home. You want some comfort from your your wife? God, she's your best friend. You know, you really need just a hug for about 6 hours. You know, just talk softly about your problems and what you're going to do and what can we do.

06:29:20:09 - 06:29:47:13
And I'm sure happy you're here, honey, because I couldn't do this without you, you know? So you go home and lock the door. You go in, and. Hey, honey, I'm home. No answer. And you walk around, you got see, here you go. And one of the kids old bedroom. Because you think you hear something, maybe the cat stuck in there is trying to get out.

06:29:47:13 - 06:30:20:03
You open the door and you're just about to see. Honey, are you in here? There she is with your business partner in the bed, and they're just going at. And she finally notices that you're there, and she looks around. The guy doesn't stop. He's just going in, and you're just about to say, What the fuck? What the fuck?

06:30:20:03 - 06:31:06:20
What the fucking fuck is this? And she says, Oh, God, no, honey, you. I'm sorry. And the guy still going? No, she doesn't tell him to stop and she doesn't move. She grabs onto him, turns her head back to turn red, lets out a huge scream. He just goes all the faster. And so she and he can't speak anymore.

06:31:06:20 - 06:31:50:03
Maybe for a long time we go into a dark and terrible place. You get a gun. You pointed at the guy. Say one fucking word, motherfucker. Say one word and you keep it on his chest all the way until he grabs his clothes and he's running out the door. And then you do that to your wife and your locker outside and you collect upper shit garbage bags because that's what they and you throw it out the window.

06:31:50:23 - 06:32:27:22
So come back, I'll kill you, she sobbed. She wrecked some shit around her. She goes. A neighbor calls a cab. She's gone. Then you've got to start the divorce. The business partner. He was your partner in the business that didn't go broke, you know. So now that means, fuck, that's toast. You're fucked in every way there is in the space of, you know, six or 8 hours.

06:32:27:22 - 06:33:03:20
Now, I tell this long, grisly story because it's a true story. Well, it's more than a true story. It has happened to 100 million guys across the country for millennia around the world, not not the country, but around the world. But this happened to a very close friend of mine with one of my sisters. And he needed help.

06:33:03:20 - 06:33:34:23
He needed a way out. He needed a way up. I wasn't down here at that time. God, I wish if anything, if I would have been I could have I could have given him an exit strategy other than the one he took. And the one he took was to unpack a gun he had in the in the back of the garage.

06:33:34:23 - 06:34:21:15
And and went up to her. She was over to neighbors. She and they were coming over together to get sober things that he had missed. And he said, Hey, honey, what's this? And that was that twitched a few times. She screamed and I miss him. And I ruined the sister's life after that ruined struck. It sparked her life.

06:34:21:23 - 06:34:45:12
Might as well be over. She can do that if she wants. I'll give you the fucking gun now. He took a way out. He needed a way out, and he took the only one he could think of. For all you guys up there in some Western country who has had this happen or some other thing like this happen, or you're just fucking tired of the shit.

06:34:45:12 - 06:35:12:18
You're tired of the politics, you're tired of having mentally retarded, clinically insane people in your politics on both fucking sides. You're tired of trying to go to 7-Eleven to get a fucking thing ice cream. And you got seven punks in there. It almost comes to a goddamn shootout between you and them. You're tired of the road rage. You're tired of the movie circuit.

06:35:12:19 - 06:35:53:18
It cuts you off and then slams his brakes like it was your fault. You're tired of sitting at a red light. Some motherfucker behind you. Lean on that. On you. Tired of cops that have turned into creatures that I never thought really existed in the world except in really bad movies. You go watch Audit the auditors. You won't get through about three episodes and you'll you'll be thinking, Man, what's the exit out of this fucking place?

06:35:53:18 - 06:36:30:10
Audit the auditors. It's, I think the YouTube channel. I can't watch them anymore. They. Cause I've been the victim of them enough times. And most people have. If you haven't, you will be okay. So you want out and you're thinking, how can you get out? That's what these are for, for you, for you guys, the guys out there leading these long, interminable lives of quiet desperation.

06:36:31:12 - 06:37:07:11
Because so many of you are I had periods in my life when I was long periods, like being stuck in some mill job or some dead end goddamn thing. The second. What the hell is this all there is? Really? Well, the bottom line is that these Western countries, America, the UK, Germany, France, kind of a Western country, I guess, you know, fucking frogs Canada.

06:37:08:14 - 06:37:33:07
Those places are almost unknown to the rest of the world, except for occasionally they hear outlandish shit on the news. Okay. When I first went to Southeast Asia, that was the dream of everybody around the world. Oh, my God. If I could only get to America. Oh, my God. Then life would be. Oh, I don't know. It would be just spectacular.

06:37:33:17 - 06:37:58:12
All my troubles would be over. God, I just got to get to America. And so the girls would go through these long, convoluted fucking scams to get into America any way that they could. There was one guy who was Filipino. He was in the Philippines. He met a girl and they dated. I think he spent a year with her in the Philippines.

06:37:59:13 - 06:38:20:19
I think it was a full year with her. Not not none. This long distance shit. Just forget that fucking shit. I'll tell you about that later. But he was physically with her, living with her in the Philippines and they get really, really close. And as I recall, they got married in the Philippines, which is not recognized in the U.S. luckily.

06:38:21:18 - 06:38:52:07
But she that was her dream. She ought to go to the US and he's like, okay, he didn't hate the U.S. and he said, okay, let's get you a visa. Well, it seemed like a few weeks and months, but your papers pay some money. No, no. To get into the U.S. for a third world country person, is like Nightmare from Fucking Elm Street is going to take you pretty close to a year.

06:38:52:21 - 06:39:20:11
You jump through all the hoops correctly. People when he's going to cost you a shitload of fucking money. Maybe five grand. Three or five grand, probably. It's going to take you a year. It's tough. So anyway, he did it and she stuck with him and they were happy and he did it jump through every hoop and he did it and got the visa and she's like, okay, I need to clean up my fears here.

06:39:20:17 - 06:39:44:04
And then we're going to America. And he said, Yep, baby, rock and roll. We're going start a new life, go to America, get married. So he he had gotten her a what do you call it a was it's like that 90 day marriage show or whatever the fuck it was. So she from the moment she checked into the US, he had 90 days, I believe, to marry her or she had to get out.

06:39:44:14 - 06:40:01:07
Okay. And the rock, they already been together a year. They, you know, they know every but each other, bad habits. They know that this is okay, it's going to work. So he said, okay, I'm going to ahead and go first. I'm going to get a house and get set up a house and I'm going to get everything set up for you.

06:40:02:08 - 06:40:36:09
God, honey, we're going to be so motherfucking happy. And she's like, Baby. And it came time today for her flight to arrive at Emerald City. That's a true story. And he went to the airport and he waited for her at whatever place she was going to get out. You know, you can't go into the into the real terminals anymore.

06:40:36:09 - 06:41:03:14
You get to wait outside until they clear customs and get. I don't even think you can go in and help him with his luggage. I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, he needed that. He waited here and the plane got out, let off and everybody came out and he waited and waited. Waited. We didn't see her considered in here, but how could he of Mr. how and it's so he's they have a contact number to set up and he starts calling that no answer no answer and he thinks oh my god.

06:41:03:14 - 06:41:28:01
Well there's been terrible fucking state because she called him when she's getting on the plane, you know, she, he knew she's getting on the plane. Flight was correct. You know, the flight had arrived. It's a flight number. Everything correct. And he finally went to the airlines and said, hey, I got a problem. I'm missing my fiancee. My actually my wife slash fiancee, you know, and they're like, okay, sir, let's take a look.

06:41:28:01 - 06:41:48:16
And they did. And she was on the plane. She's on a fucking plane. Everybody's off the plane. You know, nobody hide in the seat. Nobody in the in the bathroom. And you think and well, how can that be? She walks off the airplane and then she slips into another dimension What the fuck is this shit? And he's sitting there thinking, think and think and trying to imagine where the hell she could be.

06:41:49:04 - 06:42:16:10
No call, no nothing. She won't answer. And then he remembers. He's thinking, Well, the people are getting off the plane. There was a big commotion when the plane when the plane was about half deplaned, there was a big commotion right right there where the people were coming off as close as he could get to it. And it was like eight or ten people.

06:42:16:10 - 06:42:42:20
They just crowded around some long lost loved one oh, we missed you so much. How are you? He didn't think anything about some long lost loved one. And then they whoever that person was, they them off, you know, big crowd of people laugh and joke and loud, boisterous. And then he got it. Not sure. She never had any intention of meeting him in the US.

06:42:43:13 - 06:43:11:00
This whole fucking thing, this whole of time and love and sex. And I love you for a fucking year just to get the visa into the US once in she can change her name. She had a whole Filipino network up there. They can get her the papers. Everything she's in probably hated guy probably threw up every time she fucked him.

06:43:11:00 - 06:43:56:21
Okay. Know, you think that's an unusual story? No. So happens here in an American already. Then all tapes are copyright 2023 by stock folders worldwide dot com or you can go see or the crazy podcast the alien anal probe dot com and if you're too Victorian to type that and then you type in they claim dot com or host of other websites out to but that's a good that sounds generic you know if you're if you're sitting somewhere coffee shop or on the bus or some fucking thing and you don't want to type in Alien because it looks like a porno before we get the it was a porn site so you know just just

06:43:56:21 - 06:44:21:17
go to the claim dot com it's really simple we were pushing 300 podcast podcasts on that thing over many years. And, you know, they talk about aliens and I swear a lot. And we, you know, we explore a lot of cases where they're probing and stuff like that. And it was pretty disgusting. But in the end, we tried to figure out if the aliens are real.

06:44:21:17 - 06:44:52:07
So, you know, if you're any interest in reading about humans being probed by some people live for that shit. Okay, go there. They're an alien anal probe dot com or they claim to know now they said this is podcast number five in the first four the Southeast Asian series. I did a lot of groundwork, a lot set up a lot of foundation as to why I left and why you might be thinking about leaving also.

06:44:53:14 - 06:45:17:14
And then I sort of getting a head on over to the point where I got on the plane and I flew to Bangkok and messed around Bangkok and felt pretty lost and fucked up and wondered what the hell I done. And then the podcast ended. And then between then and the next podcast, a bunch of people wrote in.

06:45:17:14 - 06:45:44:11
They said, Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stop, stop Jada's great. Okay. And what they destroyed. Have you ever read one of those books? Let's see. Something. Something for dummies. You know, programing for dummies or word for dummies or sex. Excuse me? For dummies or, you know, whatever. Really probing, really anal probing for dummies, you know, whatever the whole series of I don't know if they're all by the same company.

06:45:44:11 - 06:46:07:21
They probably are. And when those first came out later, oh, my God, that is fucking brilliant. These are the most brilliant people on the face of the earth. Because when I try to figure out how to do something, I'll go look around, look around, look around. And in the tutorials and the instructions, they all assume some level of pre knowledge that I don't book now because I am a dummy like Premiere Pro.

06:46:07:21 - 06:46:44:00
Oh, that fucking thing. It's the video editor from a dude. Oh God. So I started buying those books. I don't know, but we'll know. And maybe I wanted to learn how to grow tomatoes for dummies, you know, for starters, because I can't do it. What happens every time in my entire life I've never grown seem to me a god knows I could drive a hard thing Good.

06:46:44:00 - 06:47:07:01
So I start reading, you know how to grow. Tamales for Dummies in the first paragraph was Fuck, I never knew that. Oh my God, that's brilliant. Oh, I wish I would have known that 25 years ago. You know, like that second paragraph. Oh, my God. That's. It's so clear and it's so simple. Oh Thank you, dear author. Oh, you saved my tomato life, you know?

06:47:08:00 - 06:47:40:16
And then by about the fourth or fifth paragraph, suddenly it takes this leap. It just runs off the rails, and you have no goddamn clue what they're talking about. And you never do again. For the whole rest of the book. And you say, Wonderful. Well, I got five good, pure Russian, the rest of us fucking crap. Okay. I think that is because the authors, the writers know about the subject and you can't do that if you're going to teach.

06:47:41:22 - 06:48:04:18
No, no, no, no. You're going cannot teach somebody if you're going to help someone learn how to do something. You can't know about that either. You can't know anything. Okay. So I would be the ideal teacher for Premiere Pro. I can barely do anything. I can produce these podcasts in that fucking, you know, in the old, old days I was really, really good.

06:48:04:18 - 06:48:33:12
I made a lot of really high end. There's a couple of them on this on the stock photos worldwide dot com and then I got off of premiere for god I 15 years 18 years or more 20 years earlier I don't know and they changed the whole goddamn thing the whole it's like every three months they rebuild the whole goddamn map and you and you and you go to try to do things and you can't anymore because they've changed it.

06:48:33:12 - 06:49:03:03
Okay. So after 20 years of of a rebuild, every three months, you have no fucking clue what that app is about. So that's where I'm at. But if you want to learn Premiere Pro, you me because I don't know anything. So I would have to explore it piece by piece and step by step and click. I click and I would have to show you, okay, let's see, I want to do this, I want to do this to my video, so therefore I wanna fuck would I do that?

06:49:03:03 - 06:49:38:02
Because they don't make it clear at all and I would have to just try it and it might take me 4 hours to figure out how to do something. That's one click. Okay. But when I figured it out, you would figure out because we would think the same way, not knowing anything. Okay, so in this podcast, here's the problem I know about Southeast.

06:49:38:02 - 06:49:52:19
I know how to get there. I know what's there when you get there. So I'm doing these podcasts from that, from the position that I already know. So I'm skipping shit and people are saying, No, no, no, no, wait, wait, look, I go, You lost me, you lost me. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Okay.

06:49:52:19 - 06:50:18:09
Okay. So that's where we're that's exactly where we're at. So I to start sort of again with every detail, every little bit beast, okay? You got to get up in the morning and then you got to tie your shoes. Oh, no, I don't understand. You skipped a step. What the hell are you talking about? Oh, okay. Okay, okay.

06:50:18:09 - 06:50:47:22
Go back. Go back to back. Simple, simple for dummies. For dummies. For Dummies. Because I'm a dummy. Actually, you wake up in the morning. And then what do you do when you open your eyes? Oh, okay. You open your eyes. Number two, you look at the clock, you see, if you overslept by 4 hours, you know, okay, number three, you look around, see if there's anything monsters or snakes or anything in your room, okay?

06:50:47:22 - 06:51:20:16
No monsters or snakes. Okay, so we sit up a little bit. If we had to a little bit to see two speeds. Okay, then you swing your legs down. So I sat there for a minute, wait for the world to come back into view. You know, and then we stand up and there and then you walk over and you open the door, and then you go through the door and then you walk around, you go to the bathroom, and then you do whatever the hell God knows you're going to do in there.

06:51:20:16 - 06:51:49:20
Okay. So that's it has to be that detailed because if you're if you're sitting there, you just cut your wife with your fucking business partner really high chance that either happened already or it's going to happen very soon. Very often, the ones you least suspect has my respect for women in my trust of women deteriorated over the years.

06:51:49:20 - 06:52:25:02
Oh My fucking god, it is plummeted down to right around where they found the debris of the Titanic. Okay, but that really disturbing thing is that my love for him hasn't hasn't diminished a bit. That's really a bad, bad, bad combination, you know, it's stupid. Are you that far? You got a little. I should respect a good one beyond my own life.

06:52:26:11 - 06:52:51:08
You easily give me a good one. I'll give her my heart. That would be the smallest thing I could give her. I could give her my life. I could give her my soul. But I can't try to get her. And I'm kind of at the point where I, you know, okay, maybe they exist somewhere, you know, some Serbian village in Hungary.

06:52:52:07 - 06:53:27:07
But I never found no one that I did find. That's a problem. That's my problem. I found one was with her almost 40 years and then she's gone doing and so I won't want that good again and they exist. I know they exist because she didn't she existed. So you're sitting there and you're pushing up towards retirement age and God, you want out.

06:53:27:07 - 06:53:54:15
You just want to for whatever reason, everybody's got their own reasons and you got two problems. You're thinking, number one, how the hell can I afford it? How can I afford to go anywhere else? You know? And number two, where would I go? Let's see. You got the money. So you get some retirement, you get some investments, you can sell the house, get a mil, you know, where would you go?

06:53:54:15 - 06:54:23:01
You don't know because it's all scary. It's all alien, it's all okay. So that's where it so first thing you're going to do if you're in that situation, you got to decide, do you really have the balls to go? Do you okay? In my case, it was pretty easy because my wife died in. She kicked me in the ass, said, get the fuck you, go do something.

06:54:23:01 - 06:54:51:18
I had been living with with her for 40 years in locations, in environments I didn't like. And she knew it. We stayed there for her career and I was in a state of quiet desperation just from that. So after she's gone, I swear to God, I swear is true. I'm not a big woo woo person at all. Not at all.

06:54:51:19 - 06:55:15:01
I'm nuts and bolts, meat and potatoes, but she kicked me in the ass. She said, Get the fuck out. Just get on a fucking plane. Just get out that money. That was my problem. So that problem solve for me. If you don't have somebody doing that from the great beyond, then you got to come up with the impetus yourself.

06:55:16:07 - 06:55:33:06
You got to kick your own self in the ass and hopefully these tapes you're going to make it easier for you. The second thing you're going to do, if you got that, if you if you're going if you know you're going, you don't know where. If you know you're fucking going and you got a way to afford it, maybe you can afford it.

06:55:33:06 - 06:55:54:08
You don't think. You can afford it, but you can afford it. I'll help you flesh that out. Second thing you're going to do is figure out where where are you going to go? You can go online and you can you can Google what's a best place to retire and you get you're going to get a thousand examples in a lot of conflict.

06:55:55:02 - 06:56:16:00
A lot of them are outdated. A lot of them were written by tourists who went someplace for a goddamn week and they say, Oh, this is fucking great. Oh, yeah, you can retire here. Oh, I love it. I love it, I love it. Okay. Very, very few of those places were written by people who lived there ten goddamn years and they just don't know shit.

06:56:16:00 - 06:56:38:18
They're just writing shit, trying to get hits on, on the Internet, on YouTube, whatever the fuck. They don't know anything. So you read all that shit, you listen to all that shit, you watch it and you're like, What? What, what? And after two or three weeks of that kind of research, you're like, Oh my God, I. I still have no more clue now than I did three weeks ago.

06:56:38:18 - 06:57:05:04
I get no clue that this country might be good, this country might be bad this year. And then I read this, and then other people see that. Well, can you. Oh, okay. Some of them, of course. Well, I know they're going to say one of the most common destinations that are recommended. You just go to the next website and it's going to be all different ones recommended in different orders for different reasons.

06:57:05:04 - 06:57:29:06
All I can do is tell you about places I know about. So that's what we're doing. If you want to go to Brazil, I can't help you. I don't know. I read a lot about all kinds of South American destinations, and I think you're to get if you go looking, you're going to get conflicting shit. And nobody really knows until they've lived there a long time.

06:57:29:06 - 06:57:56:07
I would say minimum. You can't really talk about a place until you've been there a minimum 3 to 5 years. You can't be any kind of an authority on something. You just you're just parroting shit that you read somewhere else, you know? So let's say you're not opposed to Southeast Asia. Okay, okay. You're there. You got you got the money, you got the finances.

06:57:56:07 - 06:58:33:17
Figure out figure it out. You know, you will figure out to find out as soon you got the you got the motivation cause you really didn't like that scene with your wife in your and your business partner know that was pretty fucking lonely so you you heart has made the decision you want to you're scared, okay? You. So if you made that decision and you think there might be a way to afford it, what do you think about selfish?

06:58:33:17 - 06:59:13:10
Do you have you ever had any interest in Asian Southeast Asian culture? Okay, if you think maybe you want to go to Southeast Asia, what country are you going to go? Because there's a shitload of countries there over in the mainland and they're around and you know, the Philippines is an island and stuff like that. But at the mainland part of Southeast Asia is where you get Laos, Myanmar, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar.

06:59:14:00 - 06:59:42:09
I mean, no, Malaysia, Singapore. You have a lot of choices and you can go further out from there and and get other choices too. I do not recommend anything really, particularly down South Pacific, for a whole long litany of reasons. Southeast Asia is a good starting place if you're there in Southeast Asia for a while and you don't like it.

06:59:42:09 - 07:00:07:12
And you know, I always had a hankering for the South Pacific or take some trips because it's not far from Southeast Asia. You know, take some take some hops down there, look around and chances are very, very, very fucking high. You want to settle in a South Pacific? Okay. So in Southeast Asia, I've lived in most of the countries, not all.

07:00:07:12 - 07:00:43:08
My biggest span of experience was in Thailand. And even even when I was living in other countries, I still kept my place in Thailand. So if that didn't work out, I could go back easily. Just go back, you know, just walk back into my condo home. So what I'm going to do is concentrate mostly on Thailand and then at some point or really start sharpening the pencil on this thing, I'm going to tell you everything I know about every country that I spent time in in Southeast Asia.

07:00:44:01 - 07:01:19:05
But for the time being, we're going to we're going to focus on Thailand, because Thailand kind of sort of is the quintessential old heart of Southeast Asia. All the countries are different, some in big ways, all of them in subtle ways. Languages are all different. The customs are all different. All of them are going to be like going from Earth to Pluto for for any Westerner.

07:01:21:00 - 07:01:43:07
If you visited Southeast Asia for a week or a month or something like that, a couple of months even, you think you know about Southeast Asia? You know, you don't you get a taste of it, that's all. And you heard some stories and expat experts tell you, you know, those federal brokered bridge that the Brits are not will like in Southeast Asia anymore.

07:01:43:21 - 07:02:11:11
I'm sorry they've worn out their welcome. They just and I'm not going to go bashing but I could I won't really have anything to do with them any more to any bad. Do they have any good experiences with Brits? No, no one. And you got to remember also that the the strata of Brits coming to Southeast Asia are the normal British people.

07:02:11:22 - 07:02:53:02
They come from certain areas. So England mostly well, almost always England itself. They consist almost completely of what we call sex patch, not patch sex pets. So Americans do that shit too, in other countries and Germans and whatever it. I'm not going to go I'm going to bash them later. I'm not going to mention. No. Okay. So let's say let's say you're ready to go.

07:02:53:02 - 07:03:20:12
You got the you kind of got the finances figured out. The decision is in your heart to go. You're not sure where to go. Let's just say Thailand. If you really are afraid of a place that's pretty exotic, you go to Philippines, that's a halfway house. Like I said before, that's halfway between Western culture and South East Asian culture.

07:03:20:12 - 07:03:53:08
It's very Americanized, very westernized, which to me ruins. I don't like that. I, I, I left America not to go find another half America. I left America to get the fuck out of America and the whole Western culture. I don't want it don't need like want out of it. So you go to Philippines and it's way too westernized for me and I and that's, that's I'm here right now.

07:03:54:05 - 07:04:32:15
Been here a while. I don't know. I'll stay. I don't miss Thailand. Certainly Cambodia. That's fucked up. Cambodia's rough. It's motherfucking rough all the time. I was in Cambodia and every time I went to Cambodia, I learned I carried a brick. Because you're not allowed to have weapons of any kind. God knows you fucking need them, but a lot of guys, a lot of older expats, they will carry a golf club and know, keep a couple of balls in their pocket and they just walk around the golf club.

07:04:33:02 - 07:04:53:22
So when when not if, when they get mugged, they swing. That motherfucker knocked about doing fucking hit off and the cops say, what are you what are you carrying this thing around for? You're not supposed to have a weapon. And they said, Well, it is not a weapon, sir. I like to put my golf balls once in a while.

07:04:54:17 - 07:05:34:01
I go over here in this grass I total and I put over there and that's just my hobby. A golfer, you look like it's a lot. Look Cambodia's wide open. It's backwards fucked up virtually communist dictatorship they'll tell you they shut down the last remaining newspaper years ago because the government didn't like what it was saying. I talked to a guy a long time ago and said, What's been your experience here in Cambodia?

07:05:34:01 - 07:06:05:02
And he said, Well, fuck, you know, people say It's rough and all the shit and I haven't really experienced it. You know, I, I only know of one guy who was kidnaped, you know, it doesn't happen all the like, oh, we got the monsoons going, so love the fucking monsoon. I'm sorry. I do. Okay, so let's. We're going to concentrate on time then we're going to we're going to do we're going to do all these examples and step by step about, Thailand.

07:06:05:02 - 07:06:33:20
I don't recommend Thailand anymore just because you did. I did it. I did it backwards and forwards every way possible to do it. I've done done. There's nothing more new I can do in Thailand. And you think about that for a minute and we're going to get into that. We're going to get into stuff that would make the LGBTQ crowd blush and hide their faces and probably cry.

07:06:35:13 - 07:07:00:10
I mean, seriously, it's going to get fucking nasty. That's why there's probably no way these could ever go on YouTube. I'm sure they wouldn't last minutes. Fucking flag off with snowflakes and Victorian little princesses and shit like that. So anyway, don't worry, we're going to cover it. I know you guys. I don't know, you horny bastard. You sitting there, sitting there you're thinking, oh my goodness, are girls in Southeast Asia?

07:07:00:10 - 07:07:25:09
Is there? Girls in Thailand? I heard some shit. I heard some shit. Whatever you heard to get times 30. And that's why I don't you know, my friends used to say, hey, tell us about Thailand. What do you do on a night start to tell them? And it's a come on, really, we're not that stupid. That shit cannot happen in real life.

07:07:25:09 - 07:07:45:17
I say, okay, you don't fucking ask me, you know, you don't want to know that God goddamn fact in the truth. Don't ask me because that's all I know. I had stopped writing because I couldn't mix it up. I could. Only nonfiction really broke my heart. And this is nonfiction. I can't do fiction. I wish could got away.

07:07:45:23 - 07:08:14:04
I tried I tried a couple of fiction books. They're okay. They sold for a while, but nothing like the nonfiction, you know. Okay, so you made your decision. You're going to leave. You just don't know when or where. Okay, that's the point you're at. That's what I promised. It's not because I fucked around for four episodes and not really gotten to that to the meat, you know, to the protein.

07:08:14:04 - 07:08:31:02
Let's say you're going to Thailand, okay? First thing you're going to do, whether you will, regardless of what Western country are and I've mentioned this before, you're going to go on the Thai embassy website. I know this was just and those were in New York. I don't know what other cities they're in. Probably several. I'm not even sure.

07:08:31:03 - 07:08:58:09
Doesn't matter. And you're going to download the forms PDFs, probably download application for visa in Thailand, tourist visa. You can fill it out and then you can see what other documents they require. It's going to be your passport and who knows about you. You know, these days it's going to be a covered certificate. Shit like that. I don't know what all they ask for anymore.

07:08:58:09 - 07:09:23:05
They change it all the goddamn time. And half the time they want, you know, 11 documents, but they don't care about any of them except four of, you know. But anyway, you got to send them all in just to be sure. So you get your passport, and incidentally, you're going to send your passport via a courier, a, you know, like express signature record.

07:09:23:09 - 07:09:40:15
I don't fucking do that. And after that, do not give your passport to any one ever. I don't care. The police want it. They say, okay, we're going to take and hold it for a few days. You got to rent a car. They want to hold your passport. Fuck them. No, walk away. They hold copy of your passport.

07:09:40:18 - 07:09:59:02
Don't give your passport to anyone ever, ever, ever got. I had a deal in Bangkok. I was trying to do some goddamn thing and immigrations up there said, well, you know, just send a courier up here with your passport. And I said, Look, I got fucking hell. I don't know, I don't want to do that. I know guys sort of them.

07:09:59:03 - 07:10:24:05
No, I don't want to do that. Oh, my God. We are professionals. We do this every day. You know, they're saying in Thai and we've never lost a passport, you know, a fucking pussy. Are you? That was their attitude that God, I held out for a couple of weeks. And finally, the only way I didn't want to make the trip to Bangkok, it was a long goddamn trip, miserable and had to do it by appointment and it was just fucked up short.

07:10:24:07 - 07:10:50:16
Okay. Okay, okay. Okay. Go. Don't, please, please, please don't fucking lose this. And I sent it in. Of course they lost it. And when you're out of the U.S. or out of out of your home country to get a new passport is oh, yeah, it's really a lot of fun. Really all fun. So anyway, send it to the embassy like courier signature required and then they're going to your stuff.

07:10:50:16 - 07:11:16:13
You can if you're going to Thailand, you can get slower, faster. What are you looking for? Fast. Probably everything is going to cost 80 bucks, something like that. That's not going to be to it. And then if you know all your eyes are dotted ts crossed in a week or however long it comes back, your passport, your stamp in there, you ask for the longest visa.

07:11:16:13 - 07:11:34:16
They will give you a lot of times on the forms. They will say, Well, how long do you want this visa for? One month, two, six months, one year. You know, whatever it is like. Well, oh, well, one year when your sounds good and you and you check that box and you get it back and it's for one month or two months, you know, going to give you what they want.

07:11:35:03 - 07:12:03:17
But I think it's pretty standard now. They're going to give you two months, so you get it back and you have to use it within a certain period of time. I got one out of there that think I had to use it within like six months. It was a really long time and I did something out of Romania that was out about and they gave you like three months, you had to use it within three months.

07:12:04:22 - 07:12:40:23
Some places will give you like 15 days, some countries, some embassies, 15 days. You got to use this 50 or 30 days or you got to fucking start over you. Jesus Christ. Basically, the people making up these laws and rules, they are monkeys wearing pants. Monkeys wearing pants., it's I got it. I Got a website. Don't make monkeys wearing pants because that's that's the logic that they're using when they're making up these immigration shit laws and rules.

07:12:41:06 - 07:13:06:07
Jesus Christ, the old Arabian insane. But the US procedures were really as insane or more insane. So don't start bashing the country because the immigration laws are insane because they are in the U.S. do probably more so. Almost certainly more so. Okay. So you've set your passport in and wonder of wonders. You go back and you're going to be stamping your passport and there's going to be some paperwork with it and you're good to go.

07:13:07:12 - 07:13:31:14
Once you've got that turkey, you're looking for a flight to Bangkok. The only place you want to start is Bangkok. Unless you have some specific reason, you know, to go to, you know, crooked or some dancing with a place I hate, I loathed, detested, I, I stopped going there. Bangkok You can go everywhere from Bangkok for 40 bucks.

07:13:31:14 - 07:14:12:17
You know, you just go to fucking Bangkok when you go looking for a flight. You got, you got Expedia, you got all these different places that book flights for you there. Okay? Mostly they're okay. The airlines got to go directly to the airline websites, too. That's okay. So a lot of times the interfaces, the Web interfaces are not nearly as smooth as one of the, you know, one of the high end booking sites.

07:14:12:17 - 07:14:43:13
But don't be surprised if you have trouble with one of the booking sites. They don't like certain credit cards and they don't like this and they don't like that. And you got to be once be careful about reading the fine print because they will fuck you if they can. Oh, God, they're terrible. They're because I scammers, these booking sites, all of them have to be really, really careful.

07:14:43:18 - 07:15:17:13
Hopefully have a friend proofread the thing before you click the box. It used to be you could get directs from western U.S. into Bangkok. Those were curtailed. I don't know if I'll ever come back. I don't know those. Those were pretty good. Those are nice. Most of the time you're going to transfer somewhere. You usually have a choice of where you're going to transfer the rates.

07:15:17:13 - 07:15:50:06
And the figures are going to vary wildly, wildly. Now, here's a tip. You go on to one of these booking sites and you look at a flight, you know, let's say L.A. to, you know, Bangkok in the is x, let's say it's $1,000 problem. When I went down the first time, it was like 400, let's say $2,000 just for for argument.

07:15:50:06 - 07:16:16:16
For example. And you think, well, God, I don't know, that's the lowest price, $1,000. I don't know. I mean, even credit cheaper when say you go over to Expedia and you look around and those are 1100 dollars and you think, Oh, fuck, what the fucking fuck? What? Oh, God, no, I better get back to booking Dot because it was only $4,000 and now it's 1399.

07:16:17:04 - 07:16:53:11
Okay, they harvest your IP address and when they see you're looking around and you didn't buy your IP address goes into the database and there's an algorithm like there is for every goddamn fucking thing. No, probably an algorithm for sex. No, I don't know. Well, actually, there is a a and when you go back to booking, it's 1399, you think what the fuck.

07:16:53:11 - 07:17:13:16
You know, 15 minutes ago it was good, a thousand know what. And you think Oh fuck, that's too much, what the hell. And so then you want to go to another one, you try to get 10,000 again and you go over there and that's 1500. We, we, we didn't. And then you're always thinking a good goddamn 1100 nervousness not so bad on Expedia.

07:17:13:16 - 07:17:46:01
And you go back there. Well now that one's 1449 in India. Okay. And they keep it up, creeping up, creep it up. And what they're trying to do is make you panic and just fucking buy. Just stop the bullshit. Just fucking buy one, okay? That's what they want you to do. Okay? A lot of times you can circumvent that with a VPN, so you hook up your VPN and you get a server out of, you know, Chicago, so it doesn't even look like you anymore.

07:17:46:01 - 07:18:19:08
And you go back to booking. Well, $2,000 again. But this fucking pilot you really, really got. Yeah, I'm sure you get the dates. Correct. I had a deal one time. I wanted to leave on where the was. Okay, I want to leave like turkey something. I was going to hop into Turkey. I want to leave Turkey on on a on a on a January 26th, I think.

07:18:19:08 - 07:18:50:05
Okay, let's just say that. And so I went into booking and I found the flight good flight, good price, everything I want to. Good, good, good. But January 26. No problem. Good to go. Made all my arrangements and told everybody goodbye. Getting ready to go. And I just happened to look at the printout. What a fucking fuck. The flight was February 26th.

07:18:50:05 - 07:19:15:08
How in God's name can this happen? Okay, here's what happens on some of these flights. You will look for a flight with certain criteria for January 20 and it will give you a bunch of results. And if like, okay, that one looks good, that's a good price. That's everything I want. Good. See everything you bought. Well, what, what happened was, unbeknownst to you, was they didn't have everything you wanted for January 26.

07:19:15:21 - 07:19:39:02
So they're showing you alternatives. They only had a flight with everything you wanted on February 26th, and so they automatically bumped the motherfucking date. And I didn't notice it. That's why I'm telling you, get everybody, you know, to proofread that and make sure it sounds right because they will treat you okay. I had a hell of a time getting that money back.

07:19:39:02 - 07:20:00:12
It took me months, took me months to get that back. I did. But I that was that was like a 12 1300 dollar good inflate month to get that back. Well, actually, I didn't willingly get it back. I had to file a chargeback on it. So just don't do that. Just be more careful than I tend to be.

07:20:01:09 - 07:20:24:04
Sometimes I, I was really careful about so even ships at sea but you know when something simple like booking a flight. I didn't realize you got to be a goddamn scientist. Well, you do now. You got to get down there, scientist, and you got to have a panel and a team, you know? So be really, really fucking careful, okay?

07:20:25:03 - 07:20:46:10
You're going to pay whatever you have to pay to get a refundable ticket because you might want to change it. They might change it in some way that's not covered. And or they're going to say, well, sorry, we're cancel your ticket. You're going to say, okay, I want my money back initially. Well, you know, this particular event, this is not covered in that policy.

07:20:46:13 - 07:21:09:17
I'm sorry. You got to buy another ticket and you're fucked. You've lost that grant or whatever. So get the one. It's going to cost you two or 300 bucks extra. Even if you don't need it. It just takes off the stress. You're going to be stressed enough. Believe me, when I first went to Thailand, most of my hair fill up.

07:21:10:17 - 07:21:38:13
I mean, I don't got a lot, but I had fucking sell out over the course of two months because it was a stress. Stress like that. Oh, fuck. I'm going to be bald. Always. Well, no, I am kind of. But in those days, I still had a lot of hair and it was gone. And then finally after I started, you know, getting my wherewithal down there, stress went down and the hair grew back.

07:21:38:23 - 07:22:02:13
But your stress levels are going to be probably the highest stress levels you've ever had in your life. Oh, down there, no matter how you go, no matter how much money you stress level, everything breathing itself is going to be alien in form. It's stressful going to the bathroom. Well, actually, I'm not exaggerating there. That's going to be really fucking stressful.

07:22:02:16 - 07:22:33:10
We'll talk about that later. Somebody in the notes to remind me to tell you about squat toilets. Oh, they're so much fun. They're so fucking. Okay, so you're going to get the the refundable ticket. Okay. Now, I've told you before, really, really careful about the type of aircraft son of a bitch, because this ain't no three hour fucking Gilligan's cruise.

07:22:33:10 - 07:22:56:21
You know, this is going to be 12 to 14 hours if you if you have headwinds, it might be longer. If you're doing good. Well, okay. For the biggest leg, it's going to be a minimum 10 hours going to Taiwan or Hong Kong. Something like that is going to be fucking or well, Philippines, it's going to be 12 to 14 hours.

07:22:57:03 - 07:23:15:21
A lot of times you'll you'll, you'll, you'll bump, you know, from Philippines you've got to go to Philippines and then to Bangkok like that you're from Manila. To Bangkok is like three and a half hours and like it's nice flight, it's easy. You know, you can do that standing on your head. You can't do that. Fucking 14 or stand on your head.

07:23:16:05 - 07:23:36:22
You going to have a comfortable seat. If you got a lot of money to pay for the best seat you can get, period. You go, you can go business, you can go business. Fucking do it well even, though I've seen I've seen business class seats go for like 7 to 12 grand on that flight from West coast to Bangkok.

07:23:36:22 - 07:24:28:19
7 to 12 fucking thousand dollars. Maybe that's not worth it. If you got money to burn. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Do do it. Do it. If you don't, then you go to research sheets and you got to researching carefully. First you got to research aircraft. What kind of aircraft has nice seat some do some of them put you in a goddamn fucking folder picnic goddamn chair older indescribably bad even if you get a a good quote unquote good seat on that aircraft, the best ones are fucked on a good aircraft like a747.

07:24:29:19 - 07:24:53:10
All the seats are good. You want to live on one of those. Thank God. I think I did a couple of flights on those. Oh, fucking load them. Even the bad seats. Oh, son of a bitch. They were nice. And then some other ones. I came out of the Netherlands on two flights of the Netherlands that were like, Oh, I don't remember what the aircraft were, but they certainly seven for sales.

07:24:53:10 - 07:25:29:06
But God, they were fucking nice. Oh, really relaxing to take toilet paper with you. You're not going to find any in public places really anywhere in Southeast Asia. They won't put it out there because the people still take toilet paper. A lot of it take those moistened baby wipes and take them with some experience. You can put those in your suitcase, put them in your carry on.

07:25:29:06 - 07:25:50:01
And if you if you can do it, only thing you want to carry on, you don't want to check a bag, really trust. Me you don't. If you don't have to put your valuable stuff in your carry on, keep it with you, ship your clothing. It's like it's the cheapest thing you can ship put cheap insurance on it.

07:25:50:01 - 07:26:23:00
You can arrange it so that it goes to like it got a FedEx, but because DHL is big in Thailand, FedEx is there. I don't think UPS's there. I can't remember. Arrange it so that your box can go to one of their facilities and be held there for, you know, 30 days, whatever. And then you just go and pick it up.

07:26:23:00 - 07:26:50:17
You don't have to have it shipped to any particular address, don't have it sent to a hotel that they'll either lose it or they'll steal equal chance of. Either lose steel, you know, kind of the same thing, get some amount of insurance on it. And market is just clothing. Can you use the regular post? No, no, no, no, no.

07:26:50:17 - 07:27:08:00
Not into Thailand. In some countries you can. In Thailand, you cannot they will steal it. I lost when I first got there, I was I was having a bunch of stuff shipped down to me. Once I decided I was going to stay there for a while. I had a bunch of stuff. I had six big cartons of personal belongings, good stuff, good stuff.

07:27:08:13 - 07:27:42:11
Electronics and cameras and clothing. And they all shipped one at a time, most of them from different U.S. coast ports. But U.S. mail all lost. Everyone lost because the Thais will steal. I'm to tell you about airplane. They stole at some point, but they steal every possible thing, every thing, even U.S.. I mean, even Thai, customs, they'll steal it.

07:27:43:09 - 07:28:07:02
If they think there's something valuable in there, they will either outright steal it. Even if you get tracking, you can track it to their and no further and it disappears. And pretty soon it's in the home of some guy who works in customs in Bangkok at the airport, they get three or four websites about that. It's beyond anything you can imagine.

07:28:07:16 - 07:28:40:00
Shipping anything out is almost as bad. They just deal with its delivery guys, steal Filipinos, scam Thais predominantly steal. They also scam Filipinos steal and scam. They scam too much degree than Thailand or maybe any country I've ever been in. If you're really worried about if you got really valuable clothes or something like that. Okay, here's, here's what you do.

07:28:41:10 - 07:29:11:18
You have it shipped to Singapore to a holding station in Singapore, Singapore, Hong Kong and Phuket. Steal anything. Singapore is take run ship Singapore nice expensive really, really expensive. But they're not just doing clothing. So we have it shipped to a holding place in Singapore. It's from from Manila. Well well from even from Bangkok to Singapore. It's like 60 bucks or some fucking thing, you know.

07:29:11:18 - 07:29:46:07
So 2 hours, I don't know. It's just now except for that one plane that was coming go north out of Singapore and they got vectored into a thundercloud and lost in puke in the ocean. You know, I had on that exact plane, on the exact plane, an exact route like a week or ten days before that happened. And that's another thing, depending on the time of year, you're going to be quite alarmed if you come in in the daytime to Southeast Asia, you're going to be quite alarmed.

07:29:46:07 - 07:30:11:15
You're going to be at, you know, 33, 35,000 feet, and you're going to have cumulus thunderheads all around you. We look like 20,000 feet above the fold. They're really, really impressive. And you can't get over them. So you're going to fly them, fly through them, you'll die, but you can flood between them. So the flights are going to be constantly weaving left and right and around them.

07:30:11:15 - 07:30:32:03
And oh, I see a little gap over there. Okay, let's shoot through their you know they're constantly being vectored by Senator. That was the problem with that I think it was a multi billion Malaysian air not a Singapore they they wanted a vector around a thunderhead and center was just a well maybe I don't know we're going to think about it we're going to talk about here.

07:30:32:06 - 07:30:55:03
And they said, no, no, no, no, no, no. We need a vector. Right fucking now, right now, right now, right now. We said, well, hang on, you know, just wait. And they couldn't get clearance to deviate from the course. And so they flew through and lost the aircraft. No, that wasn't Malaysian Air. That was so that was a Thai Airways flight, if you remember the name of a really nice little tight airline that's usually really.

07:30:55:03 - 07:31:26:11
But anyway, so flying into Southeast Asia is going to be depending on the day. It could be a shocking. Okay, so you got your carry on. Hopefully you don't have a check in, but if you do, you do watch the weights. They're going to fuck you on the way if they can, if there's any possible way that they can that they can declare your your check in overweight a pound, you're going to pee through the urethra.

07:31:27:05 - 07:31:55:18
Okay? It's going to hurt. It's going to be probably minimum 200 books per big motion. You want to either stay with the same airlines or you're going to where are we going to transfer? Let's see. It's Hong Kong or Taiwan or whatever. Try really, really, really hard to either stay with the same airline or if you can't do that, which is pretty common.

07:31:55:18 - 07:32:18:13
Be sure to choose a route where the first airline has a deal with the second airline, and there's a term for that deal and I can't remember what it is anyway. They will guarantee to pass your luggage through so you don't have to go get it and then recheck it at your hub point. Oh my God, you want to do that?

07:32:18:13 - 07:32:40:05
It's pretty easy to do that. It's not a hard thing to arrange it in a populated part of the world. You can pretty always find that arrangement. I was in Eastern Europe last year and there weren't too many deals like that. I was always having to go get my fucking baggage off the first half of this flight to check in through the next one.

07:32:40:05 - 07:33:00:22
And sometimes the next flight had already left like an hour before and shit like that. It was, don't do it, just don't do it. Just don't do it unless. Well, yeah, no. So that's why even if you only have carry on, you can do that to an extent because you're just going to pick up your carry on and you're going to sprint to the next flight.

07:33:00:22 - 07:33:27:07
You know, sometimes they give you no more than an hour in a huge like like where the fuck was I? I can't remember biggest thing I ever saw, I, I was loaded down with £58 of shit just in my carry on, like £50. And I only had one thing with two wheels and it was a hideous arrangement, but I virtually collapsed.

07:33:27:07 - 07:33:49:15
I got halfway to the next flight. Richard collapsed. They couldn't go anywhere. And I sort of crawled over to a help station. I was really beautiful, nice airport yesterday and biggest airport in the world. And I just said, look, I can't go. I'm sorry. I need help. I need help. I'm I can't go can't walk another step. And they got they were great.

07:33:49:15 - 07:34:12:11
They were fucking great. And they, they came and got me an electric cart, took me to the next flight, told everybody to get the fuck out of the way you were coming through. There was a huge, huge crowd there to get in. And they took me right to the goddamn airplane. I was the first one on the airplane.

07:34:13:00 - 07:34:42:15
They took me to the airplane and they said, You want help going down the aisle? I said, No, I got arrested, know, 20 minutes in this cart. Thank you, God, you're a fucking princess. It was a woman. So just it she can. If there's any possible, we might just do that. Okay, so you got your ticket. We know where you're going.

07:34:42:15 - 07:35:12:22
You're going to back up such and such a day. You know the date. Don't be too surprised about delays. One time I flew out of the West Coast on Pal Philippines. Oh, what a cattle car fucking thing that is. I said before that that. So some of the stuff is really sweet and nice and helpful. Some are evil bitches assholes.

07:35:12:22 - 07:35:36:09
There are some real assholes on there. I got a couple of problems with women. Do you say yes or no, sir? You go sit down and you choke it down. That's all you can do because they're fucking assholes. Nothing to be gained by pushing the point, you know? Try to avoid Pao if you can research the airlines. See?

07:35:36:09 - 07:35:58:10
Well, I know you're going to get all these conflicting reviews and reports. It's really hard to tell any. And sometimes you can go pale and it's just fly. You find sometimes, you know, they serve Tagalog, Filipino food. Everybody hates it except me. I don't know. I always thought it was pretty good. It's a long, long, long, long, long flight.

07:35:58:10 - 07:36:25:04
I recommend going at night. Take some sleeping pills. No Not. Not something that's just going to fucking turn you into a catatonic, you know, but take something that's going to knock the edge off so you can sleep all night and then you wake up in the morning and you know, you're probably never going to sleep 6 hours, but you're going to need that six hour.

07:36:25:04 - 07:36:49:13
You're going to need. So take something like that. And if you got something to wake you up, take something to wake you up. Even powdered coffee, you can't take tequila. Well, there's trick for taking liquids on, but, you know, whatever, powdered coffee, just take that. Sometimes you can get coffee on the airlines. I was on that coming out of Amsterdam.

07:36:49:13 - 07:37:19:13
They said, hey, would you like some coffee? I said, Yeah, yeah, that'd be really nice. Thank you. And they said, okay, that'll be 680 us. No, no, thank you. We don't want, you know, I could afford it, but I'm just not going to pay that kind of fucking robbery. It took snacks, water, toilet paper. There are certain of those inflatable pillows that work.

07:37:19:13 - 07:37:46:15
The ones that are completely round on the outside or cash can't get one that's round and inside where neck goes, but it's square on the outside. So it's got some support to its head role. One inflatable make sure your cell phone batteries charge to take some good music maybe some videos maybe these you can download them your phone.

07:37:46:15 - 07:38:06:02
They take a lot of space, you know, like two or three gigs per video, something like that, whatever. You know, I reduce them down as far as I can, reduce them down before they start looking shooting. Oh, by the way, you're talking about 30 people. Always want to know what the pictures were of in in the last episode.

07:38:06:02 - 07:38:30:18
Well, the last one it was it were just various pictures that I took around. Oh, various countries. I don't remember what they were in the all the girls except for the kids. All the girls were girlfriends. The one girl towards the end. Oh, I think it is the last one with her little boy. Oh, that was my girlfriend for five years.

07:38:30:18 - 07:39:17:04
There. She's actually like 35, maybe 36. She looks, you know, 19, but she's 35 or 36. She had her kid now is in his twenties. They tend the Southeast Asian girls tend to look really, really young or really, really older. Yeah, some genetic makeup, I suppose it is. The by the time they're 35, they look 69. And I feel for them and some of them when they're 45, they look 25 just depends.

07:39:17:04 - 07:39:45:13
Anyway, I don't remember what the other pictures were on that one. I did a series of pictures on there. There are just various Southeast Asian pictures. You know, if you go on stock photos worldwide, dotcom did it. Oh, hundreds and hundreds and maybe thousands of Southeast Asian pictures. I've got 107,000 that I haven't processed. So, you know, whatever more to come someday, maybe if I live longer.

07:39:45:13 - 07:40:19:23
Okay. So if you got the flight you paid for it confirmed try to do the pre what's what's it called. You can you can take your flight confirmation. Go straight to the airport, check your bag and then they'll give you a boarding pass. Or sometimes you can do a pre God what's it called. Pre pre-arrival check in or some dancing.

07:40:19:23 - 07:40:42:06
Can't remember you do it online anyway and you can usually only do that the last 24 hours before your flight. But that's worth doing. Get that extra piece of paper even if you're going to go and check your bags and you know you're going to the counter anyway. Get that anyway. It just helps things. It just, you know, just helps.

07:40:44:00 - 07:41:09:19
For God sake, don't take any guns for God, God, God sake, don't take any drugs. Jesus Christ, do not do it. I've got some family coming down here soon and one of them cannot leave his Adderall. And I'm not even sure what Adderall is. It's a, you know, something for the brain. Yes. I don't know. He's been on it for years and years.

07:41:09:19 - 07:41:37:10
He can't leave it. He can't function with it. And it's not allowed in Philippines. So he doesn't know what he's going to do. They're they're crazy about drugs down here. They're crazy even about legitimate prescription drugs. You know, he's got a prescription, everything. It's if they catch you with that stuff, they're just going to take it away. And then you maybe you're going to end up with a medical problem.

07:41:37:10 - 07:42:20:22
And that goes for any Southeast Asian country. If you try to bring your illegal stuff in, you're going to fucking prison in Malaysia. Long time ago when I was there there were there was a little gang of drug, low level drug dealer fucking morons. I think there was like three or four Australians and a couple more from other countries and they had gotten together and they had sold drug links and gone and they were low level, you know, but they got pot, they all got pop together and they got sentenced to death and the whole world was gassed.

07:42:21:23 - 07:42:47:20
Really, really. And the drugs, you know, the amounts they had, like in the U.S., they go six months or something like that, but they got sentenced to death. And the whole world is like, Oh, fuck that fucking shit. You know what? That's just for show, you know, it's not that big of a problem, but everybody wrote letters in the U.S. wrote letters are not U.S. Australians who wrote letters said, look, you know, just give them back us.

07:42:47:20 - 07:43:12:12
We'll put them in jail, you know, come on. And Malaysians said, fuck you in the middle class and they killed them or killed them all. Shamal So you think it can't happen to you all yet again? They didn't think it was going to happen to them. The fucking dead. They're all dead. All six of them Australian citizens for I think for them.

07:43:13:17 - 07:43:43:14
Don't bring fucking drugs, don't try to get in you when you're here. Now in Thailand, if you have a lot of money, you can buy your way of anything. You can buy your way out of murder. But it's going to take you better have Gates's money. So the if if they get the idea, you get some money and you get popped for something, they're going to get all they could get.

07:43:43:14 - 07:44:00:07
Are you going to sit in on the jail. And maybe they're not convinced. Maybe they're convinced that you've got more than you're letting on and you're just going to rot in the jail because they're going to wait for you to crack a year two, three, four or five. They're waiting for you to come to them and say, Oh, okay, okay, I can't I can't take it anymore.

07:44:00:07 - 07:44:20:16
Okay, okay, I'll give you 200 grand. Okay? Okay. Okay. And like, well, okay, maybe, you know, maybe that means you've learned your lesson. You know that I personally know people who have bought off murder when I was in Cambodia the going rate and I believe this is true I knew people in the newspaper business there who knew shit.

07:44:20:22 - 07:44:50:04
They, you know, they knew what was going and the going rate for cold blooded murder in Cambodia to buy it off with 17 grand. Now, that was a lot of years ago that like eight years ago probably gone up by now. The point is, if you have a lot of money, there's a very high probability you can buy yourself out of almost anything, almost anything, not everything, but by yourself.

07:44:50:04 - 07:45:12:18
Buy your way out of a lot. But why go through, you know, just for what you have a little fucking couple of grams of coke, you know, whatever. Just don't do it. Do it. It's going to be bad in the Philippines. You can't not. Well, that's not true. It's going to be much, much harder. Buy your way, other stuff.

07:45:13:00 - 07:45:42:01
Much harder. And maybe you can't do it. Probably you can't do it. Maybe you can. Maybe you can't. Thailand, you can almost always count Cambodia. You almost always get some other countries Vietnam. No, no, forget it. Fine. No, fuck, no. Maybe in some rare instance, you know, you get the right person or circumstance. Maybe. Good, maybe. But probably not.

07:45:42:14 - 07:46:16:22
Probably another Vietnam. Laos. Got it. You know, hit or miss hitters, you well Singapore forget it fucking for it's not going to happen not one time it's not going to happen and you probably get extra jail time because you tried Singapore clean. You go there, you love it, except it's boring because it's a city country, you know, it's just a city.

07:46:16:22 - 07:46:37:21
It's not a whole country's just a city. It's just a financial hub. They got some parks and some shit like that, but once you've seen them all five times, it's like, Well, okay, what's next? You know, you can walk around 3:00 in the morning and carry a goddamn 600 millimeter fucking telephoto lens like I did. Nobody's even going to look at you.

07:46:38:21 - 07:47:00:17
You know, girls can wear a goddamn bikini, go down the worst part of town, walking around middle of the night, three in the morning. Really, truly, nobody's going to bother you. You're going to take a cab. They're going to charge you only the fare rate only will only be established rate. Not one fucking pay more English is mostly spoken.

07:47:01:02 - 07:47:32:16
Not like Philippines where they only claim it's spoken. It's kind of sort of spoken in Philippines. But their accents are so bad they can't really converse with Westerners because they were taught English language by Filipinos with bad accents. So they adapted, adopted those accents. That's all they that's all I know. And like I've had girlfriends in the Philippines and I've tried to say, look, you know, you don't say it like that because we don't know what the hell you're talking about.

07:47:33:07 - 07:47:53:13
You Try to say it like this. Try to pronounce it like this. Oh, you're trying to bully me. I don't like the. No, no, no, no, honey. No, no, no. I'm just trying to help you be understood. You know, this will help you with your work, with everything. No, I didn't like a bully. Okay. Okay. You keep on jabbering shit, then okay?

07:47:53:17 - 07:48:18:20
And I got to say what? And I got to have you write it down, you know, every fucking time. If you if you enjoy that, then you just, you know, you can let the girls and lots of other girls, you know, I actually certified to teach English online and we'll talk about that too as a way to make here anywhere anywhere work it.

07:48:19:07 - 07:48:40:05
But the pay is just ridiculous. The only reason to do it is because you enjoy it. You're not going to make enough money to go to fucking McDonald's. You anyway. I enjoy helping people with their pronunciation. I don't know what I sound like anymore. I've lived in so many countries that it's probably all weird and bastardized by now.

07:48:40:05 - 07:49:04:21
I probably get accents I don't know d don't even know about myself, so I don't know what people want to go back to the U.S. and when I talk to Americans needs, they have a hard time understanding me. I mean, I'm not going to be aware of it because, you know, it's my speech has evolved over the last decade from all these weird ass countries.

07:49:04:21 - 07:49:35:16
So anyway, okay, we're coming up on our time. These are these are longish. Okay. So what else can we detail as we're going along before we break for the next one? Oh, okay. You're you're when you get off the plane in Bangkok, there's two airports there you're going to go into. So one of whom you know I dare you to say that and I dare you to look at the word and then pronounce it because you can't it's pronounced so on poon.

07:49:36:02 - 07:49:56:05
It's kind of a kind of a b p together thing. There's a lot of sounds down there that are kind of a B and a P for good or for mixed up consonants. So Warner Poom, that's the biggest international airport. There's another up north. Still been in there a million times getting thicker name. It's more of a local airport, a smaller airport.

07:49:56:05 - 07:50:19:00
But sonic boom is the big international one. That's the one you're going to go into. Regardless of where you transfer, you're going to get a sort of permit. It's spelled so one. No, no, no. That's spelled su su Walmart boom or some fucking thing. I don't know how they ever came up with spellings for, but you know, converted from the pronunciation.

07:50:19:00 - 07:50:42:03
But anyway you'll almost certainly go into some wonderful BP store in a boom and I think there's an eye on the end of it in the spell. You don't see that. I just think, you know, say sort of gummy you. No. Okay. Off of the Thai alphabet is 44 characters. They used to have, I think 48 or maybe even more.

07:50:42:04 - 07:51:00:02
Well, they still have them technically, but they've kind of cut them out because nobody ever used them. They're still technically part of the language. But, you know, they used they tried to just Acxiom the government trade act and say, look, nobody's used this for five years. Let's just them off the alphabet. And the public went berserk and they said, No, no, no, that's our language.

07:51:00:17 - 07:51:30:12
Okay? It's all just not based on any kind of English letters or alphabet. Their keyboards are a fucking mess. They're just a mess. You got to shift to do half of your typing. It's just really fun to if you're going to buy a keyboard to take down their little portable ones like that, buy one with both English and Thai, because You're going to have a girlfriend.

07:51:30:12 - 07:51:53:00
Probably. Almost certainly. You know, you can like fight them off so long and they're going to want to use it sometime to pick out a message or something like that. And They can't do it in English. They're going to have to read your Thai, the read the little Thai sub characters on your keyboard. English is not well spoken in Thailand.

07:51:53:15 - 07:52:25:18
It's not. That's why I left Bangkok. The Thai language is difficult. Jesus Christ was for me. The only way you're ever going to learn it is to get like criticism. That movie Get Mad Dog Fucking Down in the Dirt serious and go to school, learn each character, learn the sound of each character painstaking. It takes time. I didn't do that.

07:52:25:23 - 07:52:44:18
I just had people teach me and I. I can. What for the parts of it, I can speak. I speak them well. That's all I know. And I can't I can barely make up a sentence like a new sentence. If I don't know the sentence, I can make up some other ones, but I'm going to have stuff in the wrong places, you know, they're going to say what?

07:52:45:04 - 07:53:09:01
What right? You're going to go to a restaurant, you're going to order water. And the Thai word was two words for water. Depends on the part of the country you're in, depends on the little do nuances and variances of the dialect in that part of the country. Okay. That the real word for water is NAM in a m name?

07:53:09:10 - 07:53:46:05
No. You go to restaurant. The order now. How come? Now they should know that right? Because when they repeat it back, they said exactly the same way. And very often they won't know that part of it is because they just can't grasp your accent. Part of it is because they do that. It really pisses them off when people can speak Thai well and they would pretend that they don't understand you just to piss you off and try to belittle you.

07:53:46:05 - 07:54:16:05
The ties are like that quite a bit. You prepared that? Now the other thing is you can plow PLO on the end of Nam. Okay? In some, if you only want plain water, you say Nam. If you want plain water, you say Nam. Well it's a it's a B in a P again, not a plow. It's not a blow, it's a plow.

07:54:16:05 - 07:54:48:22
Also, you usually don't really pronounce the L in plow, except they're very subtly, if at all it's, you're kind of you skip over mostly, but it's still kind of an afterthought. Plow plow, which is hard to do in some places. If you want plain water, you say, yeah, in some places if you want plain water, you know, no plow.

07:54:48:22 - 07:55:04:06
In some places if you say Nampa, they're going to bring your coconut water because that's what it means in that area. And it goes on and on like that pretty much endlessly. So communications can be really difficult. That's one of the one of the big reasons gave it up.

07:55:06:12 - 07:55:41:07
And it's not just words, it's the whole way of sentence structure and of putting things together, putting sentences together and a flicking how they think it's so alien east this east and west is west and never the twain shall meet him quite. That's true. Okay, so you get off the plane. Bangkok. Yeah. Made it through customs. Congratulations. I have been in Customs in Bangkok for like six, six and a half hours sometimes because they're fucking inefficient.

07:55:41:15 - 07:56:11:23
They just can't do anything efficiently. Monkey work bitch, it's going to piss you off. It's, you know, fucking piss you off. So you, me, you get through, you get your bag. Maybe you got your you're checking. If you're lucky, you'll get your checking. Then you took a checking bag and it didn't make it to the airport. Think about this.

07:56:12:06 - 07:56:40:05
In the U.S., what do you do? You call your line, say, here's my baggage number. Where is it? And they say, oh, sir, we'll find it and we'll bring it to your hotel or whatever. Okay. That's how it works in Thailand. You call them up and you say, my bag didn't make it. And they're going to say, Pull my joke car means I don't fucking understand you moron falling.

07:56:41:07 - 07:57:06:12
No idea what you're talking about. And then they'll go try to find somebody who can speak a smattering of English. No, come on. Their accents going to be bad and they're not going to understand you. You know, you don't string hall sentences together. You talk like you talk like monkey language, you know, just the number of words, you know, like my bag, gun control.

07:57:08:08 - 07:57:33:12
You make it as simple as you possibly can and then you get a 5050 chance of their, quote unquote, English person figuring out what you want to communicate. Okay. So you get across to him that your bag is gone, it's missing. You're going to try to give him the number. Well, the numbers are all different. So you speak English.

07:57:33:12 - 07:58:00:02
Numbers are going to misunderstand a third of them. They're going to write it down wrong. They're going to look in the computer. And I actually know how my me know how that means. Your baggage doesn't exist, means they misunderstood your number. So you're going to have to go to the fucking airport. You have to go to the window and show them the paper, and then they're going to take the numbers off of that and look for your bag.

07:58:00:23 - 07:58:22:16
Okay. And then they're going to see if they can get it across to you. They're going to say, oh where would you like this delivered? You know, if you can even understand that you're going to have to you all you can do is show them your reservation for the hotel and maybe they'll figure that out. Chances are they won't.

07:58:22:16 - 07:59:01:07
Chances are they'll write it down incorrectly. You'll take to some other hotel. Even if they take it to your hotel, they may or may not tell you it's there. And so you're going to ask every few hours and they're not going to understand English either. And then, you know, whatever you're talking about. So you begin to see how things can snowball like that and turn from a nasty little problem into a humongous problem that might not ever get resolved.

07:59:01:07 - 07:59:23:10
Okay, so you get off the plane, you get your bags, miraculously, you got your bags, you go out to the taxi stand and they get a queue. They're and you get across where you're trying to go. You show them the name of the hotel. They call up the next cab. You get in and he says, okay, sir, let's go.

07:59:23:10 - 07:59:49:04
And they take off and they go a quarter mile. And you know about how much the cab is going to cost, like from sort of come. And I went there, it was like 900 bucks. I was like $26 somewhere, which was high. But this guy is going to say 3000, about 100 bucks. And you're not going to understand him.

07:59:49:04 - 08:00:21:03
He's not going to understand you and you're going to get fucked for a hundred bucks. And they just want you figured that out. He's not going to run the meter he's supposed to by law. I supposed to run the meter. He's not going to he's going to say, well, it's broken, you know, whatever the fuck these days you have things like grab and Uber use them.

08:00:21:07 - 08:00:36:14
Do not get in the fucking taxi line, call a, grab an Uber, wait for it to show up. Just get in it. Don't even talk to the fucking taxi guys that would you ever run a mile a minute. I take you a kick. You, sir, I take you low pile up high we go and you going to get fucked.

08:00:37:01 - 08:00:58:17
You're going to get fucked in every Southeast Asian country except Singapore. You're going to get fucked if you don't know you're doing. The only way to not get fucked is to go with a Thai Thai girlfriend with her, she'll look out for you because they do it to the Thais. Also and they don't like it. You fucking tired of so you know, book your Uber or whatever the hell wait for it.

08:00:58:17 - 08:01:19:07
We're going to tell you the color of the car. We're going to give you a license plate. You're going to show up. You're going to be pretty good. You're almost, almost going to have a problem with Uber. Almost never. Your Uber account from the US is not going to work in Thailand or any of the country. You're going to have to have the app from that country.

08:01:19:07 - 08:01:39:22
But you can try if you have to, you at the airport, you know, download it. What do you do for Internet down there? Well, you're going to try to piggyback onto the airports. Public Wi-Fi. Fuck that. Do not do it. Do not fucking do it. It's so full of scammers like in Russia, in Moscow. You before you land, you turn off your cell phone, you fucking turn it off.

08:01:39:23 - 08:02:15:14
You don't turn it on again to leave because the instant you turn it on going to be so overwhelmed with hackers and scammers. And one of them is going to find a way to get through on any public network. And that's the that in Southeast Asia. The hackers and the scammers aren't as smart as in Russia, but they're still going to be trying they're going to do everything they can do, get through.

08:02:15:14 - 08:02:47:07
The last time I came into the Philippines, I'd only been there a day and I found out somebody had gotten through and got into my phone. They didn't get much of anything, but they got in. I don't know how common. So anyway, you need to get yourself a Thai sim right away. Let's get one right away. The problem is that Thailand has made it difficult now for foreigners to get a sim.

08:02:47:11 - 08:03:15:17
It used to be you just, you know, you walked 100 feet near for you. Check one and it's good to go prepared. Everything works fine. Now the Thai government for you PR pray. Pray. Yeah. PR a u p h is the most common spelling or can be pr a well, why you pick sometimes there's an h, you don't say pray use.

08:03:16:02 - 08:03:40:23
You say pray because the h is God that goes direct down the country. The from is he going to replace him with there's nobody nobody better. So you don't run your hands and say, Oh, God, I wish you could go. Well, I'm just going to get another another one. You know, it's all the whole labor pool, you know, that's all I got to choose from.

08:03:42:17 - 08:04:29:08
Nation of Preach. Okay, so you you're you may or may not. This is an important thing. We know our time. I know you may or may not have to show an ongoing flight even. Well, with people coming out of the U.S., you will before you even get on the airplane, people will require proof of an ongoing flight, because if you don't have one and you get to the airport in in pretty much any southeast Asian country now, you don't have proof of an ongoing flight.

08:04:30:17 - 08:04:57:15
They'll deny you entry and you get to fly back up. And if that happens, the airline that brought you in is responsible for taking you out for free. And they don't want to do that. So they're going to insist on you being covered with an ongoing flight. Most people like if they come into Bangkok, they'll get a cheaper flight call out and we can, you know, something like that, 30, 4050 bucks and they'll get a refundable one and then they get the refund.

08:04:57:15 - 08:05:17:08
And, you know, without getting into the country, sometimes when you go in without a returning flight, they won't even ask you. Okay. Just depends on their win. You know, they get a little ball bearing in the top of the circuit board their in their head, in the brain, in the head that way, in a little ball over that side.

08:05:17:12 - 08:05:35:15
And it starts out some circuits over there for a while and they do things a certain way. And then an hour later they filter in a little bugger. He rolls over there or shorts up some different circuits, you know, and they do things a different way for a while and they're like that. And then maybe they go, you know, you never know where that fucking ball bearings are going to short out.

08:05:37:04 - 08:06:05:15
So that's what you're dealing with. But, you know, I talk about that in Southeast Asia, but that has become America now, also all Western countries. It's a brain disease. I keep saying this. It's a brain disease that is infecting, has infected and is infecting all civilization around the world. So you better be prepared for it if you aren't going to implode like the fucking Titan, you know?

08:06:06:07 - 08:06:30:10
I mean, really, you will. I've seen it happen to people. I've seen them just they can't take anymore, and they just sort of go catatonic and then somebody has to fly them all. You want them to go to therapy for a year? I don't know. Sometimes you're going to feel like you need to do that. I mean, almost everybody who comes to Southeast Asia at some point or another, you're going to have feelings like that.

08:06:32:05 - 08:06:55:06
That's why this this is not a goddamn destination podcast. I'm not advertising for you to come to Southeast Asia. I'm telling you what in the fuck I hope and I think I'm telling you get more real than anybody else ever. You the good, the bad and ugly. And there's plenty of ugly. And you got to know that before you go.

08:06:55:13 - 08:07:27:15
You know, it's not a goddamn vacation video. Okay. Having said that, it is. Well, it can be. Let's make it one for about one minute. Now, if you just want to vacation in Thailand flying, get your two month visa, get a nice hotel, hopefully a good have a great fucking time for two months. Do not get involved in the thing.

08:07:29:00 - 08:07:54:23
You just stay in your hotels nice hotels, nice hotels pay the money nice hotels and you fuck around for a month or two, have a lot of fun and you fucking leave and you often won't have any trouble at all. I'll tell you some stuff later on about people who did just that and they still get in trouble, get arrested, get deported, whatever.

08:07:56:16 - 08:08:17:07
But that's your best chance of not having any trouble, you know, having a nice time. If you're going down there live, then it's going to be a different deal. You're going to have to get involved in shit. And when you get involved in shit, it's going to happen. It's going to happen. So and we're not, you know, we're we're talking about going there to live Southeast Asia, not to vacation.

08:08:17:23 - 08:08:42:17
That's I care about vacations, you know, kind of a pain in the ass there in the way. But I don't care. I'm I'm not here to help them. I'm here to help the four guys who that plastic butter knife. And they've been sharpened, wondering if it'll will make it all the way through the carotid. You know, those are the guys that I empathy for.

08:08:43:05 - 08:09:04:22
I don't have no empathy for that. Fucking sex pests. Cumulatively, none. All right, we're way, way, way over time. Jeez. Okay, so the next episode, we're going to we're going to we're going to gloss over the initial steps to get there, getting the to actually get to the hotel. We've pretty much covered that. We've covered 85% no in this one.

08:09:05:23 - 08:09:35:06
And then we're going to go once you're in the in the hotel, what's that going to be like? What's going to happen within how are you going to deal with that? What are your options at that point? Okay. And we're going to start talking about girls because the minute you get there, girls are going to become a really big part of your life, whether you want them to or not.

08:09:35:06 - 08:10:11:22
I recommend do not do not ever under any circumstances go on any of the dating sites. I've got several websites that are anti dating site. I've tried them all for years and years. They're fucked. You're they're in all all days they possibly had some value they don't anymore. The scammer rate is up around 97%. They've got a, I've got a big website that I just finished about Tinder.

08:10:11:22 - 08:10:45:20
We compiled somewhere around seven or 800 photos of profiles on Tinder of the same person, the same girl. She's a crypto scammer and she's good at it. She boasted to me one day she makes four grand USD scamming you into thinking you're going to make money in crypto because she's an expert, she's a banker, she's going to help, you know, because she wants you to make a lot of money so you can come and see her, she can have sex with you and stuff like that, you know, that's her spiel.

08:10:46:08 - 08:11:12:16
So we've got well, we found as many as maybe 30,000 pictures of her, all different pictures with it's her every time and you'll see I'll give you the URL in one of these I'll just posted on the screen. It's along. You are also you're going to have to, you know, take a picture of it, copy it down, and you can go to that website and see what kind of Southeast Asian scammers you're going to run into.

08:11:13:05 - 08:11:41:22
You're going to see how sophisticated they are, all the dating sites, all of them. I don't care which one. They're all like that. They some of them are blatantly obvious. You're going to get two or three lines, couple of messages. Oh, scammer, scammer, scammer. Some of them her motherfucking smooth, you know, like that one girl who invested a year in that guy to get to the US and then fucked them up the ass with a hunk of razor wire, you know, left him at the airport.

08:11:42:19 - 08:12:03:17
That's how sophisticated some of them are. It's like us in my old federal law enforcement days. I tell you, I think in the last one or whatever we had, that guy wanted to pop this group of bank robbers and he couldn't get into the families that are telling it wasn't a true mafia family, but it was I think they thought they were.

08:12:04:16 - 08:12:26:05
And he couldn't get in, couldn't get in because he was an outsider and not part of the family. He married the patriarch's sister, Sister Maria, and then he was in and then he worked with him on a bank robbery and put them all. That's how dedicated he was. That's how dedicated these scammers are going to be to get into your motherfucking pocket.

08:12:26:15 - 08:12:52:00
So do not a lot of think, oh, before I go, I'm going to spend a month on Tinder or, you know, Filipino Cupid or something like that. I cannot say this strongly enough. Don't fucking do it. Do not fucking do do not fucking do it. Do not do it. All harp on this all the way through this Do not do it not one time Don't even look around.

08:12:53:09 - 08:13:13:23
It's it's at best it's going to be a complete and total waste of time. At worst, they're going to clean you. Okay, so we're just so far over now. We got to fucking stop. Okay. Thank you very much. I hope I can still render this file. Jesus Christ. The raw version of this is going to be like 18, 20 fucking gigs.

08:13:13:23 - 08:13:40:23
You better whittle it down. Okay. Thank you very much. And I don't know what the background pictures are going to be next time. I mean, at this point, I don't know what I'm going to put it. I'll put some crazy shit under. All right. So this is the number five. Copyright 2023 stock falls worldwide dot com you see these on any other server tell us will soon will give us 30% really really not before we look forward to doing it again.

08:13:41:12 - 08:14:14:11
Tituss All right. Thank you very much and good evening and good night.