This website, and all pages within this website, and all videos, tape recordings, podcasts, and other materials including photographic images and captions, offer, disseminate, convey and represent our opinions, hunches, suspicions, best recollections and editorial views.
This is an auto-generated speech-to-text transcript of a SE Asia Chronicles Podcast
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00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:12,400
Good afternoon from Southeast Asia. This will be... Jesus makes me do it. This will2
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be episode or volume number 19 of the Asian... I almost did it again... of the3
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Southeast Asian... Southeast Asia Chronicle podcast things. Good God!4
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Some antibiotics, they do something to your brain. I don't know what, but it ain't nice.5
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Been off now for 48 hours and I'm getting better, but... Yeah, I took a couple of6
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loops around Neptune there, you know, courtesy of some really exotic antibiotics.7
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It wasn't even fun. Wasn't scenic either. Okay, we are trying to help you decide if8
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you want to escape the quote-unquote matrix in your beautiful, relaxing,9
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perfect Western country and go somewhere else like Southeast Asia. I can't tell10
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you what it's like in South Africa. Don't know. Mostly don't care. But I can tell11
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you what it's like in Southeast Asia. And that's what we're doing. We're trying to12
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help you figure out if you can afford to go there. Do you want to go there? What's13
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it gonna be like when you get there? Are you gonna like it? Hate it? You're gonna go14
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back home in three months? I've been here so long that I don't consider... I15
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considered the USA my home by a factor of about 5% until I went back the last16
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time last year. Now it's zero. It's not my home. It's some alien place. I barely17
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recognize it. It's a zombie apocalypse. Who makes up the zombies? Well, the18
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zombies and the government equally. They're both at about the same level of19
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stupidity. So I don't... if I have any home it's Southeast Asia. All of it, I guess. I20
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don't know. Whatever. Okay, so we're just... we're being overloaded with these21
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questions from each previous episode. I haven't even downloaded the batch from22
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the last one. Geez. People are asking me, why is it so hot in your studio? You're23
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always wiping your face. What the hell? You got air conditioners, right? Well,24
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yeah, we do. We got two of them. It's a tiny little concrete bunker thing on the25
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top of a building in downtown. And yeah, we got two well-functioning air26
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conditioners, but we can only run the one... the little one, the smallest one, in27
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another room. Because if we run the one in this room, then the level of room noise28
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becomes prohibitive, and we can't get rid of that much ambient noise. God, if you29
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listen to the old alien tapes, especially the old ones, the noise was30
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just horrific. A lot of those were made in a huge five-story concrete shophouse31
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thing. And I can't remember, seven air conditioners, something like that. Most of32
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them were going all the time. Could not shut them off. They could barely keep up.33
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They're always on full, always on high. Had fans going everywhere, could not shut34
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them off. And the ambient noise level was through the roof. So anyway, that's why35
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we can only run one here. We got to run it in the other room. And then we've got36
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a super quiet, supposedly quote-unquote, specialty fan that moves some air from37
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that room into this room, and blows it right on me. And still, this is the best38
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we can do. It's hot. It's probably lower 90s, right in this room. I don't know. And39
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so, yeah, face wiping is just going to continue forever and ever, I40
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guess. I don't know. We're pretty creative, but that's the best we can do. That's why.41
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Okay, you ask and we answer. Now, in the last one, we were talking about some42
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experiences in Laos. I roamed Laos for quite a while. And I like it. Kind of.43
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Shockingly backwards, shockingly poor. Slow. Slow. Everything is slow. If you're a44
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person who likes to get anything done. In Laos, maybe it's not the place for you.45
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You... well, every place in Southeast Asia is going to be slower, except maybe Manila.46
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Bangkok is pretty peppy. That's about it. Pretty much everything else is slow. But47
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Laos is another four levels slower. So think about that if you're starting to48
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think about Laos. If you can acclimate to it, it can be okay. But it's a hard thing49
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for a Westerner to do. Westerners... even if you're living on a chicken farm out50
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in the middle of Utah, you're operating too fast, probably, at a too high level,51
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probably, to just slip right into life in Laos without acclimating to it and52
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slowing down. Another quite a bit, quite a bit more. Laos is slow. Is it the53
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slowest place I know of in Southeast Asia?54
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I don't know. There's places in Central Vietnam that are... yeah, they're that slow. Yeah.55
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There's places... I don't think any place in Thailand is that slow. Even out in56
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Isan. If you want super, super, super, super slow, where the people aren't bad,57
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usually, where they think slow and they act slow and they decide slow and they58
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choose slow, that's Laos. If you like really nice people, some of the best59
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people I ever met all of Southeast Asia were in Laos. They're called the Hmong.60
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There's an ancient front of that. It's almost that. Hmong. I'm saying it, but it's61
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a... you know, normally you would say Hmong. No, it's not Hmong. It's Hmong. M-U-N-G.62
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They were mountain people, farmers. The Vietnam War, we the Americans bombed the63
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living Jesus Christ out of them. F-cked them up. Really f-cked them up. Really f-cked64
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them up bad. In exchange, we moved an awful lot of them into the US. They were65
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born to farm. I mean, Pol Pot should have gotten those people. They... all of the66
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ones that I've met... now, people maybe have other stories. I don't know. But I've67
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met them. I've met quite a lot of them in different contexts, in different68
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countries. All, all, not most, all to date of the ones I've met were some of the69
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nicest, most honest people I've ever met anywhere else in the world. If you want70
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to go to a really, really, really slow place and be around really, really good71
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people, do more research on the Hmong in Laos. I think there's some in Vietnam72
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also. They tend to live in the higher mountain areas. And they just farm. They just73
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mind their own business and they farm. Smart. Smart. I think they're probably aliens.74
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I don't know. Okay, so we were telling stories about Laos last time. And I, and I said75
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in this episode we get one more we're gonna tell. And then, I don't know, I'll76
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lay off Laos stories at least for a while. I was in Laos one time. And I was in77
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the central region again because that was the region that I knew. I went this78
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time without a guide. Got a different motorbike that had most of its lights.79
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It's still a piece of shit. I don't know how they think they can rent these80
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things, but they do. Anyway, this one had the brakes were either on or off. You81
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downshift, downshift, and downshift. You get going as slow as you can and you82
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lock up that rear brake and you slide, you stop. You just touch it and it locks.83
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You know, that's all there was. It was on or off. One or zero, you know. That's all84
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there was. And anyway, so I was tooling around on that thing and I was in85
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central Laos. I was headed over to the Vietnam border, presuming the motorbike86
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Mike was gonna wheeze that for. And I stopped someplace and I don't even know87
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where. I was hungry. I cannot remember where. It was a very central part of Laos.88
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And there was an intersection. I was on highway, which is just a two-lane road.89
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That's as good as I get. That's all there is. And houses are built, you90
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know, almost to the road. That's a really big problem. I'll digress just for a91
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second. All those houses have kids and chickens and goats and dogs and, you92
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know, everything. But they have a lot of kids. Big ones, little ones, every age. And93
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they play in the front yards all day, all day. Some places have schools, some don't.94
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And these kids, well, they're little kids, okay. They're little kids. They're doing what95
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little kids do. They're kicking balls and the balls run into the highway and they96
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don't look. They just run out there. And it's a fairly busy highway, mostly with,97
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yeah, they call them tuk-tuks. They're tuk-tuks on steroids. They're like98
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military personnel vehicles, big trucks with bench seats in them. And those are99
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like their buses. They do have some buses too. But these trucks are much more100
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common. I'm not sure why. I guess because they can be multi-purposed. You know, you101
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jerk the seats out. You can haul cattle or something. I don't know. Or, well, not cattle, but102
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probably pigs. So they're just barreling up and down this highway at 50. You know,103
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that's barreling in Laos. That's barreling in Laos. That's streaking. And the kids104
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would kick a ball. Something goes in the road. They just run out there. They tuk-tuk, hits them.105
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This became so common over so many years. I can't even begin to count how many106
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families lost a kid or two out on that highway. It's tragic. It must have been107
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hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of kids slaughtered108
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on that highway. And finally, the Laotians, they finally did get it. They finally got it. And instead of109
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building a fence, you know, to keep the kids from running out there, probably110
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wouldn't stop them anyway. All the drivers of all the vehicles got it. And so, if111
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they were coming close to a house, if they're coming up upon a house or row of112
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houses or something, sometimes the row of houses would go for a mile or two or113
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three on each side. And they saw these houses coming up. They would slow way114
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down, probably 25, no more than 25. And they start beeping on that horn. Just beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,115
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you know, just trying to be, you know, artistic with their beeps. The deal was116
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to let all the kids know, hey, we're coming. Do not freaking run out in front of us.117
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Do not do it. Do not do it. We cannot stop in time. And it worked. The kids got used118
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to it. Maybe in time it wouldn't work because they would start tuning it out. I119
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don't know. But what I saw was that the kids, the kids were getting a little120
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jaded by it already. But they would still hear that me, maybe even they'd121
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glance and they'd go back to playing with the ball. But at least that got122
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their attention, you know. Maybe that little neural connection got forged.123
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You know, oh, truck, truck, don't run out there. Dead, you know. Maybe, maybe that124
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got forged. And the times that I've ridden those personnel carriers up and125
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down that same highway, nobody got hit. And the drivers were really, really126
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vigilant on watching for them. And a lot of the passengers would watch out there127
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too. And if they saw any kid break from the group and start running towards the128
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edge of their yard, towards the highway, they're banging, banging, banging on that129
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window, on the back window. For the driver, the driver would go down to ten miles an130
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hour and maybe he didn't even see it. But he's on the horn anyway. And I think131
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that probably saved hundreds and hundreds, maybe countless hundreds of lives. It was132
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a cool thing to watch play out. God, they tried, they tried hard. They tried as hard133
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as you could try. Period. And then they got past the houses and they're back up134
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to 50, you know, because they got to get somewhere. The, the, the, the tuk-tuk rides135
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that I took across there, some of them were eight, nine hours. So it was fair136
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distance, you know. And oh god, just horrible, hot, windy, dusty. Some sections are137
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dirt. You got a hundred trucks ahead of you. Okay, anyway. So anyway, I was on that road, on138
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this motorbike. And that was another place where if, if you got opposing traffic and139
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they want to pass, they just pull over and you go off the road. That's all there is to it.140
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You don't have a place to go off the road. Too bad. You're gonna crash. That's all.141
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You're just gonna run you off the road. That's all there is to it. So every time you see a142
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line of traffic coming your way, you know that one or two or three of them is gonna143
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jerk out there and try to pass somebody in front of them. So you're riding pretty144
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much on the shoulder, you know, at 50 miles an hour. Still trying to get where145
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you're going. If you slow down every time, then you never get where you're going.146
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It's, statistically, Thailand is the most dangerous place to drive. I think India147
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is. But I, but I, I've never seen the stats there. But it's not listed as the148
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most dangerous place on the web. Well, in fact, Thailand isn't either. Thailand is149
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listed as number two, number three, number four, depending on the year. The150
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independent researchers have come in and drilled down through their books in151
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Thailand and said, excuse me, no, you're number one. You're just cook these books.152
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You're number one. You're the worst. Most dangerous. Anyway, my vote would have gone153
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to India. Lao, Lao to me seems like it's worse than Thailand. It just seems to me154
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like it's worse. I haven't seen any evidence of that whatsoever. Lao doesn't155
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put out any books. In fact, I don't even know if they do today, but you could not156
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find any roadmap for Lao. When I was hanging around there, there was no157
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roadmap. Didn't show any road in the entire country. They just didn't put them158
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out. Nobody put them out. I mean, sooner or later they're gonna have to. Maybe they159
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have by now. That was a lot of years ago. Okay, so I'm on this motorbike.160
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Weezing, smoking, scraping. It's a three-legged donkey, okay. And I'm hungry and I'm on161
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this highway and I get to an intersection. You go one way, you go to162
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some lookout thing or something. I didn't care about that. I didn't want to go. I163
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just wanted to find some food. And there's a... there's like two and a half food stands164
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there in this intersection. Both on the left-hand side. And I looked like the165
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biggest one. Well, it was the one that was like one and a half food stands.166
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Because it was like one regular food stand and then there was a little one167
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like just a few feet from it. I thought, okay, best chance of getting somebody. So I168
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stopped there. And the biggest one had a Laotian man... no, no, no, no, wait. It's a169
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deal. Had a Laotian woman. I think the man was Chinese. She was 30, 35. The man was170
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60. But that's Southeast Asia. That's it. That's the way it is. That's the way it is.171
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It's not gonna raise any eyebrows except in Bangkok, you know. Really prissy172
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Victorian people in Bangkok. So I stopped. I went to the big one. And I'm looking to173
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see what they have. Well, what the hell? They don't have anything. All they've got are174
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bananas. What? That's all you got? Really? You don't have drinks? You don't have, you175
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know, musketeers? Bar? You don't have anything. And I looked right behind the woman about176
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30, 40 feet away. There's a row of banana trees. So bananas just hanging there.177
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They're ripe. They're ready to eat right now. And I'm thinking, well, why don't I just walk178
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over there? But I thought maybe that was somehow culturally rude. And so I didn't179
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do it. And so I bought, oh, I know what it was. I told her I wanted three bananas, two180
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to eat now, one for the road. She said, okay. And she said how many, how much it was gonna181
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be. And it was just nothing. It was like 10 or 15 cents the equivalent of just nothing.182
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It was just a couple of little coins. And I thought, well, that's pretty cheap. That's183
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really cheap. Okay. And so I gave her the money. I think she had to give me change.184
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And I walked around for a minute waiting for her to like bag up the bananas, whatever she185
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was gonna do. Go get them and go pick them probably. And that took me about 60 seconds.186
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And I walked back and no bananas are on the counter. And I'm like, well, do you have,187
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I ordered banana, you know, I can't speak Laotian, not one word. And she just pointed to my motorbike.188
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They were already in the basket on the motorbike. Oh, gee, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.189
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She didn't understand the tie. And so I walked over and I thought, wait, wait, wait, wait,190
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wait, wait, wait, what is this? There's three huge clumps of bananas, not three bananas. There's191
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three huge clumps. What the hell? I can't eat these in two weeks, you know? What the hell?192
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And I hadn't even seen any monkeys to give them to. And that's usually fun.193
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I don't know that they love you for it necessarily, but now take them and194
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screech at you and run, you know? That's fun, whatever. And I took them back and I said,195
00:21:53,400 --> 00:21:59,400
no, no, no, I only want three, three, I want three bananas, one, two, three. She said, no,196
00:21:59,400 --> 00:22:05,080
no, no, you pay, you pay, you pay already. No, no, no, you go, you go now. What the hell? What,197
00:22:05,080 --> 00:22:10,120
what, what, what, what do I, what do I get to do with this? I figured I would just have to throw198
00:22:10,120 --> 00:22:18,600
them away somewhere. What I should have done was I should have driven, I should have made like I was199
00:22:18,600 --> 00:22:25,160
going to go and then got, you know, 50 feet away right before I get on the highway and then beeped200
00:22:25,160 --> 00:22:30,600
the horn a few times and then laid these bunches down on the ground minus the three that I wanted.201
00:22:31,160 --> 00:22:35,320
And then I would have been gone. They couldn't force me to take them and they would have202
00:22:35,320 --> 00:22:37,960
eventually got over there and got them. They could resell them, you know? That's why I should have203
00:22:37,960 --> 00:22:49,080
done it. It didn't occur to me. So anyway, I took the motorbike and I didn't want to be blocking204
00:22:49,080 --> 00:22:58,520
their stand. So I wheeled it around behind their stand, you know, 10, 15 feet behind their stand.205
00:22:59,720 --> 00:23:03,560
And there's a little log or something there I could sit on. I thought, well, you know, I need206
00:23:03,560 --> 00:23:08,520
a break. I'm just going to sit here. I'm going to eat a couple of bananas slowly. No kind of anything207
00:23:08,520 --> 00:23:17,640
to drink. I'll just eat the bananas. Beyond my way. And I noticed that this, this little stall next208
00:23:17,640 --> 00:23:25,800
to theirs, just a little abbreviated mini stall thing. And I hadn't seen anything there before.209
00:23:25,800 --> 00:23:35,560
She hadn't, it was a girl. She was about 14 or 15 probably. She could have been older, could have been210
00:23:38,280 --> 00:23:43,240
certainly no older than 16. Laotian girl. Really, really pretty girl.211
00:23:43,240 --> 00:23:50,840
And she, that was her stand. And then after a few minutes, I put it together. Okay. That was her212
00:23:50,840 --> 00:23:56,200
mom and pop over there with a big stand. And they just let her put up this little stand213
00:23:57,000 --> 00:24:00,040
because she wanted to try to sell stuff too, but she didn't have anything to sell.214
00:24:01,160 --> 00:24:04,600
So she probably just went out there every day and went through the motions, put up her little stand,215
00:24:04,600 --> 00:24:08,200
but she didn't have anything to sell. I mean, she could have walked over and picked bananas, I guess.216
00:24:08,200 --> 00:24:14,360
Anyway, she had a little boy. He was about three, more than three and a half. So she must have had him,217
00:24:16,360 --> 00:24:27,000
could have been 12, probably maybe 13, probably 12 when he was born. And that was his thing,218
00:24:27,000 --> 00:24:39,320
was to hang around that stall all day because he had nothing else to do. There was nobody to219
00:24:39,320 --> 00:24:47,080
care for him. No pop, no nothing. He just had to go with the family. And he was too old to be of220
00:24:47,080 --> 00:24:54,280
any use, you know. So he just bopped around here, bopped around there. And I hatched, oh, and then221
00:24:54,280 --> 00:25:04,760
he came over and he's walking really slowly around my basket. He's just looking at those bananas.222
00:25:04,760 --> 00:25:10,200
And I could tell he wanted some. He's hungry, I guess. And I'm thinking, well, wait a minute,223
00:25:10,200 --> 00:25:15,000
why didn't mom and grandma and grandpa, why didn't they give him some of their bananas?224
00:25:15,000 --> 00:25:20,920
You know, because I was positive it was all the same family. And I don't know the answer to that.225
00:25:20,920 --> 00:25:29,400
Why didn't they give their daughter some bananas to sell? I never figured that out.226
00:25:30,680 --> 00:25:35,320
So he just walked around looking at these bananas, you know, like a starving dog would look at a227
00:25:35,320 --> 00:25:45,800
steak. And finally I picked up one bunch. And they were huge bunches. There was 15 probably in a bunch.228
00:25:45,800 --> 00:25:54,040
And I tried to hand it to him and he ran away. Okay, shy. And a few minutes later he came back.229
00:25:54,040 --> 00:25:58,760
I said, okay, okay, okay, let's try this differently. I broke off one. I tried to give it to him and he230
00:25:58,760 --> 00:26:05,640
ran away. Like, oh, shit, you know, they're shy and then they're stupid, you know. And231
00:26:05,640 --> 00:26:13,240
he just kept walking around looking, looking. Probably the first Westerner he had ever seen.232
00:26:13,240 --> 00:26:17,240
Maybe the first one for the daughter too, because this was in a place where you're not going to get233
00:26:17,240 --> 00:26:25,800
Westerners ever, ever. And finally I finished the two bananas. So now I have three bunches and one234
00:26:25,800 --> 00:26:36,520
banana. And I kept the one and I took the three bunches and I walked over to the girl's little mini235
00:26:39,880 --> 00:26:45,480
counter thing. It was like two TV trays, three TV trays. You know, that was the size of it.236
00:26:46,760 --> 00:26:53,560
And I just walked around looking at the three of them. And I just walked around looking at the237
00:26:53,560 --> 00:27:00,280
size of it. And she had a little roof over the top made of banana leaves. She probably had to get them238
00:27:00,280 --> 00:27:06,440
every day and put them up there to keep the sun off. And I thought, okay, I'm going to put these239
00:27:06,440 --> 00:27:17,800
there for this girl and then she can sell them. Maybe, maybe not. I mean, bananas are really hard240
00:27:17,800 --> 00:27:24,760
to sell, you know, when there's trees everywhere. So I put them over there and I put them just on the241
00:27:24,760 --> 00:27:30,520
end of her counter. You know, I didn't walk up, I didn't try to talk to her, didn't do anything.242
00:27:30,520 --> 00:27:38,600
Just put them on the end of her counter. And then I went back and was getting on the motorbike243
00:27:40,360 --> 00:27:45,400
and she wouldn't go near them. And I thought, what the hell, what's going on here? Maybe she244
00:27:45,400 --> 00:27:51,640
doesn't understand that these were a gift. Maybe she thought I wanted my money back and245
00:27:52,520 --> 00:27:57,640
something like that. I don't know what she was thinking. The mom and the pop were watching246
00:27:58,280 --> 00:28:01,720
and I was afraid that they would go over and get them because it didn't seem like, you know,247
00:28:02,680 --> 00:28:09,800
they really took that much care of her or the boy. I don't know. You know, in these248
00:28:09,800 --> 00:28:15,080
cultural chasms, you know, you don't know what you're misinterpreting. You can misinterpret249
00:28:15,080 --> 00:28:19,720
all kinds of stuff and you don't even know it. So who knows? I don't know what was going on.250
00:28:19,720 --> 00:28:23,320
That's the only things that I could, those were the only things I could come up with.251
00:28:24,760 --> 00:28:32,120
So she stayed at the far end of her counter and she looked the other way. She just turned252
00:28:32,120 --> 00:28:37,480
back on the bananas. I thought, oh hell, this is bad. I got to make sure she understands these are hers.253
00:28:37,480 --> 00:28:43,880
I got off the bike, walked back over there and slid them down her counter. So they're pretty close254
00:28:43,880 --> 00:28:49,720
to her and she turned and she saw him. She looked at me and smiled a little bit and the kid is like,255
00:28:49,720 --> 00:28:59,640
oh what the hell's going on here? What's going on? Bastard. And then I smiled and I walked back to256
00:28:59,640 --> 00:29:07,000
the motorbike and I'm getting on it and I'm, you have to bungee all your stuff into your basket or257
00:29:07,000 --> 00:29:11,800
the first little bump, you know, it just flies up into the air. It's gone. So you get a bungee258
00:29:11,800 --> 00:29:15,960
everything into your basket. So I was hooking the bungees up in my basket to make sure my banana259
00:29:15,960 --> 00:29:25,240
wasn't going to fly away. And as I was doing that, I noticed that the mom went over to the girl260
00:29:25,240 --> 00:29:30,280
and I thought she was going to steal her bananas. I thought, oh shit, you know, how far involved in261
00:29:30,280 --> 00:29:35,000
this am I going to get? If she takes those bananas and takes them back, what am I going to do? I'm262
00:29:35,000 --> 00:29:38,840
going to go snatch them from the mom and give them back to the girl. How's that going to go?263
00:29:38,840 --> 00:29:43,480
Then she's probably going to beat the hell out of the girl, you know. So I didn't know what,264
00:29:43,480 --> 00:29:48,680
how this was going to play out. And I just watched, just sat there and watched and265
00:29:48,680 --> 00:29:54,840
the mom took the girl by the arm266
00:29:56,840 --> 00:29:58,840
and the little boy by the hand.267
00:30:04,280 --> 00:30:08,840
The place will make you cry.268
00:30:08,840 --> 00:30:12,840
The place will make you cry.269
00:30:14,680 --> 00:30:19,640
And the mom walked him over to my motorbike and the father standing there.270
00:30:21,640 --> 00:30:25,320
And the mom picks up the little boy, puts him right behind me on the motorbike. And I thought,271
00:30:25,320 --> 00:30:28,360
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,272
00:30:28,360 --> 00:30:31,640
try to give me the kid. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, because I've had that happen a few times273
00:30:31,640 --> 00:30:35,080
into the countries. People just walk up to you with babies.274
00:30:35,080 --> 00:30:39,880
And you're thinking, okay, money, money, they want money. No. Well, sometimes they do.275
00:30:39,880 --> 00:30:46,360
Sometimes, baby hungry, I need some money. Sometimes they got that thing. Sometimes they're276
00:30:46,360 --> 00:30:51,400
just trying to give you a baby because the baby's starving, maybe it's sick. They can't take care of277
00:30:51,400 --> 00:30:55,080
it anymore. There's no hope that they can ever take care of it. They're probably right on the278
00:30:55,080 --> 00:31:00,680
verge of throwing it in the dumpster. And that's really common. And they just hand you the baby.279
00:31:00,680 --> 00:31:06,280
If you're stupid, you'll take it. And then they walk away. Sometimes they'll run.280
00:31:08,280 --> 00:31:12,040
And I learned pretty quickly, no, you put your hands behind your back and you back away, you281
00:31:12,040 --> 00:31:17,640
back away, say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, baby, no, baby, no, baby. And a lot of times they'll282
00:31:17,640 --> 00:31:22,680
just keep coming at you trying to shove this baby in your face. And one time it was for about a283
00:31:22,680 --> 00:31:28,680
three, three, about a three year old boy and it's like, oh, I'm going to get a baby. And he's like,284
00:31:28,680 --> 00:31:34,040
three, about a three year old boy and it's like, oh, so anyway, I'm thinking, oh, God285
00:31:34,040 --> 00:31:41,400
bless it. She's trying to give me the baby. Oh, geez, no, no, no. What am I going to do now?286
00:31:42,920 --> 00:31:49,400
And I started to get off so I could take the baby off. And, but she was already had the girl and287
00:31:49,400 --> 00:31:52,120
she was making the girl climb on the back and back of the baby.288
00:31:52,120 --> 00:31:56,280
And I just, and they're trying to process this one, like, oh, this is a new twist.289
00:31:58,280 --> 00:32:03,800
What? Got the baby, got the girl. What does she want me to do with the girl?290
00:32:05,800 --> 00:32:12,760
What? In some cases like this, you might run into a situation where the family wants you to take the291
00:32:12,760 --> 00:32:17,720
girl out in the jungle and boink around for a while, come back and give them some food.292
00:32:17,720 --> 00:32:33,320
God damn it. But that wasn't the case with this because she'd put the baby on her.293
00:32:38,520 --> 00:32:43,080
And she took the girl's hands and put them on my shoulders.294
00:32:43,080 --> 00:32:48,680
And the mom like patted me on the shoulder, patted the girl's hand on the shoulder and said, good,295
00:32:48,680 --> 00:32:59,480
good, good. And then she stepped back like I'm supposed to just drive away with a brand new family.296
00:33:05,640 --> 00:33:10,840
And that really locked up my brain. I didn't know how the hell to get out of that situation.297
00:33:10,840 --> 00:33:16,120
I didn't know how in the hell to get out of that because you don't want to insult them.298
00:33:22,600 --> 00:33:25,800
I mean, ask yourself, what would you do? Well, I know what the Brits would do.299
00:33:28,040 --> 00:33:29,800
Don't even get me started.300
00:33:29,800 --> 00:33:37,160
And I sat there, not that long, probably 20 seconds trying to puzzle this through.301
00:33:39,640 --> 00:33:46,360
And I finally put the kickstand down and I got off.302
00:33:48,920 --> 00:33:55,080
And I just in a very ham-fisted, flang kind of way, I'm trying to explain, no, I cannot.303
00:33:55,080 --> 00:34:01,640
In Thailand, I could have easily gotten it across. In Laos, I was just clueless. I had no single word304
00:34:02,520 --> 00:34:07,720
in common, just none. But the mom did understand a tiny little smattering of English. I mean,305
00:34:09,000 --> 00:34:15,240
she understood no and she understood good and you know, like that, a few words.306
00:34:17,400 --> 00:34:20,360
But she didn't understand no. She understood that I was telling her no.307
00:34:20,360 --> 00:34:31,640
The girl and the kid can't go. They just can't. They just can't. It's just no, no, no. It's not in my life plan.308
00:34:35,160 --> 00:34:41,160
No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, they're just in the way.309
00:34:44,200 --> 00:34:48,600
And a part of my little reptilian brain, it's thinking, well, wait a minute, could you raise them?310
00:34:48,600 --> 00:34:50,920
Could you raise them? You know, the daughter and311
00:34:55,400 --> 00:35:00,440
an adopted son, could you do that? Any way you could do that? No.312
00:35:03,240 --> 00:35:07,640
This big neon red no just kept blinking. It wouldn't go off.313
00:35:10,040 --> 00:35:17,640
And the mother's speaking in Lao and she's, I was trying to help the girl get off. I took the314
00:35:17,640 --> 00:35:22,920
boy off, put him on the ground and I'm trying to help the girl get off. And the mother's trying to315
00:35:22,920 --> 00:35:31,800
put her back on and the mother is like patting her and then pointing at me, pat me. And then she took316
00:35:31,800 --> 00:35:39,320
the girl and moved her so we're pressed together like you and you. Now you together. Now you married.317
00:35:39,320 --> 00:35:41,640
Now you married. You know, this is your son.318
00:35:41,640 --> 00:35:49,080
And I had just been in tears. I didn't know what to do.319
00:35:52,440 --> 00:35:52,920
Still am.320
00:35:55,960 --> 00:35:58,200
God bless it. And321
00:36:02,600 --> 00:36:04,760
I had to get a little bit assertive to get the girl off.322
00:36:04,760 --> 00:36:10,040
And she had tears running down her face by this time. Probably from a number of323
00:36:12,280 --> 00:36:17,400
things, you know, just the embarrassment of the whole thing, the drama of the whole thing,324
00:36:17,400 --> 00:36:22,680
the trauma of the whole thing. I have no idea if she had any desire to go with me or not.325
00:36:22,680 --> 00:36:28,200
I have no idea whatsoever. Probably not. I don't know. Maybe. I don't know.326
00:36:28,200 --> 00:36:34,360
The little boy, you know, I didn't interact with him enough to build any kind of rapport so he327
00:36:34,360 --> 00:36:40,360
had no feelings for me whatsoever. I had zero feelings for him. Just a little boy.328
00:36:41,560 --> 00:36:46,760
Cute little boy. Playing banana games, you know, give him a banana. That's okay.329
00:36:49,000 --> 00:36:53,560
The mother was frustrated. The father was getting angry.330
00:36:53,560 --> 00:36:58,920
The mother was frustrated. The father was getting a little grumpy.331
00:37:01,800 --> 00:37:06,760
He was clearly in on this idea. He was okay with whatever the hell the idea was.332
00:37:07,480 --> 00:37:13,400
I suppose they thought. Here's Rich Falang. He'll just take this beautiful young girl and333
00:37:13,400 --> 00:37:20,360
they'll go move to Poxie. They'll have a beautiful home and maybe we can come and live there later.334
00:37:20,360 --> 00:37:25,800
He'll send money because he's a rich Falang. All Falangs are rich. Filthy beyond description.335
00:37:25,800 --> 00:37:30,600
Well, in L'Halle especially. We are. It's insane.336
00:37:34,680 --> 00:37:39,880
That was probably their plan. And they hatched it pretty quickly. I don't know that they had,337
00:37:39,880 --> 00:37:44,120
you know, planned this out two months before or six months before and they're just waiting for338
00:37:44,120 --> 00:37:48,040
a gullible Falang to come along. I don't know. I don't know if they ever tried this before.339
00:37:48,040 --> 00:37:51,640
I don't know. I had no idea.340
00:37:59,800 --> 00:38:01,880
Then I got her off. Got her and the kid off.341
00:38:04,680 --> 00:38:07,080
And the mother was a little teensy bit pissed.342
00:38:09,080 --> 00:38:15,560
And I tried to console her. Like, you know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I cannot. Cannot.343
00:38:15,560 --> 00:38:20,280
I just cannot. There's just no way on this earth I can do this for you. For anybody. I can't do it.344
00:38:21,000 --> 00:38:28,280
And I tried to give them some money. I don't remember how much. It was Laotian bills.345
00:38:29,080 --> 00:38:34,200
I don't remember. I don't remember the equivalent of how much I was trying to give them. It was like346
00:38:35,400 --> 00:38:38,280
probably 50 bucks. Something like that. US.347
00:38:38,280 --> 00:38:42,680
Because I'm thinking, well, if they're this hard up where they're wanting to get rid of their348
00:38:43,000 --> 00:38:48,440
family, maybe this will help them, you know, and then for a while they won't have to have this349
00:38:48,440 --> 00:38:54,680
thought anymore. And maybe they can find some peace and stand together. That was my thought.350
00:38:54,680 --> 00:39:02,360
They were thin. They were thin-ish people, but they certainly weren't starving. They were getting351
00:39:02,360 --> 00:39:06,840
food somewhere. Somehow. There was a big river nearby. They're probably getting fish out of the352
00:39:06,840 --> 00:39:12,600
river and fruit, you know. Jungle's full of fruit. You know, what you can eat and what will kill you.353
00:39:14,840 --> 00:39:22,360
And I finally, I was thinking, well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.354
00:39:22,360 --> 00:39:26,600
And I finally, you know, mother wouldn't take anything.355
00:39:29,560 --> 00:39:34,200
I can't remember if I tried to give any to the girl. I might have. I can't remember if I did.356
00:39:36,600 --> 00:39:40,680
She wouldn't have taken it. She was so shy. She was mortified with this whole experience.357
00:39:40,680 --> 00:39:47,320
Just, it set her back. It was a horribly traumatic experience for her. Terrible experience for her.358
00:39:47,320 --> 00:39:55,720
She's being rejected right there in front of her family. Jesus, it must have scarred her for life.359
00:39:57,640 --> 00:40:00,920
She probably thinks about it to this day. Well, I'm pretty positive she does.360
00:40:02,920 --> 00:40:09,160
That's so sad. I wonder if I went back there today to that same corner, if I could ever find it.361
00:40:09,160 --> 00:40:15,240
Would she still have her stand there? A couple more kids, you know, from rogue362
00:40:16,040 --> 00:40:20,040
Laotian guys who came around, fucked her once or twice, and made a baby and ran off. You know,363
00:40:20,040 --> 00:40:23,720
that's what they do. All of Southeast Asia, that's what they do. They don't hang around.364
00:40:27,880 --> 00:40:32,680
At any point, I finally got on the motorbike unencumbered and rode away.365
00:40:32,680 --> 00:40:35,320
And that was a real black day.366
00:40:38,600 --> 00:40:40,600
Stayed black the whole day.367
00:40:45,640 --> 00:40:51,640
So those things are going to happen to you. You know, if you're sitting in your condo 24-7,368
00:40:51,640 --> 00:40:58,200
you walk down to the bar with your drunken ex-pet, you know, you're going to be in a369
00:40:58,200 --> 00:41:06,760
bar with your drunken ex-pet, sex-pet buddies, and you have a few beers and you guffaw and370
00:41:06,760 --> 00:41:12,040
ticket bar grill somewhere, you're not going to have these adventures. If that was an adventure,371
00:41:12,040 --> 00:41:14,920
I don't know what it was. I don't know how you turn, I don't know what the name is for the372
00:41:15,960 --> 00:41:21,720
misfortune, maybe. I don't know. Experience, I guess. Certainly it was an experience.373
00:41:21,720 --> 00:41:34,200
But if you didn't come to Southeast Asia to truly live in Southeast Asia, you're not ever going to374
00:41:34,200 --> 00:41:40,280
have these experiences. You're not going to. You're going to have lots of stupid bar experiences and375
00:41:40,280 --> 00:41:53,400
tourist destination experiences and stupid shit like that. Anyway, the end of that trip was,376
00:41:55,160 --> 00:42:00,520
I finally ended up back in Poxi, turned in the motorbike, it kept running, it kept running,377
00:42:00,520 --> 00:42:06,120
it kept running, it kept running, it kept running. There's no gas stations in that region. You378
00:42:06,120 --> 00:42:17,560
crawl up to roadside stands. I don't know what the sign said in Laotian, but you see the whiskey379
00:42:17,560 --> 00:42:21,560
bottles, you see the old whiskey bottles, they're on a rack usually, and you pull up there.380
00:42:22,920 --> 00:42:27,000
And you try to guesstimate how many liters your tank might hold,381
00:42:28,760 --> 00:42:33,960
and that's how many whiskey bottles you buy. And you dump them in, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug,382
00:42:33,960 --> 00:42:37,160
glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug. And then, you know, you think383
00:42:37,160 --> 00:42:43,000
it'll take more, you put the next one in. If you buy the last one, and you only get a tenth of it384
00:42:43,000 --> 00:42:46,760
in there before it's full, well, it didn't matter. You got to give it back to him, or you're going to385
00:42:46,760 --> 00:42:54,280
get a refund, you know. The gas is so cheap, it didn't really matter. So that's how you get gas there.386
00:42:56,840 --> 00:43:00,760
You can buy the bottles if you want to, and carry them extra, you know. Hope you don't crash.387
00:43:00,760 --> 00:43:05,320
Tires are all bald, you know. Chains are388
00:43:07,080 --> 00:43:13,560
loose, and sprockets are pointy, you know. They're just nasty things.389
00:43:15,080 --> 00:43:19,800
I don't know what the hell I was doing out there. If one would have crapped, I couldn't even,390
00:43:19,800 --> 00:43:25,880
there's no cell out there. I couldn't even call back to Poxy, to the renter, and say,391
00:43:25,880 --> 00:43:30,680
hey, I'm broken down in the middle of nowhere. I'm fucked. You know, I would have probably just had to392
00:43:30,680 --> 00:43:38,760
abandon it, and go back and buy a new one. Either that, or maybe find a tuk-tuk that had room.393
00:43:38,760 --> 00:43:45,800
Anything that can fit in one of these passenger troop carriers, you can put in there. It doesn't matter.394
00:43:45,800 --> 00:43:51,960
Here's another loud story that has haunted me all this time. It's a stupid story. It has nothing to do with girls.395
00:43:53,960 --> 00:44:01,000
I was going somewhere, and I think it was maybe on the same highway to hell.396
00:44:03,960 --> 00:44:07,400
And I was in a tuk-tuk. There were probably 50 people in there,397
00:44:07,400 --> 00:44:15,800
almost full. I had been one of the first ones in, so I was way up by the cab. And we're waiting for398
00:44:15,800 --> 00:44:19,560
everybody to shuffle around and load their shit, their chickens and their goats and their dogs and399
00:44:19,560 --> 00:44:25,080
their kids and whatever the fuck, you know, anything that can fit. Big bags of shit, you had no idea400
00:44:25,080 --> 00:44:31,880
what it was. Whatever. Because Poxy is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,401
00:44:31,880 --> 00:44:39,080
big bags of shit. You had no idea what it was. Whatever. Because Poxy is where they went to shop, you know.402
00:44:41,080 --> 00:44:46,920
Yeah, it might be a hundred miles, but you know, to get those special things, you know, that's where403
00:44:46,920 --> 00:44:53,560
you go. You go to Poxy. And so anyway, one of the last ones to load was this woman, older woman,404
00:44:54,760 --> 00:45:01,240
and she came up to the back of the tuk-tuk, which is not really a tuk-tuk, but you know,405
00:45:01,240 --> 00:45:07,560
we're just going to keep calling it that. What the fuck? It's probably a Laotian name, I don't know what it is.406
00:45:09,960 --> 00:45:17,480
If she came up to the back and she had six black... what the fuck were they? Were they geese?407
00:45:20,120 --> 00:45:26,360
I think they were ducks, but they were really, really tall ducks. Didn't look like a normal duck.408
00:45:26,360 --> 00:45:33,880
They were really tall, like a mallard looking kind of a thing, but they didn't really look like a goose409
00:45:33,880 --> 00:45:39,480
either. Maybe they were... I don't know what the hell. And anyway, they followed her. They were410
00:45:39,480 --> 00:45:43,880
waddling, waddling across the parking lot, you know, and they stayed right with her like little411
00:45:43,880 --> 00:45:56,520
healing dogs. And she got to the back of the tuk-tuk, and she took them... okay... and she412
00:45:57,400 --> 00:46:01,720
moved them all together, so they're all facing each other. No, no, no, no, no, they weren't.413
00:46:02,600 --> 00:46:09,800
They were all facing outward in a circle. How many? Well, I said six.414
00:46:09,800 --> 00:46:16,040
Possible there was eight. No more than eight. And they pretty much just stood there, maybe they did...415
00:46:17,560 --> 00:46:27,160
And she had a string, and she tied it around the necks of all together, like a stalk, like a bundle416
00:46:27,160 --> 00:46:34,920
of flowers. And I thought, oh fuck, this is going to be ugly because they're going to panic, and417
00:46:34,920 --> 00:46:38,760
they're going to go berserk and rub, and they're going to choke to death. And they were all418
00:46:38,760 --> 00:46:44,520
berserk and rubbing and choking to death. This is really fucking bad, the way they treat animals.419
00:46:44,520 --> 00:46:52,920
This is not very pretty. But they didn't panic, and she cinched it. It looked fairly tight to me.420
00:46:54,440 --> 00:47:00,440
Tied or not? I thought, oh fuck, she's just choking to death, because she can't bring them on the421
00:47:00,440 --> 00:47:04,520
tuk-tuk, have them running around, getting in everybody's face, and flying out the back,422
00:47:04,520 --> 00:47:12,280
and shit like that. So what I supposed was she bought them in some market, got them to the tuk-tuk,423
00:47:13,320 --> 00:47:18,920
and then she didn't want to carry them to the tuk-tuk, so she made them walk to the tuk-tuk,424
00:47:18,920 --> 00:47:29,800
and then she bundled them and choked them to death. And that's it. Oh god. Well, you know, whatever.425
00:47:29,800 --> 00:47:35,560
I mean, you know, the shit that I buy in the market has been killed also, you know, so I'll426
00:47:35,560 --> 00:47:44,200
suck it up there. I spent most of my life hunting for food, you know. I just, it was just unexpected,427
00:47:44,200 --> 00:47:51,320
I guess, to do that in the back of the tuk-tuk. And so then they're down for the count. They look428
00:47:51,320 --> 00:47:57,480
like they did. And she grabbed the bundle, and she swung it up into the tuk-tuk, and shoved it under429
00:47:57,480 --> 00:48:03,800
her bench seat, right at the back, pretty much at the back. And she had some other shit. I can't430
00:48:03,800 --> 00:48:08,440
remember, maybe a cat or some fucking thing. I can't remember another animal or two, maybe a goat.431
00:48:08,440 --> 00:48:18,520
There were some number of goats in there, and some dogs, and oh god, a fucking snake. Jesus Christ.432
00:48:18,520 --> 00:48:31,640
And then we took off. Now where I was going was about nine hours. I was going like pretty much433
00:48:31,640 --> 00:48:36,840
the end of the line. It's gonna be like nine hours. And I thought, well, you know, she's probably not434
00:48:36,840 --> 00:48:41,880
going that far, because these turkeys, you know, it's a hundred and ninety-five hundred degrees.435
00:48:43,480 --> 00:48:46,600
They're not gonna be really edible if she goes nine hours, you know.436
00:48:46,600 --> 00:48:51,400
And we're trundling, trundling, trundling, and we would stop at certain places for a little break.437
00:48:51,400 --> 00:48:55,480
Nobody got off, because they were afraid of getting their animals stolen, I guess. I don't know,438
00:48:55,480 --> 00:49:02,920
losing their spot, I don't know, whatever. And these, as soon as we stopped at certain places, these439
00:49:06,120 --> 00:49:14,760
Laotians would run, swarm the truck, and they had every kind of bits of critters you could imagine.440
00:49:14,760 --> 00:49:21,320
And they had on their barbecued pieces, or sometimes whole, and they're on long sticks,441
00:49:21,320 --> 00:49:25,400
and they would stand down below, and they would hold them way up, because you're sitting up pretty442
00:49:25,400 --> 00:49:31,720
high, and they would hold them up so the people in the trucks could see what they're offering.443
00:49:31,720 --> 00:49:38,680
And if a piece looked tasty, then you bargained for a price, and you paid, and then you pulled it444
00:49:38,680 --> 00:49:44,680
off the stick, and then she had another stick with another piece, and she had another stick with445
00:49:44,680 --> 00:49:52,280
head or some fucking thing on it, you know. Literally, seriously. Ears, or where the fuck,446
00:49:52,280 --> 00:49:56,040
any goddamn part you could imagine, there was on sticks down there.447
00:49:59,400 --> 00:50:04,280
And there's just dozens of these vendors, and some of them actually came up into,448
00:50:06,040 --> 00:50:09,560
inside the tuk-tuk, and they're hopping around, they're trying to sell shit.449
00:50:09,560 --> 00:50:15,800
And I bought a lot of that stuff. It was really good, it was tasty, you know. You don't know how450
00:50:15,800 --> 00:50:19,400
it's been handled. Might have been in the sun for nine hours, you know.451
00:50:22,200 --> 00:50:31,880
And so that's what the rest stops were like. If people needed to pee, they just stocked the truck452
00:50:31,880 --> 00:50:36,920
wherever somebody needed to pee, and they jumped off, and they'd go literally 10 feet. They didn't453
00:50:36,920 --> 00:50:40,280
want to go into the fucking jungle, you know. You got snakes, and you got landmines, so they're not454
00:50:40,280 --> 00:50:43,720
going into the jungle. They're going to go 10 feet, and you're just going to sit there,455
00:50:46,040 --> 00:50:52,280
you know, not supposed to watch them, but you know, the most interesting thing you've seen all day.456
00:50:56,120 --> 00:51:01,160
And that's how those rides went. Anyway, we're going along, and we got to the point where457
00:51:01,720 --> 00:51:05,240
that woman wasn't getting off. She wasn't getting off. She wasn't getting off, and I was starting458
00:51:05,240 --> 00:51:13,240
to think, man, I think I can smell them. Oh, God, I think I can smell rotting duck,459
00:51:13,240 --> 00:51:17,400
geese, goose, whatever the fuck they were. I was pretty sure I could smell them, and they were460
00:51:17,400 --> 00:51:22,280
rotten in the sun. Well, they were kind of in the shade under the seat, but rotten in the heat.461
00:51:24,280 --> 00:51:31,800
I was pretty sure I could smell them, and it weren't pretty. And I was thinking, what the hell462
00:51:31,800 --> 00:51:37,080
is she going to do with these things? Because she clearly can't eat them now. Maybe she's got some463
00:51:37,080 --> 00:51:45,160
dogs or some damn thing that would eat them. I don't know, but I know. And I saw her just464
00:51:45,720 --> 00:51:49,960
watching her subconsciously. And I got to the point where about nine hours into the trip,465
00:51:49,960 --> 00:51:56,040
over 30 minutes from my destination, finally she knocks, and they pull over, and she gets out.466
00:51:56,040 --> 00:52:04,760
They pull over, and she gets out. I thought, okay, well, you know, she's going to sling them over her467
00:52:04,760 --> 00:52:09,880
shoulder, and she had a bunch of other bags and shit. All kinds of crap. She'd been shopping,468
00:52:09,880 --> 00:52:19,320
obviously. And there was no houses anywhere, not that anybody could see. And it was all nondescript.469
00:52:19,320 --> 00:52:25,080
For miles and miles, it was the same country. It was the same. Everything looked exactly the same,470
00:52:25,080 --> 00:52:33,000
but she knew exactly where to stop the truck. Precisely. And I swear the truck knew where to471
00:52:33,000 --> 00:52:39,480
stop. So anyway, she gets out. She takes these duck looking things, and she slides them out the472
00:52:39,480 --> 00:52:47,640
back, lets them flop onto the ground. And she starts arranging her stuff. And the truck stayed473
00:52:47,640 --> 00:52:52,040
there for some minutes. I don't know, maybe there was other traffic or something. But anyway,474
00:52:52,040 --> 00:52:59,400
he sat right there, so we could watch this whole thing unfold. And she reaches down to these ducks,475
00:52:59,400 --> 00:53:02,600
and I thought, okay, she's going to pick them up, sling them over her shoulder. No, she didn't476
00:53:03,560 --> 00:53:09,320
pick them up. She pulled a string, and instantly the rope around her neck came untied.477
00:53:10,760 --> 00:53:16,440
And I thought, oh, that was fucking stupid. What the hell? Now you've got to hold each neck,478
00:53:16,440 --> 00:53:22,680
you know? What the hell are you doing? Why'd you do that? Now they're going to be 10 times479
00:53:22,680 --> 00:53:28,840
or six times harder to carry, you know? What the hell? And this is getting kind of interesting480
00:53:28,840 --> 00:53:32,440
at this point. And then I'm thinking, where the hell is she going to go? There's no houses.481
00:53:32,440 --> 00:53:44,520
There's no nothing. Nothing is out here. But she stood there, looked at them, and one by one,482
00:53:44,520 --> 00:53:47,960
over the space of 15 seconds, they all came back to life.483
00:53:51,640 --> 00:53:57,000
And they staggered up, stood up straight, looked around. Are we home?484
00:54:04,600 --> 00:54:11,400
And she picked up her other bags, and she headed off the shoulder, headed for the jungle. And485
00:54:11,400 --> 00:54:17,880
apparently there was some little trail there that I couldn't see. She pushed away a couple of big486
00:54:17,880 --> 00:54:29,640
leaves and the black duck things were waddling along behind her. And she just disappeared into487
00:54:29,640 --> 00:54:42,440
the jungle. And then the truck pulled away. And I thought, oh yeah, I ain't in Kansas anymore.488
00:54:46,200 --> 00:54:54,120
So that kind of thing is every day. It's every day in Laos. It's... Laos is very, very fascinating489
00:54:54,120 --> 00:55:06,680
in different ways from other countries. Yeah, I got other stories. I'll save them for later.490
00:55:06,680 --> 00:55:10,200
I'm tired of Laos right now. Okay. So what do we got for...491
00:55:12,600 --> 00:55:15,480
We're doing good on time, but I'm feeling tired and weak.492
00:55:15,480 --> 00:55:28,440
Is there any short ones we can knock out here? Okay, we did that. There's a saying493
00:55:31,400 --> 00:55:38,680
that we say all throughout Southeast Asia, for those guys, back to the girl subject, because494
00:55:38,680 --> 00:55:44,680
that's... you know, somewhere around 90% of the audience of these things, that's all I want.495
00:55:44,680 --> 00:55:47,080
I know those girls, they don't care about anything else they don't care about.496
00:55:48,120 --> 00:55:50,760
Zombie ducks or anything else, they just want to know about the girls.497
00:55:52,200 --> 00:55:59,080
We say, tie girls for fun. Pie girls for marriage.498
00:56:05,560 --> 00:56:10,440
That's all I'm gonna say. We'll go through that again later. I can't explain it.499
00:56:10,440 --> 00:56:12,520
I just don't have the energy to go anymore.500
00:56:15,160 --> 00:56:22,120
Yeah, I just don't. I just don't. Okay, so we're gonna call it a day. This is gonna be really,501
00:56:22,120 --> 00:56:29,720
really short. Man, we're not even an hour. It's gonna take me a while to get some strength there.502
00:56:29,720 --> 00:56:40,600
Okay, so thank you. Very, very... oh wait, wait, wait. I don't think I did this. All tapes are503
00:56:40,600 --> 00:56:48,200
copyrighted. 2023 by If you see these hosted on any other site, not504
00:56:48,200 --> 00:56:54,680
an RSS feeder, but I mean somebody else's site, where they're calling it their content or whatever.505
00:56:54,680 --> 00:56:58,600
Even if they're not calling their content, they cannot host it. They can link to it.506
00:56:59,640 --> 00:57:05,720
Tell us through Twitter. Go to our Twitter link. Tell us. We will sue them. Done it before. We've507
00:57:05,720 --> 00:57:14,760
got good awards before. We'll get them again. It's called copyright theft. And we know how to do it.508
00:57:14,760 --> 00:57:21,880
We're good at it. We will send you one third or 33% of the total net.509
00:57:21,880 --> 00:57:27,480
Proceeds. You gotta wait for it to settle. Usually, well, almost always they'll settle on a court510
00:57:27,480 --> 00:57:32,040
because they know they're dead wrong. And they know if they go to court, it's just gonna add more shit511
00:57:32,040 --> 00:57:41,800
to it. So... but sometimes they do that. Go to court. And the judge always awards more than...512
00:57:41,800 --> 00:57:48,360
well, no, not always. They sometimes award more than we were asking for in damages.513
00:57:48,360 --> 00:57:57,480
So 33% of that, you know, it's not uncommon at all to get 10 grand. I've known guys who got 30 grand.514
00:57:59,080 --> 00:58:07,320
You can't steal stuff. Snowflakes. You can't do it. You gotta use your little noggin,515
00:58:08,680 --> 00:58:13,720
your delicate little noggin, and you gotta think up your own content for your own website.516
00:58:13,720 --> 00:58:23,880
A lot of people do a hot-licking thing where they make it look like content is hosted on their site.517
00:58:23,880 --> 00:58:29,560
They just put a link to it on their site. But the content really is still hosted from our servers.518
00:58:29,560 --> 00:58:38,440
But the link to it appears on their site like it's their content.519
00:58:40,440 --> 00:58:49,240
That's a... you can sue for that, kind of, in certain circumstances. We have tended to let it go520
00:58:49,240 --> 00:58:58,760
because we're still getting our content out there. They're still welcome to come to our site. We still521
00:58:58,760 --> 00:59:08,280
get the copyright on the tape because they haven't altered the tape. So we've kind of looked the other522
00:59:08,280 --> 00:59:14,200
way with that stuff. But if they actually take the first step, they're still going to have to523
00:59:14,200 --> 00:59:20,040
do it on their server. So we've kind of looked the other way with that stuff. But if they actually524
00:59:20,040 --> 00:59:27,720
take the file off of our server and put it on their server, we can and will nail them. If they525
00:59:28,440 --> 00:59:34,120
alter the file such that our copyright is gone, then we're really fucking nail them. And those526
00:59:34,120 --> 00:59:43,560
can be really big, big fines and awards. Really big. So if you see those, you get a third.527
00:59:43,560 --> 00:59:48,280
And by God, I think by now you know we will send it. We will.528
00:59:48,280 --> 01:00:11,240
Okay. So thank you very much and good evening and good night.