This website, and all pages within this website, and all videos, tape recordings, podcasts, and other materials including photographic images and captions, offer, disseminate, convey and represent our opinions, hunches, suspicions, best recollections and editorial views.
This is an auto-generated speech-to-text transcript of a SE Asia Chronicles Podcast
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The "Transcript" links take you to the transcript page which hosts all auto-generated written transcripts of the podcasts. Up through episode 8 were done by Adobe's absurd and ludicrous idea of a speech to text generator. It's another pathetic embarrassment to Adobe. Transcripts after that were made by a real transcriber. In so many ways, for so many "products", Adobe can just go suck an egg -- and they just more than doubled their subscription. It is truly time to just say goodbye to Adobe.
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Good evening from Southeast Asia. This will be episode number 13, lucky number 13, of the2
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Southeast Asia Chronicles podcast Things. Probably gonna change the name at some point. I don't know.3
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We are not creative sometimes, often. 13 is a fitting number for this one because it's4
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uh we're gonna do most or all of the podcast on5
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I don't know maybe the darkest aspect of Southeast Asia.6
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It's the darkest one, darkest thing I know of that has happened in modern times in Southeast Asia.7
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Been a lot of ugly, bad, stupid crap has happened but uh this is I'm really sure this is the worst.8
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This is the story of Pol Pot in Cambodia, mostly southern Cambodia. Phnom Penh down in there.9
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The reason that we're going to cover this is number one we've been concentrating an awful lot on Thailand10
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just because that's where I spent the most time. But these podcasts are about Southeast Asia11
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and I'm trying to give you some overview. If you decide to go to Southeast Asia you may not end up12
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in Thailand. I could have easily ended up in Cambodia or Burma or anywhere.13
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Well I did end up in Cambodia later but14
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you need to... I'm trying to give you a feel15
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for the flavor of the region.16
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So many people go there, so many guys go there to Southeast Asia and17
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they are clueless. They think it's going to be like I don't know California or18
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Georgia or something with a different language.19
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A little bit backwards, that's what they think.20
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And they go there from Great Britain, England thinking the same damn thing. And the really weird21
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part is that when they... after they get there, maybe they've been there six months,22
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they have no clue what they were getting into and after six months they have no clue where they are.23
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They still think they're in England.24
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They have no clue where they are. They still think they're in England.25
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And they don't understand when things are different, really, really26
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systemically down on the atomic level different. And they don't get it and they're...27
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they sort of walk around scratching their heads like, well how could this be? No, this doesn't make any sense.28
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In England it's like this, you know. In California it's like this.29
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You ain't in Kansas anymore.30
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Really, you're not. It's...31
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No, I wish I had a magical, magic wand and I could go...32
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and I could impart into your brain how vastly, incomprehensibly different it's going to be.33
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And that's actually... that is the magic for a lot of people. That's what I wanted. I want34
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different, different, different. I wanted Mars. I wanted Venus. I didn't even want to be in the same35
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solar system. I wanted Zeta Reticuli... Reticuli, you know, whatever.36
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No, such thing is too different for me.37
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Even having said that, I was still shocked pretty regularly. Shocked, stunned.38
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I still am. After 10, 11 years, I still am.39
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Wow, it's a... but so many guys don't get that. So here's... I'm going to give you one really40
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concentrated dose of evil here. And that's what this is. This is a huge41
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steaming pile of concentrated evil dumped right onto your head.42
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And what I hope this accomplishes is that you can see that I'm still in the same state of43
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hypnosis. And what I hope this accomplishes is to44
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reset... no, not even reset. Wipe out. Wipe out. Nuk some of your preconceptions about...45
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It's a very busy night out there. Some of your preconceptions about Southeast Asia.46
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They need to be nuked. They need to be excised and replaced with some realities.47
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It's like I was going through some online forums tonight. These guys were writing in with these48
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tales of woe about their Filipino girlfriends. And you get 50 of this particular story. You get49
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50 of these a day. This one guy wrote in and he said, man, I had this girlfriend for four years.50
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Man, I had this girlfriend for four years. I lived in Virginia. I had this girlfriend for four years.51
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She was in the Philippines. Never met her. But we were faithful.52
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And we were going to be married. And I finally retired or whatever happened. I got the money I53
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was waiting for, whatever happened. And I traveled to Philippines. And oh God, we texted 20, 50 times54
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a day and we video chatted three or four times a day right up until I got on the flight. God,55
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I was the one. She was the one. Oh man. And he got to the airport in Manila. She met him faithfully.56
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Good loyal girl. She met him. Oh God, they're so happy. They're so happy. Finally, it's all coming57
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true. And they got in a cab and they're going to go get a hotel, I guess in Manila for a few days.58
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Look around. And then they're going out to the province where she lived. And then they're going59
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to start the wedding prep. That had been the plan for four years. He'd been sending her money all60
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this time. And she stayed with him. Well, no, no, no, no. I'm going too far. I'm jumping ahead.61
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And then in the cab on the way to the hotel in Manila, she was happy, happy, happy, happy,62
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happy days. And then suddenly she's crying. And he said, Oh God, what's the matter? He said, Oh,63
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she's so happy. She's crying. Oh my God, this is great. But this wasn't a happy kind of cry.64
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And she just kept crying and crying. Cab drivers kind of looking at him like, uh-oh, uh-oh,65
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you know, am I going to get paid or not? And he says, what's wrong, Ernie? What's wrong? Oh,66
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we can fix it. It doesn't matter what it is. And she would raise her head up and look at him and67
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look at him and just cry all the murder. Oh God. Okay. Finally confessed, uh, she'd been married68
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for a while. Some of the filings, some of the white guys, he just got there first. Bird in the69
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hand, you know. And, uh, they'd been living together down in the province and he doesn't know70
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she's what she came for. She, she said she had a sick friend in Manila, you know, and, uh,71
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you know, sorry, sorry, honey. Yeah. Maybe I should have told you before you got on the plane,72
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you know, so they went to the hotel and she fucked him for four days. He said,73
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he fucked his brains out for four days and, um, then went home to hubby. She's pretty, by the way.74
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And he wrote into the forum, just about insane, just about crazy with grief and shock,75
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and understanding. What has happened here? How can this happen anywhere on earth? I don't76
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understand this. This is, this is not normal earth. This is not real life. This is something77
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I must've fallen down, hit my head and I'm having a halcyon dream, something. I'm, I had a stroke.78
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I'm in a coma. This, he was just going on like that in the forum. And79
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I normally don't answer those. I don't engage in them because these guys are just so goddamn80
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clueless. It gets to the point where they're so clueless that you just say, well, just gotta learn.81
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But I did answer this one and I, and I wrote and I said, well,82
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every guy who comes here83
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should have adjusted their thinking and their psyche and their vision of reality84
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to accept that85
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to accept that when this happens, not if, when this happens, it is no more traumatic86
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than a change in dinner plans.87
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That sink in for a minute because that's the God's truth.88
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The girl does this to you or worse or far, far worse,89
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far worse. And I'll tell more stories as we go. Far 50,000 times worse than this.90
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When that happens from girl in Southeast Asia, God, I, I, I, if I had my ping pong paddle, I could91
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slap you, slap you, slap you, you know, wake up, wake up, wake up. You're not dreaming. Well, you92
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are. You're dreaming. I'm trying to wake you up. Okay. Uh, ping pong paddle would be such a lovely93
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thing to have that I could reach. I could reach through, reach right there. Ready? It's gonna94
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sting. It's going to sting a hundred times because I'm going to do it a hundred times.95
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Are you awake yet? That's what I want. Oh God. Um, when this happens, when this happens and it'll96
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happen to nearly every single guy who comes here at one point or another.97
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I mean, if you guys come down here, they get lucky to get the first one. They get married.98
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They're happily, you know, forever. You know, they stay together 30 years till he dies.99
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And little did he ever suspect she had two other husbands, you know, in the neighboring towns.100
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He thought she was a faithful, you know, princess, but whatever. Um, when this happens, when exactly101
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this or far, far worse, when these things happen to you, your brain must be in such a place where102
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you simply change your plans for dinner. That's it. Please. If you got, if you know people come103
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down here, please just let them listen to these five minutes. They don't have to listen to the104
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whole podcast. Just listen to this part. This is so critically important. This is why you105
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have to listen to this part. This is why all these old geezers step off their balconies on the 39th floor.106
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You, you don't have this experience107
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in, in, in your, in your brain to deal with these things because you came from a place that, yeah,108
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it was fucked up. The women were fucked up, dishonest, they cheated, they fucked you over,109
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you know, lied to you. Okay. This is a whole, another universe of getting fucked over.110
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And I'm making it sound like there's not a single good one anywhere in Southeast111
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India that are, oh God, they're there, they're there. Really, really rare. If you find one, don't let it go.112
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Like I did a few times. I mean, I think I had good ones. Maybe I didn't, you know, maybe six months,113
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I would have gone through something like this. When I came down here, I was, I was sufficiently114
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experienced in the darker sides of life that I, I expected these things and I was not shocked, not shocked.115
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God, I get stories and they're going to come out. Okay. So I'm trying to give you a whole paradigm116
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shift in your thinking about Southeast Asia. I'm trying to tell you the girls are on a level that117
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you cannot comprehend yet. I'm trying to get it through to you, but you're going to resist it.118
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I'm pouring water on a rock. I know I am. All I can hope for is that when this shit happens,119
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instead of stepping off that balcony, you're going to think, oh, let's see,120
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I mean, I listened to this podcast by this guy. He was a flaming asshole. He thought all girls were121
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Satan, but they are. Everything he said was going to happen has happened.122
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So maybe I'm preparing you just a teensy little bit.123
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And I, I want to try to get through to you the,124
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see it, very atmosphere is different. The air,125
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the life force, it's all alien.126
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Now I'm going to tell you a story about Pol Pot. And I'm doing this to shock the piss right out of127
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you. It's all true. Been there. It's all true. I've studied it for quite a few years. I'm not a128
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scholar of Pol Pot, but I know enough to tell this story and I hope I don't get any little details129
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wrong. I might. You can go read them yourself, look them up for yourself to be absolutely sure.130
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I'm telling the absolute truth. And I don't need so much to be absolutely131
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correct at the atomic level on the,132
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on every part of it.133
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It's the needs that you need to understand. You need to understand the,134
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you need to understand how different these people are because you don't get it. I positively,135
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positively guarantee if you haven't been here and spent time here, at least a year or two,136
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if you always came here on vacation, you're going to be able to get it.137
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And I'm going to tell you a story about a guy named,138
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he, he, um, he seems to be, yeah, he's the perfect figure for, for stories,139
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for stuff. He came to this, this, this guy. He onto this book,140
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I bet he did forget to bring that up. And then he, he looked, he един ACCUравствуйте141
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Spinel to eye cry. And then they, they started talking, they called these people. She called142
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I didn't believe you. I thought it was just some fish story shit you're telling me.143
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God, you didn't even scratch the surface of how bizarre it is.144
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What the hell? Why didn't I listen?145
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And then they would go home to the US and all the friends would ask them,146
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Oh God, what was it like? Southeast Asia, what was that like?147
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And they would just begin to tell them and all the guys would go,148
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Come on, come on, we're not that fucking stupid.149
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And they had only even just begun to tell them what they saw,150
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only in two months, not in 10 or 11 years.151
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Okay, so here's the story of Pol Pot.152
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And this is, again, to shock your brain into learning to think about life and reality in a whole new way.153
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I hope this works for you.154
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Pol Pot was a little fuckhead. He was Khmer, he was Cambodian.155
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Somehow, I don't know what his really early background was.156
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He must have had some money. He went to university in the US.157
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He studied what? I don't know.158
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Cooking. Who the fuck was that? I don't know.159
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I don't know who he stayed with there.160
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So this must have been for him, this must have been like about early 60s, something like that, probably.161
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But he's in the US, I'm guessing, I'm just guessing.162
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You know, every once in a while I'd be talking about this with some Pol Pot scholar.163
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And I would say something like that.164
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Well, let's see, he was in university in the US in the early 60s, right?165
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No, god damn it. No, I was 64. You fucking moron.166
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Okay, it doesn't matter if it was 62 or 64.167
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It doesn't matter. Jesus Christ.168
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Ain't no retending much.169
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Okay, so I had that happen in a restaurant, actually.170
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Guy's just barking, no, I was 64, or whatever year it really was.171
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I don't even remember now because I don't care.172
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Anyway, goes to university in America.173
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I don't remember what university.174
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Back East, pretty sure, back East.175
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As I recall, it was a semi prestigious university.176
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Money, good money.177
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And he was a fucking, I think the first while, the first year maybe he was okay, kind of sort of, you know, just an average student.178
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And they started fucking around, fucking around, fucking around.179
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And just got worse and worse. And he wasn't cutting it, wasn't cutting it.180
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And I don't remember what his malfunction was, if it was drugs or what.181
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Or his laziness, or might have been just plain stupid, I don't know.182
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But he wasn't cutting it.183
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And I don't remember if he got, oh, I think he did, I think he did get kicked out.184
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I'm pretty sure he got kicked out.185
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80% sure he got kicked out.186
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Doesn't matter. He left university.187
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And he was a fuck up. He was doing poorly.188
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If he didn't get kicked out, he was going to get kicked out.189
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He failed at the university.190
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And so he ends up in France someplace.191
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New university, whole new ballgame.192
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And the French, some professor got a hold of him and extolled upon him the supreme virtues of communism.193
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And he just gobbled it up.194
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Oh my God, I am home. This is what I've dreamed up all my life. Communism.195
00:21:15,080 --> 00:21:17,080
Oh, fuck.196
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And I don't know at what point he changed his name to Pol Pot.197
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I think he might have done it. Oh, I'm just not sure.198
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I think it was around in the time he was in one university or another.199
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He changed it. He didn't legally change it. He just started calling himself Pol Pot.200
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And nobody ever knew why. And he would never explain it.201
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And everybody concluded, well, it doesn't have any meaning at all.202
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He just pulled the doggy's ass.203
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It was just a wet fart.204
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He put his hand down there and said, yeah, that smells good. Let's use it.205
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You know, like that. That was the only explanation I ever got from him.206
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So he goes to France and they teach him about communism.207
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He's like, yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. Communism is the way.208
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OK. And he's learning about the old style communism.209
00:22:07,080 --> 00:22:10,080
We're farming, you know, that's the answer to all things.210
00:22:10,080 --> 00:22:13,080
Farm, farm, work hard and farm.211
00:22:13,080 --> 00:22:16,080
You don't need anything else in life. You know, that's it.212
00:22:16,080 --> 00:22:19,080
OK. So that sunk into his little tiny pea brain.213
00:22:19,080 --> 00:22:22,080
They were pouring water on the rock everywhere else.214
00:22:22,080 --> 00:22:25,080
And there they found a crack and it soaked into his brain.215
00:22:25,080 --> 00:22:27,080
Communism soaked into his brain.216
00:22:27,080 --> 00:22:32,080
So he gets out of there. I don't know what are the travels he might have done.217
00:22:32,080 --> 00:22:36,080
He ends up back in Cambodia, Khambusha.218
00:22:36,080 --> 00:22:39,080
And get into the military.219
00:22:39,080 --> 00:22:42,080
Maybe a family deal. I'm not sure.220
00:22:42,080 --> 00:22:45,080
He worked his way up through the ranks somehow.221
00:22:45,080 --> 00:22:48,080
I don't know, slowly or quickly. I don't know.222
00:22:48,080 --> 00:22:51,080
He ended up becoming a general of the Khmer Army.223
00:22:51,080 --> 00:22:58,080
This was when Vietnam was winding down.224
00:22:58,080 --> 00:23:01,080
And Cambodia had already been sacked.225
00:23:01,080 --> 00:23:09,080
Cambodia had sided with North Vietnam, the Chinese, communism.226
00:23:09,080 --> 00:23:12,080
And the Americans said, no, no, no, that's bad.227
00:23:12,080 --> 00:23:15,080
Now we really don't like you. And they just fucked them.228
00:23:15,080 --> 00:23:18,080
They just fucked them. They bombed them back into the Stone Age.229
00:23:18,080 --> 00:23:22,080
I mentioned in the last tape, politicians were on TV joking about it.230
00:23:22,080 --> 00:23:25,080
I remember seeing them in real time.231
00:23:25,080 --> 00:23:28,080
And they're on TV joking, yeah, we bombed them back into the Stone Age.232
00:23:28,080 --> 00:23:32,080
And they did not exaggerate. They really, really, really did.233
00:23:32,080 --> 00:23:37,080
They fucked them. Fucked them.234
00:23:37,080 --> 00:23:41,080
Jesus Christ, they fucked them.235
00:23:41,080 --> 00:23:45,080
Cambodia didn't have much of an army or military or anything anyway.236
00:23:45,080 --> 00:23:47,080
They were a poor country.237
00:23:47,080 --> 00:23:49,080
It could have been Thailand. Thailand went the other way.238
00:23:49,080 --> 00:23:53,080
They sided with the U.S. and they came out of it smelling like roses.239
00:23:53,080 --> 00:23:55,080
Cambodia could have done the same thing.240
00:23:55,080 --> 00:24:00,080
They just, you know, any, mini, miny, mo. Communism, okay, there you go.241
00:24:00,080 --> 00:24:06,080
Well, they had more pressure from the Chinese because of the huge Chinese presence in Cambodia.242
00:24:06,080 --> 00:24:09,080
Huge, huge, huge.243
00:24:09,080 --> 00:24:13,080
More than in Thailand.244
00:24:13,080 --> 00:24:19,080
So, you know, whatever, they were leaning that direction, I think anyway, going with the communists.245
00:24:19,080 --> 00:24:22,080
And then they were right next door to Vietnam.246
00:24:22,080 --> 00:24:27,080
And Vietnam, you know, the communist influencers were in Cambodia.247
00:24:27,080 --> 00:24:33,080
And the communist, the Chinese in North Vietnam, really, really wanted Cambodia because it was strategic.248
00:24:33,080 --> 00:24:37,080
The U.S. didn't really care at all. They kind of wanted it, but, you know, anyway.249
00:24:37,080 --> 00:24:46,080
So Cambodia went to a communist in the U.S. who was pissed and fucked him. Just fucked him.250
00:24:46,080 --> 00:24:54,080
One of the guys of, you know, lots and lots of North Vietnamese hiding in Cambodia said,251
00:24:54,080 --> 00:24:57,080
let's just kill everybody, you know, kill them all, let God sort them out.252
00:24:57,080 --> 00:24:59,080
You know, that was the scorched earth.253
00:24:59,080 --> 00:25:03,080
God, they did it. They fucked. Oh, Jesus, it was nasty.254
00:25:03,080 --> 00:25:10,080
You can still go everywhere and see the twisted bridges laying in rivers and railroad tracks,255
00:25:10,080 --> 00:25:14,080
you know, like bowls of spaghetti and shit like that from Vietnam.256
00:25:14,080 --> 00:25:20,080
And the whole place is lousy, lousy, lousy with unexploded ordinance landmines.257
00:25:20,080 --> 00:25:26,080
It's lousy. Cambodia and Laos. Just they're everywhere.258
00:25:26,080 --> 00:25:32,080
And I'll tell stories when we get to Laos, I'll tell you stories about landmines.259
00:25:32,080 --> 00:25:36,080
Okay, so Cambodia is down for the count.260
00:25:36,080 --> 00:25:40,080
You know, they're like on their hands and knees on the ground, cough and blood.261
00:25:40,080 --> 00:25:47,080
They're wheezing, hard to breathe, you know, figuratively.262
00:25:47,080 --> 00:25:53,080
And Pol Pot came along. Cambodia is weak. Pol Pot came along.263
00:25:53,080 --> 00:25:59,080
And he's a general or whatever, I think. Maybe higher than a general.264
00:25:59,080 --> 00:26:03,080
I'm not sure. At least a general in the Khmer army.265
00:26:03,080 --> 00:26:10,080
And he's like, okay, okay, turkeys, listen up. I know what's going to save Cambodia.266
00:26:10,080 --> 00:26:17,080
I know this in my soul. I can see a vision of the future.267
00:26:17,080 --> 00:26:21,080
Follow me.268
00:26:21,080 --> 00:26:25,080
And if you don't, you know, you have to pretty much.269
00:26:25,080 --> 00:26:30,080
You know, this ain't no democracy there.270
00:26:30,080 --> 00:26:34,080
And the people were like, well, I don't know. What's your plan?271
00:26:34,080 --> 00:26:38,080
You know, there's no elections or anything down there.272
00:26:38,080 --> 00:26:42,080
There still isn't. It's just bullshit.273
00:26:42,080 --> 00:26:50,080
Even just a few years ago, the Plum Pen government shut down the last newspaper in the city, in the region,274
00:26:50,080 --> 00:26:53,080
because they didn't like the shit that they said about the government.275
00:26:53,080 --> 00:26:59,080
When I left Thailand, there was no newspapers anywhere in the region.276
00:26:59,080 --> 00:27:04,080
They had gotten them down to one. That's how it works now.277
00:27:04,080 --> 00:27:11,080
Think of that happening in America.278
00:27:11,080 --> 00:27:20,080
So Pol Pot, excited. Now we be communists. Vietnam was winding down. It was just about over.279
00:27:20,080 --> 00:27:24,080
He's going to rebuild Cambodia and make it strong.280
00:27:24,080 --> 00:27:31,080
So he had this notion, apparently from some French university, that281
00:27:31,080 --> 00:27:35,080
the only way for people to live is to farm.282
00:27:35,080 --> 00:27:42,080
Period. That's all you ever needed to do. Farm.283
00:27:42,080 --> 00:27:48,080
And that will solve every problem you've got in life and probably the afterlife, too.284
00:27:48,080 --> 00:27:53,080
So where'd he go first? I think he marched.285
00:27:53,080 --> 00:27:59,080
He was hanging around outside of Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh is a city about the size of...286
00:27:59,080 --> 00:28:05,080
I don't know what the population is.287
00:28:05,080 --> 00:28:08,080
I don't know. I'd have to look it up. My guess would be...288
00:28:08,080 --> 00:28:11,080
God, I don't know. Maybe 100,000.289
00:28:11,080 --> 00:28:15,080
I would think no more than that.290
00:28:15,080 --> 00:28:20,080
So it's a city. There's really only a couple of cities in Cambodia.291
00:28:20,080 --> 00:28:24,080
There's not a lot going on there.292
00:28:24,080 --> 00:28:29,080
But it was a city. It was trying to be a city. And then they had some cool stuff going on there.293
00:28:29,080 --> 00:28:36,080
They were being a society, you know, of sorts of best they could do, especially after Vietnam.294
00:28:36,080 --> 00:28:39,080
Before Vietnam, they were coming along in the world.295
00:28:39,080 --> 00:28:45,080
They were putting one foot in front of the other. They were doing not that badly.296
00:28:45,080 --> 00:28:50,080
And they were kind of coming up in the world.297
00:28:50,080 --> 00:28:58,080
Cambodians are... I kind of like them.298
00:28:58,080 --> 00:29:02,080
Mic is...299
00:29:02,080 --> 00:29:08,080
I kind of like them. They're much more focused than Thais.300
00:29:08,080 --> 00:29:12,080
They can be focused on ripping you off, too. Killing you.301
00:29:12,080 --> 00:29:15,080
They're more focused when they kill you.302
00:29:15,080 --> 00:29:24,080
But they... I saw that in Burma also. Now they call it Myanmar.303
00:29:24,080 --> 00:29:28,080
People are more focused.304
00:29:28,080 --> 00:29:35,080
We'll talk about Myanmar later.305
00:29:35,080 --> 00:29:40,080
So Pol Pot said, let's do it my way, because I know the answer to all your problems.306
00:29:40,080 --> 00:29:45,080
And the people were like, well, I don't know. We're not really sure.307
00:29:45,080 --> 00:29:51,080
And Pol Pot said, well, I don't care for sure or not you're going to do it.308
00:29:51,080 --> 00:29:57,080
And he simply took over Phnom Penh, brought in his troops. I don't know how many troops he had.309
00:29:57,080 --> 00:30:05,080
I don't think it was huge, but it didn't matter because the people could not object.310
00:30:05,080 --> 00:30:10,080
Why? Because they didn't have any guns.311
00:30:10,080 --> 00:30:16,080
Even if they wanted to organize and stop a little Khmer army, they had no guns.312
00:30:16,080 --> 00:30:20,080
They had steak knives. Why didn't they have any guns?313
00:30:20,080 --> 00:30:31,080
Because the government years before had taken away all their guns. Took them all. Why?314
00:30:31,080 --> 00:30:37,080
I did this in the last one. I did this when I hit the mic for their safety.315
00:30:37,080 --> 00:30:43,080
I did it again. Bastard thing.316
00:30:43,080 --> 00:30:50,080
So people had no guns. And they had nothing. They didn't have a 32 caliber five shot.317
00:30:50,080 --> 00:30:53,080
You know, they had nothing. Steak knives, really, literally, that's all.318
00:30:53,080 --> 00:30:58,080
They had some machetes, you know, but they're not trained to fight.319
00:30:58,080 --> 00:31:04,080
And so Pol Pot said, OK.320
00:31:04,080 --> 00:31:10,080
All you people, the teachers.321
00:31:10,080 --> 00:31:15,080
A lot of the doctors. Well, it turned out to be all the doctors in the end.322
00:31:15,080 --> 00:31:24,080
Librarians, scholars, police.323
00:31:24,080 --> 00:31:31,080
You know, all the people he didn't like because the teachers had been mean to him in American University.324
00:31:31,080 --> 00:31:36,080
No, he didn't like them. They were rude. He was a fuck up and they told him that.325
00:31:36,080 --> 00:31:43,080
OK, so now, now he's going to get those fucking teachers, you know, professors, everybody.326
00:31:43,080 --> 00:31:51,080
He rounded them up first. He rounded them up by force.327
00:31:51,080 --> 00:32:01,080
So went around door to door, put on a pin, rounded him up and all the other people there watching like, huh, huh, what are you doing?328
00:32:01,080 --> 00:32:07,080
And if they objected too much, they got a rifle butt in the face.329
00:32:07,080 --> 00:32:16,080
So now he's got a whole shitload of all the people he doesn't like.330
00:32:16,080 --> 00:32:21,080
And he put him in trucks.331
00:32:21,080 --> 00:32:25,080
Mostly trucks, a few of them went in trains.332
00:32:25,080 --> 00:32:31,080
Mostly trucks because the trains couldn't go where they needed to go necessarily. Well, not all the time.333
00:32:31,080 --> 00:32:37,080
And he just put him in there. He just marched him into these trucks and probably buses too.334
00:32:37,080 --> 00:32:42,080
And told the drivers where to go. And if you don't go, they will kill you.335
00:32:42,080 --> 00:32:48,080
And so they went there and the destinations were out into the fields east.336
00:32:48,080 --> 00:32:56,080
Well, they were everywhere. But the places that I have been were out east of Phnom Penh, quite a ways.337
00:32:56,080 --> 00:33:06,080
It's like an hour and a half drive, something like that. So, but I mean, you know, that's a donkey walking speed.338
00:33:06,080 --> 00:33:10,080
I don't know how many miles, how many kilometers. It's a little bit of a ways outside.339
00:33:10,080 --> 00:33:17,080
It's where the real vastness of the farms started out there outside of town.340
00:33:17,080 --> 00:33:21,080
The real open farmlands, that's where they were.341
00:33:21,080 --> 00:33:26,080
And he led them off the buses and said,342
00:33:26,080 --> 00:33:29,080
you motherfuckers, farm.343
00:33:29,080 --> 00:33:32,080
That's pretty much all he said.344
00:33:32,080 --> 00:33:39,080
And the people, the doctors and the lawyers, the lawyers, fuck those lawyers, you know, they were really the veterans.345
00:33:39,080 --> 00:33:44,080
And the teachers, especially the fucking teachers.346
00:33:44,080 --> 00:33:50,080
Farm. And they're like, what, what, what, what?347
00:33:50,080 --> 00:33:56,080
I never farmed. I'm sorry. I don't know how to farm. I'm a teacher my entire life.348
00:33:56,080 --> 00:34:01,080
Farm? What? Well, what?349
00:34:01,080 --> 00:34:07,080
And that was just bewilderment and shock.350
00:34:07,080 --> 00:34:11,080
00:34:11,080 --> 00:34:16,080
nobody could farm. Nobody knew how to farm. Nobody knew even how to hold a hoe.352
00:34:16,080 --> 00:34:20,080
Their hands were soft and pasty.353
00:34:20,080 --> 00:34:26,080
Nobody ever dug a hole.354
00:34:26,080 --> 00:34:30,080
And they're just thinking, what the hell? What's going on here? What the hell?355
00:34:30,080 --> 00:34:35,080
OK, so you put them out in the fields, give them rudimentary tools,356
00:34:35,080 --> 00:34:39,080
give them very basic things. OK, you, you dig a ditch. You take this hoe, you dig a ditch.357
00:34:39,080 --> 00:34:47,080
You know, you're going to, you're going to dig this ditch for a mile, go in that direction.358
00:34:47,080 --> 00:34:50,080
What? So they're out there in the heat.359
00:34:50,080 --> 00:34:55,080
And they had shit food. They had rice. Barely had water.360
00:34:55,080 --> 00:34:58,080
And they're getting sick and they're collapsing.361
00:34:58,080 --> 00:35:08,080
And they're producing almost no work product whatsoever because they don't know how to and they're going to shape to and they don't know what the hell they're supposed to do and the tools were shit.362
00:35:08,080 --> 00:35:12,080
So it was just a big old clusterfuck.363
00:35:12,080 --> 00:35:17,080
And I don't know how many people he put out there in the beginning, but he got more buses coming every day, every day, every day.364
00:35:17,080 --> 00:35:24,080
So it didn't really matter. Reinforcements are on the way.365
00:35:24,080 --> 00:35:33,080
And he kept doing this over a period of time. From the time he started to the time that Penang Pen was366
00:35:33,080 --> 00:35:41,080
not kind of like a ghost town. It was a ghost town. The only people left in Penang Pen were the soy dogs367
00:35:41,080 --> 00:35:49,080
and a few military troops to make sure nobody snuck back into town, you know, into the city.368
00:35:49,080 --> 00:35:52,080
There was a city. There was a city.369
00:35:52,080 --> 00:36:00,080
So that's it. It was deserted. The, those troops must have had a heyday because they owned that entire city.370
00:36:00,080 --> 00:36:04,080
Anything they want to eat, any place they want to sleep, didn't matter.371
00:36:04,080 --> 00:36:09,080
So it was theirs. It was their oyster. It was their cherry.372
00:36:09,080 --> 00:36:15,080
I don't know how many troops were there. I would, I would guess maybe 100 or 200, something like that. Just a guess.373
00:36:15,080 --> 00:36:17,080
The scholars know this shit.374
00:36:17,080 --> 00:36:23,080
And they, and they would rudely correct me if I'm saying wrong stuff.375
00:36:23,080 --> 00:36:31,080
And you can know it too. If you really want to dig, you know, if you really want to do the research in Goudou, go Goudou. You can get every fact here.376
00:36:31,080 --> 00:36:38,080
It's all pretty well documented. Remember, this is the, this is the mid 1970s. You know, this is not the goddamn Dark Ages.377
00:36:38,080 --> 00:36:42,080
1970s. What were you doing in 73, 74?378
00:36:42,080 --> 00:36:49,080
You know, working at the car wash probably while you're going to college.379
00:36:49,080 --> 00:36:57,080
Having a good life. Eating burgers. Going out to rock and roll, you know?380
00:36:57,080 --> 00:37:04,080
Lots and lots and lots of Americans didn't even know this was going on. We did.381
00:37:04,080 --> 00:37:08,080
The news started creeping out.382
00:37:08,080 --> 00:37:13,080
I don't know. I would guess tens of thousands of us wanted to go there.383
00:37:13,080 --> 00:37:23,080
And I, I was epileptic. I wanted to go there so bad. How do I get there? Can I get on a plane? I had a wife and a kid.384
00:37:23,080 --> 00:37:29,080
But I, but I gotta go there. I gotta go there because this motherfucker's gotta be stopped.385
00:37:29,080 --> 00:37:36,080
I don't like bullies. And this was the biggest bully since Hitler, as far as I know.386
00:37:36,080 --> 00:37:51,080
So there's a span of time there where he's busting them out, busting them out, busting them out. Truckload, truckload, truckload. Pretty soon he's got the entire population of Phnom Penh and some of the surrounding area out into the farm fields, spread all over that southern Cambodia.387
00:37:51,080 --> 00:37:56,080
And the military guys were out there directing them. Well, they didn't have a farm either.388
00:37:56,080 --> 00:38:04,080
These military guys, they're just, you know, these are like conscripts rounding up off the streets pretty much. They're being dragged out of the bars.389
00:38:04,080 --> 00:38:10,080
Just rag tag fuckers. Almost no training. Can barely shoot a gun.390
00:38:10,080 --> 00:38:20,080
And only, only some percentage of them had a gun anyway.391
00:38:20,080 --> 00:38:23,080
So they're commanding all these people to farm.392
00:38:23,080 --> 00:38:27,080
And by now they've got all the women and children.393
00:38:27,080 --> 00:38:31,080
Children, to every age, babies, on a...394
00:38:31,080 --> 00:38:35,080
They've got them out there in the fields, spread all over the place.395
00:38:35,080 --> 00:38:39,080
More concentrated in some places than others.396
00:38:39,080 --> 00:38:48,080
And the mantra just was repeated over and over and over and over. Farm. Well, we don't know how to farm. Farm.397
00:38:48,080 --> 00:38:56,080
Well, what do we do? Which end of this shovel looking thing do we hold? Farm.398
00:38:56,080 --> 00:39:02,080
And so they're out there poking around. They're doing stupid shit that doesn't even make any sense. It's not producing anything.399
00:39:02,080 --> 00:39:06,080
The farmers who were there would go around and try to show them, you know, how to...400
00:39:06,080 --> 00:39:18,080
You hold this end, you know, and you do this and you make a little ditch thing and then, you know, you got to get these weeds and you got to put the water here.401
00:39:18,080 --> 00:39:25,080
And it just went like that for quite a while. And I don't know how long.402
00:39:25,080 --> 00:39:32,080
Actually, I've forgotten a lot about this because I've tried to forget it.403
00:39:32,080 --> 00:39:42,080
They were out there some years, I believe, several years, two or three, doing this shit.404
00:39:42,080 --> 00:39:49,080
And food is getting scarce. The army gets the best food. The workers get the shit.405
00:39:49,080 --> 00:40:00,080
You ever read Animal Farm? That was required reading for me in fourth grade. Read it. Animal Farm.406
00:40:00,080 --> 00:40:09,080
This was Animal Farm.407
00:40:09,080 --> 00:40:15,080
Production went way down. Well, it never really went up. It just stayed down.408
00:40:15,080 --> 00:40:22,080
The Khmer, Pol Pot, the Khmer, they wanted to overthrow some goddamn thing. I don't even know what.409
00:40:22,080 --> 00:40:28,080
I think they had... I think they had secret plans to take over all of Southeast Asia,410
00:40:28,080 --> 00:40:36,080
which is pretty heady, you know, little Hitler, son of a bitch.411
00:40:36,080 --> 00:40:46,080
I never looked up the years of what year Hitler died and what year Pol Pot was born. Reincarnation?412
00:40:46,080 --> 00:40:54,080
I don't know. I never looked into it. Somebody knows the dates. I don't. Reincarnated Hitler. I don't know.413
00:40:54,080 --> 00:41:03,080
Wouldn't that be bizarre? You're not going to prove that through DNA, but the soul certainly seems to be of the same makeup.414
00:41:03,080 --> 00:41:14,080
So Pol Pot needed a shitload of more weapons of every kind, even machetes. They barely had machetes.415
00:41:14,080 --> 00:41:21,080
And so he got this wild idea that what little farm... I'm sorry, what little food they were getting from the farms,416
00:41:21,080 --> 00:41:34,080
they needed to trade that to, I believe, the Chinese. I can't remember exactly, for weapons, because once they had enough weapons,417
00:41:34,080 --> 00:41:43,080
then they were going to go take over some fucking thing. I don't know. Thailand would have been the next logical target.418
00:41:43,080 --> 00:41:52,080
And the Thais are watching this shit. The Thais in Cambodia have always had trouble. They don't like each other, never liked each other at all.419
00:41:52,080 --> 00:42:08,080
They're still having little shooting spats today over stupid little boundaries and shit like that. They're really, really bad neighbors.420
00:42:08,080 --> 00:42:20,080
So they took all any excess food and tried to trade it for arms. They got shit arms, high prices of food.421
00:42:20,080 --> 00:42:30,080
And whatever was left over went to the troops. And if the troops left anything on their plate, then that went to the people doing the work to create the food.422
00:42:30,080 --> 00:42:37,080
People were dying left and right. They couldn't hold up to anything. They couldn't hold up to the heat. They just...423
00:42:37,080 --> 00:42:45,080
The kids were getting to be a real burden because they couldn't produce anything at all. We still had to feed them, take care of them.424
00:42:45,080 --> 00:42:56,080
And Pol Pot was getting more and more pissed. And he's commanding more and more loudly, farm motherfuckers.425
00:42:56,080 --> 00:43:03,080
And the people's reaction was always the same. You know, I can't do what I don't know how to do.426
00:43:03,080 --> 00:43:08,080
Even then I'm not going to do it well because I never did it before. And you know, like that.427
00:43:08,080 --> 00:43:17,080
So he started making examples of them. So-and-so didn't farm today. So-and-so didn't produce today. So-and-so was sick today.428
00:43:17,080 --> 00:43:22,080
Oh, they had fucking head.429
00:43:22,080 --> 00:43:31,080
I don't know. I don't think there was widespread decapitation. It certainly happened in some cases.430
00:43:31,080 --> 00:43:45,080
Mostly what they did was they had these compounds set up in the jungle around the farm areas.431
00:43:45,080 --> 00:43:53,080
And that's where the military lived. They had barracks, you know, just bamboo huts and shit like that.432
00:43:53,080 --> 00:44:00,080
And that's where all supplies came into. That's where all the trucks were kept.433
00:44:00,080 --> 00:44:06,080
And the soldiers were living, you know, not that bad of a life. People were out there dying in the fields.434
00:44:06,080 --> 00:44:11,080
Whatever, keep that race coming.435
00:44:11,080 --> 00:44:26,080
And Pol Pot decided to-the examples worked a little bit. Shocked the living crap out of people.436
00:44:26,080 --> 00:44:31,080
And they started out shooting them, I believe.437
00:44:31,080 --> 00:44:35,080
They'd take them into these compounds. They were all lit up all over the place.438
00:44:35,080 --> 00:44:44,080
The gensets out there and lights, you know, glaring lights into the centers of these jungly little compound places.439
00:44:44,080 --> 00:44:52,080
And they would line up, I don't know, one or two or five or ten or whatever of the least producing people.440
00:44:52,080 --> 00:44:57,080
The ones that complained or something, maybe the ones that were sick, sickest.441
00:44:57,080 --> 00:45:04,080
And they shot them. And then they dragged their bodies off into an area, a mass.442
00:45:04,080 --> 00:45:16,080
It wasn't even a grave. They weren't even graves. They just dragged them away, you know, preferably downwind so the stench didn't make you sick all day.443
00:45:16,080 --> 00:45:22,080
And they did that for a while. And that kind of motivated people to some degree.444
00:45:22,080 --> 00:45:31,080
But it still wasn't nearly enough. You know, maybe the productivity went up five percent, but they needed it to go up one hundred percent.445
00:45:31,080 --> 00:45:38,080
So they could buy all these arms and the soldiers were getting kind of hungry and things were not going well.446
00:45:38,080 --> 00:45:47,080
And so a little bit of killing wasn't really accomplishing much.447
00:45:47,080 --> 00:45:52,080
And besides, they were getting low on bullets.448
00:45:52,080 --> 00:46:00,080
So they got the idea. OK, let's see, kill them with machetes then. Just kill them with machetes.449
00:46:00,080 --> 00:46:05,080
Or bayonets if you got them. You know, kill them like that.450
00:46:05,080 --> 00:46:11,080
And so they started doing that. They would line up people in the compounds at night.451
00:46:11,080 --> 00:46:18,080
And kill them with bayonets and machetes. Whack to the throat, you know, to the carotid.452
00:46:18,080 --> 00:46:24,080
They'd flop down to the ground, spurting for a minute, grabbing their throats.453
00:46:24,080 --> 00:46:38,080
And then they had to drag them, you know, a ways probably 100 yards into the some some semi cleared area where they could just drop them in piles.454
00:46:38,080 --> 00:46:46,080
And this helped. They're killing more of these people because they got a total of nobody ever knew exactly how many.455
00:46:46,080 --> 00:46:57,080
They had. He killed at least a million and a half from the Phnom Penh, greater Phnom Penh and area and region down there.456
00:46:57,080 --> 00:47:03,080
So maybe Phnom Penh was bigger than 100,000. Maybe it was more like a million, I'm not sure.457
00:47:03,080 --> 00:47:09,080
It is bigger than 100,000 for sure. He may have killed as many as 4.5 million.458
00:47:09,080 --> 00:47:16,080
That's the highest. But I'm you know, I just sort of split the difference and say 3 million.459
00:47:16,080 --> 00:47:26,080
How many Jews were killed? Seven or eight or something. So this is bad shit that he's doing.460
00:47:26,080 --> 00:47:31,080
And so he wanted to kill more and more people. He had to get rid of the weak.461
00:47:31,080 --> 00:47:39,080
He had to get rid of the kids, had to get rid of those fucking pesky kids because they're just not producing anything and there's no reason to be feeding them.462
00:47:39,080 --> 00:47:45,080
And not enough guys had machetes.463
00:47:45,080 --> 00:47:51,080
They were low on machetes in a country of machetes. I don't know how the fucking fuck they're low on machetes.464
00:47:51,080 --> 00:47:55,080
Maybe they left them all in Phnom Penh. I don't know, but they were low on machetes.465
00:47:55,080 --> 00:48:02,080
And they needed some other way to kill them easily because they're killing now. They're killing thousands.466
00:48:02,080 --> 00:48:09,080
Each camp might kill a few hundred every night like that. I don't know the numbers. Somebody knows the numbers.467
00:48:09,080 --> 00:48:15,080
And there were lots of camps all around the whole region. You know, it wasn't just one spot.468
00:48:15,080 --> 00:48:23,080
And so for the guys, the guys with machetes, they couldn't kill enough people.469
00:48:23,080 --> 00:48:29,080
They were just hard work, you know, swinging, swinging, swinging, swinging, waka waka waka, you know.470
00:48:29,080 --> 00:48:36,080
Oh, God, after 100, 150, you're just too fucking tired to go to sleep, you know, drink some rice wine.471
00:48:36,080 --> 00:48:41,080
Get some horse.472
00:48:41,080 --> 00:48:46,080
So they came up with a brilliant idea. There's a reed that grows down there.473
00:48:46,080 --> 00:48:51,080
The hell is it? Every single time I tell the story, I forget what the reed is.474
00:48:51,080 --> 00:48:56,080
You know, this is so important. I've got to go look.475
00:48:56,080 --> 00:49:04,080
God. OK, that was a long search. That was a 10 minute search. Their palm reeds. Holy crap.476
00:49:04,080 --> 00:49:10,080
Google didn't seem to want to give that up. You know, it kind of ticks me off that,477
00:49:10,080 --> 00:49:18,080
you know, this whole thing is being remembered, of course, but little by little.478
00:49:18,080 --> 00:49:27,080
I mean, I've written extensively about this mentioning palm reeds, and that never came up in any Google.479
00:49:27,080 --> 00:49:34,080
Search. People just want to forget. Well, that's Google for you. Google.480
00:49:34,080 --> 00:49:40,080
Google is getting lazy and cheap, I think. I think.481
00:49:40,080 --> 00:49:51,080
They're rolling off, purging off lots and lots and lots of information that they're just too lazy and cheap to buy servers to hold.482
00:49:51,080 --> 00:49:57,080
I think that's what's going on. So we're losing lots of information.483
00:49:57,080 --> 00:50:11,080
Anyway, palm reeds. OK, palm reeds were long and stiff and serrated and sharp as razors.484
00:50:11,080 --> 00:50:17,080
When I was there, I wanted to look at them. I wanted to see how they kill people with a palm reed. For God's sake, that's ridiculous.485
00:50:17,080 --> 00:50:21,080
And I went over and got one. They were everywhere. They just grow everywhere. They were wild.486
00:50:21,080 --> 00:50:32,080
And I went to break one off and cut myself. I thought, OK, this is a palm reed. These were used to kill maybe three million people.487
00:50:32,080 --> 00:50:43,080
So you got to be careful. They're Pisono. Click. Oh, no gushing. Well, that was really smart. Wasn't it? Pisono, you fucking moron.488
00:50:43,080 --> 00:50:50,080
OK, so they're that sharp. That's the point. Soldiers didn't like dealing with them. They didn't like to handle them because they cut themselves too.489
00:50:50,080 --> 00:50:57,080
Oh, they got a nick, you know. Oh, it's going to make it all the hard to slice the throat of that child. Oh, God.490
00:50:57,080 --> 00:51:04,080
So they didn't like really using the reeds all that much. But they were plentiful. And then suddenly everybody had one.491
00:51:04,080 --> 00:51:09,080
You know, the people, the guys who didn't have a machete, they had a reed. You know, OK, that would work.492
00:51:09,080 --> 00:51:16,080
And you just go with the direction of the teeth. You just go across the carotid.493
00:51:16,080 --> 00:51:27,080
And now I've never read this. Do not ask me how I know this.494
00:51:27,080 --> 00:51:33,080
I contrary to popular belief, if you want to slice somebody's carotid, you don't hold their neck like that.495
00:51:33,080 --> 00:51:37,080
No, when you do that, the carotid recedes a little bit back into the flesh.496
00:51:37,080 --> 00:51:44,080
No, you put their neck down like that and the carotid comes out close to the neck. OK.497
00:51:44,080 --> 00:51:48,080
Not even going to go there.498
00:51:48,080 --> 00:51:55,080
Now, the guys who didn't like the reeds because they nicked the pinkies.499
00:51:55,080 --> 00:52:01,080
Those guys, they would kill them with plastic bags over the head and with hot pokers.500
00:52:01,080 --> 00:52:07,080
And I can't even remember all the other shit that they used.501
00:52:07,080 --> 00:52:12,080
It was every grisly, medieval thing you could even remotely imagine and all kinds of stuff you could.502
00:52:12,080 --> 00:52:17,080
Well, pretty much any way that you could imagine to kill people.503
00:52:17,080 --> 00:52:20,080
You're told, OK, tonight you got to kill a hundred.504
00:52:20,080 --> 00:52:25,080
And you're thinking, oh, God, how am I going to do that? I got those reeds. Oh, they nick my hands all the time.505
00:52:25,080 --> 00:52:30,080
Look, I've got three cuts right there. Oh, I need sutures. I want a purple heart.506
00:52:30,080 --> 00:52:37,080
OK. And so you're trying to think of other ways you can kill them.507
00:52:37,080 --> 00:52:43,080
And you're talking about the 20 guys there in the compound and they each got to kill a hundred that night.508
00:52:43,080 --> 00:52:46,080
Now, the reeds work pretty well for one reason.509
00:52:46,080 --> 00:52:53,080
If you killed them with a hot poker or bag or the head, something like that, they just died.510
00:52:53,080 --> 00:52:56,080
They just died right there and then they slumped to the ground.511
00:52:56,080 --> 00:52:59,080
And then you got to drag, you know, arrogant bastards.512
00:52:59,080 --> 00:53:06,080
If they had the audacity to die right there on your feet, you know, oh, God, they're rude. Kick them, kick them, kick them.513
00:53:06,080 --> 00:53:09,080
Imagine YouTube allowing this on there. This is real life.514
00:53:09,080 --> 00:53:14,080
People need to know about real life, but YouTube doesn't want to have anything to do with real life.515
00:53:14,080 --> 00:53:19,080
OK. Anyway, that's my mini rant.516
00:53:19,080 --> 00:53:23,080
So those people died right there at your feet. And then it's hot.517
00:53:23,080 --> 00:53:26,080
You know, Cambodia is hotter than, oh, God, it's freaking hot.518
00:53:26,080 --> 00:53:29,080
I've gotten off the airplane a few times, coming from Thailand.519
00:53:29,080 --> 00:53:35,080
You get off the airplane, you walk out of the airport and you go, oh, geez, it's like you stuck your head in an oven.520
00:53:35,080 --> 00:53:39,080
It's like, oh, God, I can't breathe this air. What the hell? It's searing the inside of my lungs.521
00:53:39,080 --> 00:53:45,080
You know, that's how hot it feels. OK. So it's hot even at midnight out there.522
00:53:45,080 --> 00:53:49,080
So you got these dead people at your feet. You tell two, three, four.523
00:53:49,080 --> 00:53:53,080
And then you got to drag them out into the mass burial grounds.524
00:53:53,080 --> 00:53:59,080
When one filled up, they made another one, another one, another one, another one, like that.525
00:53:59,080 --> 00:54:02,080
And it might be 100 meters, something like that.526
00:54:02,080 --> 00:54:08,080
So with the reeds, it sliced their carotid.527
00:54:08,080 --> 00:54:14,080
If you did it just right, you didn't sever the carotid.528
00:54:14,080 --> 00:54:17,080
You didn't even, you know, you just got it to spurt.529
00:54:17,080 --> 00:54:25,080
It just begins to spurt one side or the other. Choose your side.530
00:54:25,080 --> 00:54:29,080
I'm going to stop. I'm going to try to remind you all the way through this.531
00:54:29,080 --> 00:54:35,080
That this really happened.532
00:54:35,080 --> 00:54:37,080
Did this ever happen in America?533
00:54:37,080 --> 00:54:48,080
You know, you're eating burgers and fucking waitresses on roller skates.534
00:54:48,080 --> 00:54:56,080
I'm trying to show you the difference between Western countries and Southeast Asia.535
00:54:56,080 --> 00:54:59,080
Nothing of this magnitude ever happened in the other country.536
00:54:59,080 --> 00:55:03,080
Well, I mean, right now in Burma, it's kind of sort of happening.537
00:55:03,080 --> 00:55:08,080
It's been happening for six, seven, eight years.538
00:55:08,080 --> 00:55:15,080
Not those numbers, but just as brutal, just as brutal.539
00:55:15,080 --> 00:55:23,080
So the deal with the reeds was if you sliced them just right, not too much, then they would grab that throat.540
00:55:23,080 --> 00:55:27,080
You're trying to stop that spurting because they know maybe they can stop that spurting.541
00:55:27,080 --> 00:55:29,080
Oh, God, they're pushing, pushing on that carotid.542
00:55:29,080 --> 00:55:31,080
Well, it exits now.543
00:55:31,080 --> 00:55:34,080
You're pushing, pushing, pushing, trying to stop that spurting.544
00:55:34,080 --> 00:55:39,080
And the guards say, now motherfucker, you walk.545
00:55:39,080 --> 00:55:42,080
You walk up into the dark and you go to that field.546
00:55:42,080 --> 00:55:45,080
You know where that field is. You know where the fucking burial ground is.547
00:55:45,080 --> 00:55:52,080
And you don't have to tell them because they can hear the other people out there moaning and crying in the dark.548
00:55:52,080 --> 00:55:57,080
And the people, they're thinking, well, I think he fucked up.549
00:55:57,080 --> 00:56:00,080
I think he made a mistake because he didn't cut it that bad.550
00:56:00,080 --> 00:56:04,080
It's just spur, spur, spur, you know, I don't feel lightheaded.551
00:56:04,080 --> 00:56:07,080
I mean, I feel sick and woozy and nauseated and I'm terrified.552
00:56:07,080 --> 00:56:10,080
But I'm thinking maybe, OK, here's what I'm going to do.553
00:56:10,080 --> 00:56:14,080
I'm going to hold that motherfucker really hard because now it's not spurting.554
00:56:14,080 --> 00:56:18,080
Now it's not spurting. Not so much.555
00:56:18,080 --> 00:56:21,080
I think I can, I think I can survive this.556
00:56:21,080 --> 00:56:24,080
They don't realize it's still spurting. It's just going internally.557
00:56:24,080 --> 00:56:28,080
It's just building up inside under the skin.558
00:56:28,080 --> 00:56:32,080
But they're thinking maybe they can survive it because that fucker is stupid.559
00:56:32,080 --> 00:56:34,080
He didn't cut me deep enough.560
00:56:34,080 --> 00:56:36,080
And they're thinking, OK, I can hear the moaning.561
00:56:36,080 --> 00:56:38,080
I know where that is. It's 100 meters that way.562
00:56:38,080 --> 00:56:40,080
There's a trail.563
00:56:40,080 --> 00:56:43,080
It's the clothing that litters the trail, you know, in the moonlight.564
00:56:43,080 --> 00:56:47,080
You can see it maybe.565
00:56:47,080 --> 00:56:51,080
So I'll go out there and I'll go with the dying and the dead and I'll lay down.566
00:56:51,080 --> 00:56:57,080
And I just hold that motherfucker until it heals, until it clots.567
00:56:57,080 --> 00:57:03,080
And in the morning, maybe tomorrow night, I'll sneak away.568
00:57:03,080 --> 00:57:15,080
OK, that had to have been the thought going through the heads of hundreds of thousands, male, female, older kids.569
00:57:15,080 --> 00:57:17,080
But the soldiers knew what they were doing.570
00:57:17,080 --> 00:57:24,080
They were doing that exactly like that so that people would voluntarily walk out there.571
00:57:24,080 --> 00:57:26,080
They didn't have to drag them.572
00:57:26,080 --> 00:57:31,080
They had just enough strength to get out there under their own power.573
00:57:31,080 --> 00:57:39,080
And then they would just lay down.574
00:57:39,080 --> 00:57:41,080
And die.575
00:57:41,080 --> 00:57:46,080
And you didn't have to get all sweaty dragging them out there.576
00:57:46,080 --> 00:57:54,080
If they refused to go, well, then you get the plastic bag or you get the hot poker or whatever the fuck.577
00:57:54,080 --> 00:58:00,080
And then you had to drag them. So you really want them to go, go, go, go, go, march.578
00:58:00,080 --> 00:58:03,080
They probably told them, you know, you go out there, you pretend like you're dead.579
00:58:03,080 --> 00:58:09,080
And I won't tell anybody. They probably told them like that just so they didn't have to drag them.580
00:58:09,080 --> 00:58:14,080
This is evil. E-V-I-L.581
00:58:14,080 --> 00:58:17,080
That's what it is. That's what it was.582
00:58:17,080 --> 00:58:25,080
OK, so as they began killing more and more and more and more and more and more and the piles of bodies out there,583
00:58:25,080 --> 00:58:30,080
some of these people survived for a couple of days, not that many, but most were dead.584
00:58:30,080 --> 00:58:36,080
Most were dead probably in 30 to 60 minutes.585
00:58:36,080 --> 00:58:41,080
Some survived to a morning. There probably, there had to be some stringers that lasted, you know, a couple of days.586
00:58:41,080 --> 00:58:46,080
But they're out there moaning. I actually bled essentially to death once.587
00:58:46,080 --> 00:58:54,080
It wasn't a very nice thing. It wasn't the most horrible thing, but it wasn't very nice either.588
00:58:54,080 --> 00:58:57,080
I bled to death essentially to death.589
00:58:57,080 --> 00:59:04,080
Internally, the doc said I had two or three hours. If I wouldn't have gotten in, I wouldn't have been recoverable.590
00:59:04,080 --> 00:59:09,080
I was to the point where I was just in and out of it. No blood left. Just in and out of it.591
00:59:09,080 --> 00:59:15,080
I knew I was in the hospital.592
00:59:15,080 --> 00:59:19,080
I sort of knew why. Really weak.593
00:59:19,080 --> 00:59:23,080
Breathing became mostly more trouble than it was worth.594
00:59:23,080 --> 00:59:29,080
Couldn't move. So weak I couldn't move. Couldn't move.595
00:59:29,080 --> 00:59:35,080
So I know what bleeding to death is. It's not the worst way to go.596
00:59:35,080 --> 00:59:38,080
So these people, what happened was they were killing more and more and more.597
00:59:38,080 --> 00:59:42,080
The quota to kill people just went up and up and up and up because they couldn't afford food for them.598
00:59:42,080 --> 00:59:48,080
And so they took all the non-producers or the low producers and they had to get them. They just had to get them out.599
00:59:48,080 --> 00:59:52,080
Most of the women probably went first.600
00:59:52,080 --> 00:59:59,080
Probably older ones also. Older guys.601
00:59:59,080 --> 01:00:02,080
We'll talk about the kids in a minute.602
01:00:02,080 --> 01:00:08,080
And what happened was the numbers of people out in those dump grounds rose.603
01:00:08,080 --> 01:00:12,080
Got to be more and more and more and more and more people.604
01:00:12,080 --> 01:00:21,080
So when they sliced somebody's throat, increasingly they didn't want to go because of the moaning and the wailing and the screaming.605
01:00:21,080 --> 01:00:27,080
The moaning and the wailing and the crying and the sobbing and the begging from out there in the darkness.606
01:00:27,080 --> 01:00:31,080
That was reaching a kind of a cacophony.607
01:00:31,080 --> 01:00:38,080
It sounded like that was kind of like the gates of hell out there.608
01:00:38,080 --> 01:00:42,080
And more and more people didn't want to go.609
01:00:42,080 --> 01:00:47,080
So they'd have to kill them some other way and then drag them and they didn't want to do that because of the lazy fucks.610
01:00:47,080 --> 01:00:51,080
And it's hot, you know. Oh my God.611
01:00:51,080 --> 01:00:56,080
And food was scarce so the soldiers weren't all that strong.612
01:00:56,080 --> 01:01:03,080
I've always wondered if the people could have organized, even without weapons, could they have overcome the soldiers?613
01:01:03,080 --> 01:01:08,080
And you wonder about that in all kinds of situations but the people almost never do it.614
01:01:08,080 --> 01:01:14,080
They almost never try it because nobody wants to be the first one to die.615
01:01:14,080 --> 01:01:27,080
So anyway, what they did to combat that was all around these compounds, these big lighted compounds, they erected huge loudspeakers.616
01:01:27,080 --> 01:01:38,080
And they cranked out this tinny, horrible fucking music, music designed to never have a pause or a silence ever in it.617
01:01:38,080 --> 01:01:45,080
Loud, raucous, didn't matter what kind of music, it just had to be noise.618
01:01:45,080 --> 01:01:56,080
And that masked the sounds of the moaning and the sobbing and the choking and the pleading and the praying.619
01:01:56,080 --> 01:02:02,080
So your turn to come in the queue.620
01:02:02,080 --> 01:02:06,080
And they slice you.621
01:02:06,080 --> 01:02:12,080
Go, walk, maybe you'll survive. Go out there with those people, maybe you'll survive.622
01:02:12,080 --> 01:02:17,080
And they couldn't hear any moaning or anything out there so they figured, well, they're kind of back to square one.623
01:02:17,080 --> 01:02:22,080
They just went, okay, I'll go out there, pretend like I'm dead.624
01:02:22,080 --> 01:02:33,080
And in a little while they were.625
01:02:33,080 --> 01:02:40,080
And they killed probably a solid three million people.626
01:02:40,080 --> 01:02:45,080
But on Penn was empty. The surrounding villages were empty. Nobody in.627
01:02:45,080 --> 01:02:51,080
Unless they were farmers. But they had to be productive farmers. They had to work on the big farms.628
01:02:51,080 --> 01:02:55,080
So if they had a little shit farm by acres, well, I didn't really count.629
01:02:55,080 --> 01:03:02,080
They just take you out there and you had to work on the big farms and be more productive.630
01:03:02,080 --> 01:03:19,080
Now, the kids were really in the way. They were really in annoyance.631
01:03:19,080 --> 01:03:26,080
01:03:26,080 --> 01:03:36,080
They were pretty easy to kill.633
01:03:36,080 --> 01:03:40,080
What would have been the percentage of kids?634
01:03:40,080 --> 01:03:45,080
Every couple's probably get, you know, an average of more than the US.635
01:03:45,080 --> 01:03:50,080
You know, US has got whatever, 2.3 kids for a couple.636
01:03:50,080 --> 01:03:59,080
Cambodia and Southeast Asia, they strive to have big families so they can help on the farm, you know, and support the old people when they're old.637
01:03:59,080 --> 01:04:04,080
So I don't know what the average was, probably, probably three, probably three kids per family.638
01:04:04,080 --> 01:04:11,080
So, you know, you got five people, three of my kids.639
01:04:11,080 --> 01:04:15,080
Maybe some of them are teenagers, so they're producing a little bit. They're stronger. They can.640
01:04:15,080 --> 01:04:21,080
They don't get sick so easily, you know, require less food.641
01:04:21,080 --> 01:04:30,080
Maybe the older, older teenagers, maybe, maybe they got to live longer.642
01:04:30,080 --> 01:04:45,080
But the little ones, I would say under 14, they just didn't have any value to Pol Pot at all or to the Khmer.643
01:04:45,080 --> 01:04:50,080
What the hell did he call himself? He called his army the...644
01:04:50,080 --> 01:04:54,080
What the fuck was it? Something, something army of Khambusha.645
01:04:54,080 --> 01:04:57,080
Because that was their old, old, old name of Cambodia.646
01:04:57,080 --> 01:04:59,080
01:04:59,080 --> 01:05:09,080
It varies a little bit. Sometimes they say Khambusha, they say Khumbusha, you know, whatever. It's like that.648
01:05:09,080 --> 01:05:12,080
So the kids had to go.649
01:05:12,080 --> 01:05:19,080
And nobody wanted to really take time with them. Why take time with them if you don't have to?650
01:05:19,080 --> 01:05:26,080
Why slice them? Nobody liked the reeds.651
01:05:26,080 --> 01:05:32,080
It takes some time to suffocate people with a bag.652
01:05:32,080 --> 01:05:35,080
Don't even fucking ask me about this.653
01:05:35,080 --> 01:05:41,080
01:05:41,080 --> 01:05:47,080
People are going to be conscious for 60 seconds. You can't really hold your breath for 60 seconds.655
01:05:47,080 --> 01:05:52,080
Not voluntarily, but you're going to be conscious for 60, probably 90 seconds.656
01:05:52,080 --> 01:05:54,080
And then you're going to fade.657
01:05:54,080 --> 01:06:05,080
And after you're unconscious, your heart's going to keep beating for...658
01:06:05,080 --> 01:06:10,080
probably three more minutes, at least three more minutes.659
01:06:10,080 --> 01:06:21,080
01:06:21,080 --> 01:06:29,080
If you suffocate them for two or three minutes and then take the bag off...661
01:06:29,080 --> 01:06:32,080
Heart's still beating.662
01:06:32,080 --> 01:06:39,080
And pretty often, the lungs will start working again, and they'll pop back to life.663
01:06:39,080 --> 01:06:45,080
They get half a dozen dozen good breaths, and they're starting to wake up.664
01:06:45,080 --> 01:06:50,080
You've got to fucking start over.665
01:06:50,080 --> 01:06:58,080
You guys learn this in combat if they have to kill somebody quietly.666
01:06:58,080 --> 01:07:01,080
You don't stop.667
01:07:01,080 --> 01:07:05,080
You keep choking or you keep the bag.668
01:07:05,080 --> 01:07:13,080
Doesn't care what they do. You stay with them, you roll around, doesn't matter.669
01:07:13,080 --> 01:07:21,080
And you keep it up.670
01:07:21,080 --> 01:07:30,080
And after probably five minutes, the heart finally slows and stops.671
01:07:30,080 --> 01:07:33,080
And then you wait a little more.672
01:07:33,080 --> 01:07:41,080
Another 30 seconds, solid 30 seconds.673
01:07:41,080 --> 01:07:43,080
And then you're probably good to go.674
01:07:43,080 --> 01:07:49,080
If you really want to be sure, if you're in a fucking combat, and you've got bad guys creeping around,675
01:07:49,080 --> 01:07:52,080
you cannot take a chance on that motherfucker waking up.676
01:07:52,080 --> 01:07:57,080
And so you wait another... after the heart stops, you wait another 90.677
01:07:57,080 --> 01:08:02,080
You motherfucking sure... you can't have him gasp, you can't have anything happen.678
01:08:02,080 --> 01:08:06,080
You wait another 90, so you're in it six and a half minutes now.679
01:08:06,080 --> 01:08:17,080
Okay, kids are really resilient. They can pop back. They can take incredible abuse and pop back.680
01:08:17,080 --> 01:08:20,080
Younger people.681
01:08:20,080 --> 01:08:27,080
So, who wants to waste six and a half minutes? You've got a hundred of these to do tonight.682
01:08:27,080 --> 01:08:32,080
You've got a fucking hundred to do. That's your quarter. You've got to do a hundred. You've got to do a hundred. You've got to do a hundred.683
01:08:32,080 --> 01:08:41,080
Nobody's going to waste, you know, five to six and a half minutes on a kid. Fuck that.684
01:08:41,080 --> 01:08:49,080
You try to slice the karate, you're going to nick your hands up, and they're going to wiggle around and scream.685
01:08:49,080 --> 01:08:53,080
So the reeds aren't all that good.686
01:08:53,080 --> 01:08:56,080
Hot poker. Yeah, I don't know.687
01:08:56,080 --> 01:09:03,080
I don't know what they're using for hot poker. It's probably sharpened sticks that they would make hot in the fire or something like that.688
01:09:03,080 --> 01:09:08,080
So they came up with some new ways to get it off the kids.689
01:09:08,080 --> 01:09:24,080
They did this in a number of the encampments. I only personally know about one place where this was done, and I've gone to that.690
01:09:24,080 --> 01:09:27,080
Well, I'll tell you.691
01:09:27,080 --> 01:09:38,080
You line up the kids. Maybe you keep them just on the other side, you know, 50 feet away on the other side of a little bit of jungle forage.692
01:09:38,080 --> 01:09:46,080
And you got two or three soldiers there, and you bring them in one at a time.693
01:09:46,080 --> 01:09:49,080
And you just knock them down, whatever age.694
01:09:49,080 --> 01:09:56,080
They did this to the kids that were small enough and young enough that you could pick them up.695
01:09:56,080 --> 01:09:59,080
I'm not going to do it to a 14-year-old.696
01:09:59,080 --> 01:10:02,080
The kids are small. I mean, they're all starving to death.697
01:10:02,080 --> 01:10:09,080
And Cambodian people are small anyway, so up to 10. Probably no older than 10.698
01:10:09,080 --> 01:10:16,080
And they're the ones you most wanted to get rid of anyway, because they're eating all the resources and they're in the way.699
01:10:16,080 --> 01:10:21,080
And the parents are worried about them, so the parents are always distracted, you know, sharing with them.700
01:10:21,080 --> 01:10:27,080
They're not hoeing that field as efficiently as they could.701
01:10:27,080 --> 01:10:32,080
You bring the next one in the queue and you knock them down. Boys, girls.702
01:10:32,080 --> 01:10:35,080
Totally clothed. Maybe they got their teddy bear.703
01:10:35,080 --> 01:10:37,080
01:10:37,080 --> 01:10:47,080
They look over 15 feet away and they see some horrific shit that they don't want to see. They never want to see the sight of hell.705
01:10:47,080 --> 01:11:07,080
They don't want to see it anyway. You knock them down, you grab them by the feet.706
01:11:07,080 --> 01:11:17,080
And you swing them by the feet, by the ankles. And right next to where you're swinging them is a big old hardwood tree.707
01:11:17,080 --> 01:11:24,080
Branches don't start for the first 30 feet, you know. So it's just smooth and hard as concrete.708
01:11:24,080 --> 01:11:34,080
This wood is so hard, you cut a hunk off and you throw it in the water, it sinks. It's hard.709
01:11:34,080 --> 01:11:44,080
And when you get a little speed up, one or two swings, you just step over and knock your head against that tree, cracks it open.710
01:11:44,080 --> 01:11:57,080
And then maybe you make one more rotation and you toss them over in the pile with all the other kids.711
01:11:57,080 --> 01:12:05,080
And most of the kids were killed like this.712
01:12:05,080 --> 01:12:11,080
Is that going to happen in fucking Denver? 1975?713
01:12:11,080 --> 01:12:18,080
I'm trying to tell you you don't know what you're getting into in Southeast Asia. I'm trying to tell you this.714
01:12:18,080 --> 01:12:25,080
Now this hasn't happened. It all happened at one time. Other shit happens daily in Southeast Asia.715
01:12:25,080 --> 01:12:40,080
It's raw, especially Cambodia, but all of Southeast Asia is raw. Even Burma. Especially Burma.716
01:12:40,080 --> 01:12:49,080
I'm trying to tell you that you're traveling into another dimension. You're not just going to a fun vacation spot in Southeast Asia.717
01:12:49,080 --> 01:12:59,080
Oh, it's going to be pretty. Well, it is. You're a tourist. You get your two weeks, your four weeks, stay in a nice hotel.718
01:12:59,080 --> 01:13:08,080
You go to touristy places. You have a guide. Yeah, it's fucking great. Out of sight, out of mind, you know.719
01:13:08,080 --> 01:13:17,080
Have a great time. But I'm telling you, if you live there a long time, and if you get around in that society, you're going to see shit.720
01:13:17,080 --> 01:13:27,080
You're going to experience shit, and you're going to be subjected to shit that you're not going to be prepared for.721
01:13:27,080 --> 01:13:35,080
So all the kids, they're all dead now. Productivity is still going down. Inexplicably just going down.722
01:13:35,080 --> 01:13:42,080
People didn't have any heart anymore.723
01:13:42,080 --> 01:13:52,080
They killed my kids. Just kill me. I don't care. Please. Please. Please kill me.724
01:13:52,080 --> 01:14:04,080
And the whole Pol Pot plan was starting to collapse. House of Cards slowly imploding.725
01:14:04,080 --> 01:14:12,080
And they were running out of food. They got some of the weapons they wanted. Not nearly what they wanted, but they got some.726
01:14:12,080 --> 01:14:18,080
Most of it was shit. Chinese fucking shit, of course. Oh, what a surprise that would be.727
01:14:18,080 --> 01:14:27,080
What's the last thing you bought it? Fucking Scamazon. Turned out to be Chinese. With an American sounding brand name.728
01:14:27,080 --> 01:14:32,080
And it worked for a day or two. Well, that's their fucking guns too. That's their weapons.729
01:14:32,080 --> 01:14:42,080
So Pol Pot was kind of unable to advance to his next stage of his plan, which was to take over whatever the fuck.730
01:14:42,080 --> 01:14:48,080
I suppose probably all of Cambodia and then on to Thailand, because Thailand would have been really the next...731
01:14:48,080 --> 01:14:55,080
If he would have gone into Laos, I was already communist.732
01:14:55,080 --> 01:15:03,080
The communist would have said, fuck you.733
01:15:03,080 --> 01:15:11,080
Vietnam would have said, fuck you. Thailand, they're soft, you know. They're like kittens.734
01:15:11,080 --> 01:15:15,080
We just go kill them, rape them all, make them farm.735
01:15:15,080 --> 01:15:29,080
So about that time, after it killed the three mill, most of the bodies went into mass graves.736
01:15:29,080 --> 01:15:36,080
There's places you can go. They've got, you know, like 5,000 skulls in glass cases and shit like that.737
01:15:36,080 --> 01:15:45,080
And that's really kind of touristy.738
01:15:45,080 --> 01:15:51,080
But you can go look at that shit and you should.739
01:15:51,080 --> 01:15:55,080
I mean, my thing is reality. That's my thing. I want to know reality.740
01:15:55,080 --> 01:16:00,080
I have to. I'm driven to it. I have to know reality.741
01:16:00,080 --> 01:16:05,080
I have to know the good, bad, and ugly. I've got to know what it is.742
01:16:05,080 --> 01:16:13,080
So if there's reincarnation, I can make an informed decision on whether or not to come back to this god for second place.743
01:16:13,080 --> 01:16:20,080
So about that time, Pol Pot's thinking, well, this is fucked. This is not going all that well.744
01:16:20,080 --> 01:16:23,080
Maybe it's time to start heading over here, heading over there, whatever.745
01:16:23,080 --> 01:16:31,080
And then he got word that after all these years of him doing that, after the damage is done,746
01:16:31,080 --> 01:16:40,080
Vietnamese forces, communist Vietnamese forces, because the US is out of Vietnam now, South Vietnam.747
01:16:40,080 --> 01:16:44,080
So the communists just flooded in. Thank you. Thank you.748
01:16:44,080 --> 01:16:52,080
Thanks for all the equipment there, Mr. Biden.749
01:16:52,080 --> 01:16:59,080
And the Vietnamese forces are like, Pol Pot, we're fucking coming for you because we don't like what you did.750
01:16:59,080 --> 01:17:05,080
We're going to roast your ass. We're going to fucking roast you, you son of a bitch.751
01:17:05,080 --> 01:17:10,080
And they were coming. They're marching, coming into Cambodia.752
01:17:10,080 --> 01:17:16,080
And Pol Pot's like, oh, well then, come on, guys, let's go get Thailand.753
01:17:16,080 --> 01:17:24,080
You know, we'll get Thailand and we'll conquer Thailand and then we'll get all their people and we'll make them farm and then we'll enslave them.754
01:17:24,080 --> 01:17:28,080
Fuck a lot of girls. Oh, my God. You know, that's going to be a lot of fun.755
01:17:28,080 --> 01:17:31,080
We'll kill all the kids, you know, so they're not a burden to anybody.756
01:17:31,080 --> 01:17:39,080
And then when the Vietnamese come to get us in Thailand, well, fuck and shit, we have all the power of Thailand and we'll fucking kill them.757
01:17:39,080 --> 01:17:43,080
Oh, you know, I think that was that's what he was thinking.758
01:17:43,080 --> 01:17:51,080
So at this point, he's he's heading north towards Thailand and he's kind of fleeing.759
01:17:51,080 --> 01:17:57,080
He's kind of picking up the pace, you know, like Vietnamese are coming right now.760
01:17:57,080 --> 01:18:01,080
And I almost see him out there on the other side of the rice paddies.761
01:18:01,080 --> 01:18:04,080
And he's thinking, man, we need to get to moving.762
01:18:04,080 --> 01:18:08,080
And so they're hoofing it, hoofing it, hoofing it, trying to get into Thailand.763
01:18:08,080 --> 01:18:12,080
Now, I know I stayed in that region, southern Isan.764
01:18:12,080 --> 01:18:16,080
I stayed there for quite a while. It's all just a pool table.765
01:18:16,080 --> 01:18:21,080
It's just flat rice fields, as far as I can see.766
01:18:21,080 --> 01:18:23,080
Got scammed by a girl. Almost.767
01:18:23,080 --> 01:18:27,080
She never got my money, but God, she tried every trick, every lie.768
01:18:27,080 --> 01:18:34,080
But I was there for quite a while. I had a motorbike and I got to know some people.769
01:18:34,080 --> 01:18:48,080
And I knew several families, two or three, whose kids would tell me they remember when Pol Pot was coming.770
01:18:48,080 --> 01:18:54,080
And the word spread through southern Thailand like wildfire because they knew what was going on.771
01:18:54,080 --> 01:19:01,080
They were getting broadcast from around the world. Everybody broadcast. Nobody acted.772
01:19:01,080 --> 01:19:07,080
So their parents are thinking, oh, fuck, now he's coming to Thailand.773
01:19:07,080 --> 01:19:11,080
Look what he did in Cambodian. Now he's coming to Thailand.774
01:19:11,080 --> 01:19:15,080
This is quite distressing.775
01:19:15,080 --> 01:19:19,080
And so when they knew he was close, they didn't know exactly where.776
01:19:19,080 --> 01:19:25,080
They knew his forces were close. They were like right on the Cambodian border between Thailand.777
01:19:25,080 --> 01:19:32,080
And they packed up every bit of food they could get, clothing.778
01:19:32,080 --> 01:19:38,080
And they moved off and hid in the rice paddies.779
01:19:38,080 --> 01:19:48,080
For weeks. Out there eating bugs and geckos and snakes. Barely surviving.780
01:19:48,080 --> 01:20:00,080
Trying to keep their camps behind any kind of little hill, hilly thing or, you know, the berm of an irrigation ditch or something.781
01:20:00,080 --> 01:20:05,080
And they said they were told to never stand up. You never fucking look over that berm. You let us do it.782
01:20:05,080 --> 01:20:09,080
We want to see if he's coming. Thailand had a few guns. Not very many.783
01:20:09,080 --> 01:20:14,080
They had a few. The government hadn't taken them for their safety.784
01:20:14,080 --> 01:20:18,080
They had a few guns, but they were shit. You know, single shot 22s and fucking crap like that.785
01:20:18,080 --> 01:20:23,080
It would have slowed Pol Pot down a little bit because he wouldn't have been sure what they had.786
01:20:23,080 --> 01:20:28,080
So when he starts to hear some popping noises, he can say, oh, hold up.787
01:20:28,080 --> 01:20:31,080
Let's figure out what we got there. And then he'd go kill those people.788
01:20:31,080 --> 01:20:37,080
You know, it would slow him down a little bit, but they could have never withstood him at all.789
01:20:37,080 --> 01:20:43,080
So Pol Pot and his army. And there were there were some deserters by now.790
01:20:43,080 --> 01:20:51,080
Some of them were starting to say, well, you know, we really like doing this anymore and we're just going to go home now.791
01:20:51,080 --> 01:20:59,080
So they did. They just started walking home. It's quite a ways from from that border to Phnom Penh.792
01:20:59,080 --> 01:21:03,080
Well, I guess they were drawn from all over Cambodia.793
01:21:03,080 --> 01:21:08,080
They just started quite a few of them started walking home.794
01:21:08,080 --> 01:21:14,080
And Pol Pot still had enough. He thought he could penetrate into Thailand and.795
01:21:14,080 --> 01:21:19,080
You know, every little every little region that you conquer and gain, that gives you more strength.796
01:21:19,080 --> 01:21:23,080
You know, you can take on more Thai forces and more Thai forces.797
01:21:23,080 --> 01:21:29,080
And they didn't really think that Thailand had much of a force of anything.798
01:21:29,080 --> 01:21:34,080
But Thailand did.799
01:21:34,080 --> 01:21:38,080
Thailand, the Thai guys, they don't seem like they got balls.800
01:21:38,080 --> 01:21:41,080
They're quiet.801
01:21:41,080 --> 01:21:44,080
And they look weak.802
01:21:44,080 --> 01:21:46,080
They're not.803
01:21:46,080 --> 01:21:51,080
You rile them up. They're a motherfucking volcano.804
01:21:51,080 --> 01:21:57,080
And they got pride.805
01:21:57,080 --> 01:22:01,080
And they just dispatch the army down to the border.806
01:22:01,080 --> 01:22:05,080
And they lined up on the border, Thailand side.807
01:22:05,080 --> 01:22:10,080
And just basically held up one hand and said.808
01:22:10,080 --> 01:22:12,080
01:22:12,080 --> 01:22:17,080
And Pol Pot either saw it or he got word of it or whatever the fuck.810
01:22:17,080 --> 01:22:22,080
And he's like, oh, oh, oh.811
01:22:22,080 --> 01:22:25,080
And at that point, I think his army just dispersed.812
01:22:25,080 --> 01:22:28,080
I think they just said, OK, game over.813
01:22:28,080 --> 01:22:39,080
And they want to disappear back into the countryside, back to their homes before anybody knew what they had done or who they were or whatever.814
01:22:39,080 --> 01:22:43,080
So I suppose as they passed the Vietnamese troops.815
01:22:43,080 --> 01:22:49,080
Coming north, west and then they came north pursuing Pol Pot.816
01:22:49,080 --> 01:22:52,080
They probably just waved and said, hey, how are you doing?817
01:22:52,080 --> 01:22:55,080
And the Vietnamese didn't care about one guy or two guys.818
01:22:55,080 --> 01:23:01,080
You know, they want Pol Pot and they want his fucking army.819
01:23:01,080 --> 01:23:06,080
So I think by the time the Vietnamese got up in the northern region, the army was pretty much gone.820
01:23:06,080 --> 01:23:10,080
They dispersed. They're just gone.821
01:23:10,080 --> 01:23:14,080
And Pol Pot, this is the curious part of this entire thing.822
01:23:14,080 --> 01:23:18,080
Most curious part.823
01:23:18,080 --> 01:23:21,080
Scholars probably know more about this than I do.824
01:23:21,080 --> 01:23:29,080
I have not figured this out.825
01:23:29,080 --> 01:23:36,080
Pol Pot got to the border to Thailand and then he stopped, of course, because he couldn't go any further.826
01:23:36,080 --> 01:23:44,080
His army dispersed and you'd think he would have run and hidden somewhere.827
01:23:44,080 --> 01:23:47,080
Killed himself, you know, pulled a Hitler, whatever.828
01:23:47,080 --> 01:23:50,080
He didn't.829
01:23:50,080 --> 01:23:52,080
And I cannot grasp this.830
01:23:52,080 --> 01:23:57,080
He built himself a compound around the jungle, pretty close to the border, to the Thai border.831
01:23:57,080 --> 01:23:58,080
He's built a compound.832
01:23:58,080 --> 01:24:01,080
He had a few guys left.833
01:24:01,080 --> 01:24:04,080
You know, faithful, loyal guys serving.834
01:24:04,080 --> 01:24:11,080
I think he had some women, probably kidnapped from Thailand then.835
01:24:11,080 --> 01:24:14,080
And he just built a complex.836
01:24:14,080 --> 01:24:19,080
This would have been, I believe, in 1979 when he got to the border.837
01:24:19,080 --> 01:24:26,080
It could be a year off either way.838
01:24:26,080 --> 01:24:32,080
He just stayed there. He just stayed there.839
01:24:32,080 --> 01:24:36,080
I don't think there was much of a government left in Cambodia to come after him.840
01:24:36,080 --> 01:24:44,080
And once the Vietnamese realized that the army is no longer a threat and they're not doing mass killings, I think they just went home.841
01:24:44,080 --> 01:24:49,080
They're like, OK, you know, yeah, we kicked your ass, didn't we?842
01:24:49,080 --> 01:24:52,080
And they just went home because there's no more threat.843
01:24:52,080 --> 01:24:53,080
I believe that's what happened.844
01:24:53,080 --> 01:24:56,080
There may be a lot more to it.845
01:24:56,080 --> 01:25:00,080
But we only got 15 minutes left.846
01:25:00,080 --> 01:25:05,080
We're going to summarize more and more.847
01:25:05,080 --> 01:25:07,080
He built himself a complex.848
01:25:07,080 --> 01:25:11,080
And then what did he do?849
01:25:11,080 --> 01:25:16,080
Lived out his life until he was old.850
01:25:16,080 --> 01:25:18,080
Died in 98 or 99.851
01:25:18,080 --> 01:25:22,080
Stayed in that same little complex the entire time.852
01:25:22,080 --> 01:25:24,080
I don't know why.853
01:25:24,080 --> 01:25:32,080
Well, I mean, you know, Thailand, I guess they respected the sovereignty of Cambodia.854
01:25:32,080 --> 01:25:35,080
I do know he was pretty worried about somebody coming to off him.855
01:25:35,080 --> 01:25:38,080
So he had really tight security.856
01:25:38,080 --> 01:25:48,080
I would have offed him if I had the chance.857
01:25:48,080 --> 01:25:50,080
Lots and lots and lots of people would.858
01:25:50,080 --> 01:25:54,080
But the Cambodian army, I mean, that was the army of Cambodia.859
01:25:54,080 --> 01:25:56,080
Now it's gone.860
01:25:56,080 --> 01:25:59,080
So what are government just left?861
01:25:59,080 --> 01:26:00,080
Where are they going to get an army?862
01:26:00,080 --> 01:26:03,080
They didn't have any army.863
01:26:03,080 --> 01:26:04,080
Army was all killers.864
01:26:04,080 --> 01:26:05,080
Now they're dispersed.865
01:26:05,080 --> 01:26:08,080
So how are they going to get an army to go get Pol Pot?866
01:26:08,080 --> 01:26:12,080
What are you going to get the same guys who did the killings and say, go get those guys who did the killings?867
01:26:12,080 --> 01:26:16,080
You know what? That's not going to fly.868
01:26:16,080 --> 01:26:18,080
They're just going to say, killings?869
01:26:18,080 --> 01:26:20,080
What are you talking about? We don't know anything about that.870
01:26:20,080 --> 01:26:23,080
Let's see which end of this gun deal.871
01:26:23,080 --> 01:26:24,080
01:26:24,080 --> 01:26:26,080
OK, that's going to be their story.873
01:26:26,080 --> 01:26:32,080
There were some cursory attempts to catch and prosecute some of his key people.874
01:26:32,080 --> 01:26:39,080
Some of them, I believe, were captured and taken some kind of trials.875
01:26:39,080 --> 01:26:43,080
I don't recall that anybody did any kind of time.876
01:26:43,080 --> 01:26:50,080
If they did, it was only one or two guys.877
01:26:50,080 --> 01:26:56,080
They made a few cursory attempts to prosecute Pol Pot.878
01:26:56,080 --> 01:27:00,080
Nobody ever went in there to try to catch him, I don't believe.879
01:27:00,080 --> 01:27:06,080
If they did, then they just took him somewhere and then let him go again, because he was there until his death.880
01:27:06,080 --> 01:27:09,080
Basically a little home.881
01:27:09,080 --> 01:27:14,080
There was a reporter went in there in...882
01:27:14,080 --> 01:27:16,080
I think she was in there in 98.883
01:27:16,080 --> 01:27:19,080
I believe she was a British reporter.884
01:27:19,080 --> 01:27:21,080
I believe. Not sure.885
01:27:21,080 --> 01:27:27,080
And somehow she got an interview with Pol Pot.886
01:27:27,080 --> 01:27:32,080
And I read the transcript of it.887
01:27:32,080 --> 01:27:34,080
I was a little bit contentious.888
01:27:34,080 --> 01:27:40,080
I don't know if she had security. He wouldn't have allowed enough security in there to be a threat to him.889
01:27:40,080 --> 01:27:45,080
So she had to have been either alone or with just one or two guys unarmed.890
01:27:45,080 --> 01:27:50,080
And that must have been a little bit tense.891
01:27:50,080 --> 01:27:53,080
Jesus Christ. Took balls on her.892
01:27:53,080 --> 01:27:59,080
But she interviewed him and she asked him some hard questions.893
01:27:59,080 --> 01:28:05,080
She asked him something about the kids.894
01:28:05,080 --> 01:28:13,080
And she said he got a hard look on his face and he leaned over and kind of leered at her.895
01:28:13,080 --> 01:28:21,080
And he said something like, I didn't order the killing of all those children.896
01:28:21,080 --> 01:28:24,080
And she took it to mean, well, probably most, just not all.897
01:28:24,080 --> 01:28:27,080
You know, so that absolved him.898
01:28:27,080 --> 01:28:30,080
He only ordered the killing of 80 percent of them.899
01:28:30,080 --> 01:28:38,080
So therefore, therefore, and she was asking him some hard questions, which again took balls on her.900
01:28:38,080 --> 01:28:42,080
Good God.901
01:28:42,080 --> 01:28:51,080
And at another juncture, she leaned over and kind of leered at her, as I recall.902
01:28:51,080 --> 01:28:55,080
And they gave her a hard look. And he said,903
01:28:55,080 --> 01:29:01,080
You think I'm a bad man, don't you?904
01:29:01,080 --> 01:29:04,080
And I think that was about the time she shut up.905
01:29:04,080 --> 01:29:08,080
As she got out of there with her skin.906
01:29:08,080 --> 01:29:12,080
Lucky girl. Jesus Christ.907
01:29:12,080 --> 01:29:16,080
And then shortly after that, he died. I don't think it was long. It was like six months or a year after that he died.908
01:29:16,080 --> 01:29:20,080
Lots of speculation about how he died.909
01:29:20,080 --> 01:29:25,080
Speculation is that he was doing a lot of drugs and910
01:29:25,080 --> 01:29:29,080
technically, I think he probably had a heart attack.911
01:29:29,080 --> 01:29:34,080
Could have been old age, could have been the stress, could have been drugs, could have been drinking.912
01:29:34,080 --> 01:29:41,080
No clue. I don't remember how old he was. He was up there. He was quite always up there.913
01:29:41,080 --> 01:29:47,080
He was old enough. He lived out a full life.914
01:29:47,080 --> 01:29:52,080
As the satans of the world often do.915
01:29:52,080 --> 01:29:57,080
And that was the end of Pol Pot. 98 or 99. I think 98.916
01:29:57,080 --> 01:30:03,080
Maybe late 98. I'm not sure. Easy to look at.917
01:30:03,080 --> 01:30:08,080
I've been to the killing fields, I think, three times.918
01:30:08,080 --> 01:30:14,080
Because I'm trying to come to terms with the horror.919
01:30:14,080 --> 01:30:21,080
Remember Apocalypse Now at the end. Who was the big fat guy, the best actor on Earth?920
01:30:21,080 --> 01:30:27,080
Marla Brandon. He's all cut to rat shit. He's laying there dying.921
01:30:27,080 --> 01:30:34,080
He had talked about the philosophical aspects of horror before.922
01:30:34,080 --> 01:30:40,080
And he's laying there. He's got a minute to live.923
01:30:40,080 --> 01:30:45,080
And he whispers.924
01:30:45,080 --> 01:30:50,080
The horror.925
01:30:50,080 --> 01:30:55,080
The horror.926
01:30:55,080 --> 01:31:07,080
And the interpretation of that for the movie was that, okay, he came to terms with the horror.927
01:31:07,080 --> 01:31:13,080
And I needed to go back there multiple times to try to come to terms with the horror because I couldn't understand it.928
01:31:13,080 --> 01:31:18,080
Couldn't grasp it.929
01:31:18,080 --> 01:31:24,080
Now, if you go mucking around Cambodia, you're going to get tuk-tuks. You're going to meet all kinds of people.930
01:31:24,080 --> 01:31:30,080
Usually they won't bring it up. If you asked them, you know, do your parents remember Pol Pot?931
01:31:30,080 --> 01:31:39,080
Every single person in their 40s or whatever, they're going to say, yeah, he killed my parents. He killed my sister.932
01:31:39,080 --> 01:31:51,080
Okay, well, 99% of that is just people who want a little sympathy. They want to be part of this whole victimhood thing.933
01:31:51,080 --> 01:31:57,080
They identify very strongly with it. They want to be part of it. They want to share it with their people.934
01:31:57,080 --> 01:32:04,080
They didn't lose anybody. A lot did, but not everybody lost their parents.935
01:32:04,080 --> 01:32:11,080
So when Pol Pot then moved, the people are just like, and the army just dropped their everything.936
01:32:11,080 --> 01:32:20,080
Well, no, they took their weapons. The army just walked out. They just stopped killing and walked out.937
01:32:20,080 --> 01:32:27,080
Walked north, walked north through the jungle.938
01:32:27,080 --> 01:32:32,080
And the people are like, what the fuck? What the fucking fuck do we do now? What do we do now?939
01:32:32,080 --> 01:32:36,080
Well, the only thing they could do was walk back to Phnom Penh.940
01:32:36,080 --> 01:32:44,080
It might be a fair walk. It might take them days to get back to Phnom Penh. They get back there, straggling, straggling, getting back there.941
01:32:44,080 --> 01:32:59,080
No kids left. Kids are gone. Cried all away, I'm sure. They're weak and sick and dysentery and whore-struck.942
01:32:59,080 --> 01:33:14,080
And they got back to Phnom Penh and they would walk back to their home that they owned before and they would find it full of families.943
01:33:14,080 --> 01:33:19,080
Because some other families got there first.944
01:33:19,080 --> 01:33:25,080
And they'd go to the door and they'd say, hey, excuse me, this is our home. You're going to have to go now.945
01:33:25,080 --> 01:33:30,080
And the families in there would just say, prove it.946
01:33:30,080 --> 01:33:36,080
And they're like, well, I can prove it. I'll just go to the government office. I'll find the papers in the file cabinet.947
01:33:36,080 --> 01:33:42,080
So, you know, this is this is our home. We grew up here. This is our home. Get out. Really, you got to go.948
01:33:42,080 --> 01:33:45,080
And they're like, prove it.949
01:33:45,080 --> 01:33:55,080
Well, what happened was when Pol Pot went through Phnom Penh, he destroyed every government record.950
01:33:55,080 --> 01:34:05,080
Why? It's for fun. I guess. He didn't think that anything government related or society related.951
01:34:05,080 --> 01:34:09,080
He thought that nothing organized should exist.952
01:34:09,080 --> 01:34:17,080
Because if you're a farmer, you don't need that shit. Just destroy it. So, you know, I don't know why.953
01:34:17,080 --> 01:34:20,080
Somebody probably knows.954
01:34:20,080 --> 01:34:32,080
So, almost every house in Phnom Penh, almost every business, just got taken over by whoever got there first.955
01:34:32,080 --> 01:34:36,080
There was a movie theater downtown. I cannot remember the name of it.956
01:34:36,080 --> 01:34:44,080
It was a movie theater of quite some rejuvenation. It was acclaimed.957
01:34:44,080 --> 01:34:52,080
A theater. No, it wasn't. Let's see. Did they do movies? No, I think it was a live stage at that time.958
01:34:52,080 --> 01:34:57,080
I don't know that they were. Maybe they did movies. I don't know. But it was predominantly a live stage.959
01:34:57,080 --> 01:35:01,080
And they had some of the biggest names in the world performed there.960
01:35:01,080 --> 01:35:06,080
And it was big and beautiful, hardwood ornate.961
01:35:06,080 --> 01:35:14,080
One of the finest treasures of Phnom Penh. Beautiful theater. Big.962
01:35:14,080 --> 01:35:27,080
And the people who went to their homes and found them occupied, lots and lots, hundreds and hundreds of them just went there because they didn't know where else to go.963
01:35:27,080 --> 01:35:31,080
And they stayed there. That's where they made their homes.964
01:35:31,080 --> 01:35:38,080
They never resolved the issues of who owned what. Ever.965
01:35:38,080 --> 01:35:45,080
If you got to a place first and you occupied it, it was yours. That's all it was to it. That's how it worked.966
01:35:45,080 --> 01:35:55,080
So, they stayed in this theater. They trashed it, as people do when there's no structure or no money for support.967
01:35:55,080 --> 01:36:02,080
They trashed it. The roof began to leak. The roof caved in in some places.968
01:36:02,080 --> 01:36:10,080
They began pooping inside of it. Sounds like San Francisco's everywhere.969
01:36:10,080 --> 01:36:20,080
When I left Thailand, they were still there.970
01:36:20,080 --> 01:36:27,080
You know, this is like, so they moved in there in 79 probably.971
01:36:27,080 --> 01:36:35,080
So, that's 40 years. Now it's another generation or two. They got born in that theater.972
01:36:35,080 --> 01:36:45,080
And they were still there. They were trying to get it out, knock the theater down. Lots of people wanted to rebuild it.973
01:36:45,080 --> 01:36:55,080
And that's how life in Phnom Penh went. And to a large degree, still goes today.974
01:36:55,080 --> 01:37:06,080
Now, I told you before, when somebody tries to steal my bag in Phnom Penh, I'm angry and I'll try to get it back.975
01:37:06,080 --> 01:37:15,080
But I don't feel the white-hot rage that I do when an American tries to steal my bag, because the Americans have training and they know better.976
01:37:15,080 --> 01:37:25,080
And they have programs. They can go get food. People will give them money and food and help them get in the fucking luxury hotel now.977
01:37:25,080 --> 01:37:40,080
So, my anger level when an American tries to steal my stuff is far and vastly, greatly higher than when somebody from Phnom Penh does, because978
01:37:40,080 --> 01:37:47,080
even if that guy who's trying to steal my bag, maybe he didn't lose his parents, maybe he lost his grandparents.979
01:37:47,080 --> 01:37:58,080
And the grandparents are gone so they couldn't teach the parents, their kids, right from wrong. Teachers are gone. Police are gone.980
01:37:58,080 --> 01:38:09,080
Nobody to teach. Nobody to make an example of structure for the society.981
01:38:09,080 --> 01:38:18,080
So, there's still feeling the effects of it. There's still largely people adrift.982
01:38:18,080 --> 01:38:25,080
They're trying to pull it together. They're trying hard. Lots and lots of them are really hard working.983
01:38:25,080 --> 01:38:33,080
They tend to be smart-ish.984
01:38:33,080 --> 01:38:40,080
And I like them. Yeah, they're rough and they'll steal you blind and sometimes they'll try to kill you.985
01:38:40,080 --> 01:38:49,080
But I know where a great deal of that crime and ignorance is coming from.986
01:38:49,080 --> 01:39:04,080
And so, just a little part of me, I tend to overlook it just a little bit. Certainly not completely, but a little bit. It's like, oh, OK.987
01:39:04,080 --> 01:39:10,080
In America, I can't possibly grant them that.988
01:39:10,080 --> 01:39:20,080
They've had every goddamn perk, every opportunity, every everything in the US and they're still stealing my bag. No, no, no.989
01:39:20,080 --> 01:39:25,080
In Phnom Penh, well, you're not going to get my bag. I'm going to fight you. If I have to, I'll kill you.990
01:39:25,080 --> 01:39:33,080
But I certainly understand why you're doing this.991
01:39:33,080 --> 01:39:41,080
OK, so we're time's up. That timing turned out not too bad. I hope in my lifetime I don't have to go through the story again.992
01:39:41,080 --> 01:39:51,080
If anybody ever wants it, I'll just give them the tape. I left out lots and lots and lots and lots of stuff.993
01:39:51,080 --> 01:39:59,080
First time I went to the killing fields, I just went there and I thought, well, is this just something I have to do?994
01:39:59,080 --> 01:40:10,080
Because I was so intimate to me from the early 70s, wanting to go back there with everybody and kick his ass, kick his ass.995
01:40:10,080 --> 01:40:16,080
So I had to go to the killing fields. I had to see what Pol Pot had done.996
01:40:16,080 --> 01:40:26,080
And I thought, well, OK, I'm going to be here. I told the cab, wait 30 minutes, something like that.997
01:40:26,080 --> 01:40:30,080
And he kind of chuckled.998
01:40:30,080 --> 01:40:35,080
And I thought, well, this is probably going to be a little sad, you know, but I'm going to learn. I'm going to see what happened.999
01:40:35,080 --> 01:40:43,080
I was there five hours and I cried until...1000
01:40:43,080 --> 01:40:48,080
until I didn't have any tears left.1001
01:40:48,080 --> 01:40:57,080
And that's when I'm walking around through a masquerade and something sharp went through my shoe into my foot and I stopped and said, what the fuck?1002
01:40:57,080 --> 01:41:02,080
And I wanted to see if it was some kind of poisonous thing. At first I thought it was a snake.1003
01:41:02,080 --> 01:41:08,080
I had a stick and I was poking around in the dirt. Oh, there's a bone. Oh, fuck.1004
01:41:08,080 --> 01:41:21,080
And some commuter guys came and we dug around, dug around, and it turned out to be the bones of a little girl. She had a chartreuse polyester little dress on.1005
01:41:21,080 --> 01:41:29,080
Because it was 79, they had polyester, you know, doesn't rot. Stays forever.1006
01:41:29,080 --> 01:41:43,080
Could have almost washed it and worn it. And they dug her up in the first summer, just a skeleton.1007
01:41:43,080 --> 01:41:48,080
01:41:48,080 --> 01:41:52,080
when you're thinking about going to Southeast Asia, think hard. Think, think.1009
01:41:52,080 --> 01:41:56,080
You're not going to another country, you're going to another planet.1010
01:41:56,080 --> 01:42:09,080
Maybe it's not even in the solar system. You cannot comprehend how different it's going to be if you're out and around living there, being involved with the people, being involved in being involved, integrated into the society, not as a goddamn tourist.1011
01:42:09,080 --> 01:42:18,080
Don't go as a fucking Jesus Christ. Don't go as a tourist. Just go there and live there.1012
01:42:18,080 --> 01:42:26,080
Get out of the goddamn tourist towns. Get out of Bangkok. Go live in the real country. Go around to the other countries.1013
01:42:26,080 --> 01:42:33,080
All the other countries. Spend time in them.1014
01:42:33,080 --> 01:42:40,080
Sit with the people. Talk to the people as best you can.1015
01:42:40,080 --> 01:42:47,080
But don't think you're just going to a pretty place with palm trees, where the people speak a little differently.1016
01:42:47,080 --> 01:42:51,080
Nothing could be farther from the truth.1017
01:42:51,080 --> 01:42:55,080
Okay, so next episode, what are we going to do?1018
01:42:55,080 --> 01:43:03,080
We're just going to continue on through my experiences in Thailand until we get to other countries, I guess.1019
01:43:03,080 --> 01:43:18,080
I'm hoping to either put some kind of colored glasses on you or take off what you've got on so that you can see how different of a place it is.1020
01:43:18,080 --> 01:43:23,080
I know you can't comprehend it. I know that.1021
01:43:23,080 --> 01:43:30,080
If you stay in one of these countries five years and then you come back and you listen to this particular tape,1022
01:43:30,080 --> 01:43:37,080
the little neural connections are going to go kaboom kaboom. Oh God. Oh God, that's what he was talking about.1023
01:43:37,080 --> 01:43:42,080
Oh, Jesus Christ. I couldn't imagine it at that time. Oh my God, it was all true.1024
01:43:42,080 --> 01:43:45,080
Okay, that's what's going to happen.1025
01:43:45,080 --> 01:43:51,080
All right, so wasn't this a lot of fun? Oh yeah, I loved it.1026
01:43:51,080 --> 01:43:57,080
And I'm glad this part of it's done because that's the worst story. Well, that's the worst big story I've got from there.1027
01:43:57,080 --> 01:44:03,080
I've got lots of stories that are as bad, but they're short-pulled stories.1028
01:44:03,080 --> 01:44:10,080
Not involving too many people. Certainly not three mil.1029
01:44:10,080 --> 01:44:14,080
Ah, geez.1030
01:44:14,080 --> 01:44:20,080
I'm not going through the story again.1031
01:44:20,080 --> 01:44:28,080
All right. Thank you very much.1032
01:44:28,080 --> 01:44:38,080
I hope a little bit of the water I poured onto the rock soaked in. That's what I'm hoping.1033
01:44:38,080 --> 01:44:42,080
I don't know how it can without you going there.1034
01:44:42,080 --> 01:44:51,080
You know, you're going to get three, four, five percent of it. It's going to soak in. The rest of it's just going to be alien to you.1035
01:44:51,080 --> 01:44:56,080
Maybe you'll at least remember it.1036
01:44:56,080 --> 01:45:00,080
If you can't comprehend it, you can remember it. Maybe.1037
01:45:00,080 --> 01:45:07,080
But you can't talk about Southeast Asia without going through this particular story.1038
01:45:07,080 --> 01:45:13,080
All right. Thank you very much. Good evening.1039
01:45:13,080 --> 01:45:19,080
Sucked a bug. Sucked a bug.1040
01:45:19,080 --> 01:45:28,080
Cambodia is one of the few places you can go to a street stall and you buy a sausage or you can buy some rice.1041
01:45:28,080 --> 01:45:37,080
A plate of bugs or a plate of snakes.1042
01:45:37,080 --> 01:45:44,080
Twenty cents. Little snakes. They just cook them whole.1043
01:45:44,080 --> 01:45:50,080
Whole plate. Whole plate. Keeping plate. Like a big old omelet.1044
01:45:50,080 --> 01:45:53,080
I never liked them.1045
01:45:53,080 --> 01:45:58,080
Thank you very much. Good evening and good night.