This website, and all pages within this website, and all videos, tape recordings, podcasts, and other materials including photographic images and captions, offer, disseminate, convey and represent our opinions, hunches, suspicions, best recollections and editorial views.
This is an auto-generated speech-to-text transcript of a SE Asia Chronicles Podcast
Speech to text generators are often faulty. We have one that works nearly flawlessly, but it's a web-based service and is a real PITA to use.
The text generated in this case, from this engine, is full of flaws, incorrect words, misspellings and other nonsense. Its value really only lies in providing context for the search engines.
The "Transcript" links take you to the transcript page which hosts all auto-generated written transcripts of the podcasts. Up through episode 8 were done by Adobe's absurd and ludicrous idea of a speech to text generator. It's another pathetic embarrassment to Adobe. Transcripts after that were made by a real transcriber. In so many ways, for so many "products", Adobe can just go suck an egg -- and they just more than doubled their subscription. It is truly time to just say goodbye to Adobe.
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Good afternoon from Southeast Asia in rainy Manila today.2
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It's okay. It's cooler.3
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Now it's only 143 degrees.4
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Big drop.5
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This will be episode or volume number 12 of the Southeast Asia...6
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What the hell are we going to call them today?8
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I've been calling them the Southeast Asia Chronicles Podcast. That sucks.9
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I don't know.10
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Do you want to move to Southeast Asia?11
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That's kind of a long convoluted name. That's kind of crappy.12
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I don't know. I don't really have much of an imagination, you know.13
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Okay. All tapes. What are the hell they're called?14
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All the content is copyright 2023 by StockPhotosWorldwide.com15
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And if you see them hosted anywhere else, tell us. We'll sue them as we've done before.16
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And we'll send you a third of whatever the net proceeds is.17
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Send you a third.18
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We will really, truly do it.19
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We really will.20
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Awards can be... We've had them as low as like a thousand bucks.21
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We've had them up around 10,000. We know people who have gotten them up to 30,00022
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for stealing copyrighted work.23
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It doesn't make any difference if you steal it and don't make money on it.24
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You still diluted the value of our product.25
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Nail you. I'll nail you. Really, really good.26
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Don't do it.27
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You know, you want to put something on your website?28
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Create it. Don't steal it.29
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God, these Millennials and Snowflakes.30
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Oh, God. That would be on YouTube. That would be hate speech.31
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Oh, God.32
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We are under an incredible amount of pressure to start monetizing this stuff.33
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We're pushing 300 episodes of the Alien Podcast.34
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We've only got a dozen of these things.35
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Man, we've resisted it all these years.36
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Totally resisted it. We've done a few advertising spots embedded into the Alien Podcasts37
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just because somebody specifically got a hold of us.38
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Said, hey, would you promote this? Would you promote that?39
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We've taken a little bit of money, but we have not gone out and sought it.40
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God, it's such a pain in the ass.41
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I mean, no such thing as too much money.42
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We've got kind of enough. Pretty happy.43
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Why complicate it by getting more?44
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There's a bunch more new IRS forms you've got to fill out.45
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Gives them all the more excuses to look at you.46
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The biggest problem we see with it is if we went through YouTube,47
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then we've got to start watching what we say, like what I just said a minute ago.48
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If I start bitching and griping about Millennials and Snowflakes stealing our work,49
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and they're the ones who do it, YouTube can yank the channel because that's hate speech.50
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Yeah, I hate thieves.51
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And they happen to be largely, mostly, almost completely Millennials and Snowflakes.52
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That's hate speech, though. I can't say. Maybe the very word thieves.53
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That's hatred directed towards a certain class of people.54
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Yes, it's hatred directed towards thieves. Fuck them.55
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Amazingly, the swearing is not really a problem on YouTube.57
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They kind of waffled back and forth for a while.58
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For a while, they said, oh, you can't swear. You can't even say hell.59
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Maybe not even heck. We're not sure yet.60
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Oh, it's just offensive. Oh, did oh.61
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And then they waffled back the other way. And they said, well, you know, swearing is OK.62
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Just don't drop any bombs in the first 15 seconds.63
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Why in God's name would that matter?65
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What? What kind of crazy, stupid donkey bastards are you?66
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What were you coming up with with these rules? Huh?67
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I guess you can swear every other word after 15 seconds. I don't know.68
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But anyway, the swearing is apparently not a problem anymore.69
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YouTube has kind of wised up and become adults about that.70
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But the hate speech thing terrifies everybody.71
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And people cannot just create content anymore and put it out there and let the chips fall where it may, where they may.72
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Now they have to be censors to their own work.73
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And while that's kind of sort of OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, let's look at it this way.74
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YouTube wants a particular product. OK, got it.75
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It's their service. It's their form. It's their everything. OK.76
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They only want certain things on. OK. OK. That's fair.77
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Tell us what you want. And tell us what you don't want. Be clear.78
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You can't just put out this nebulous, all encompassing drivel written by a bunch of mindless attorneys saying,79
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well, you know, if we deem something to be offensive, well, what the hell?80
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You know, everything on earth is offensive to someone, somewhere.81
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So what do you want? What can we say? What can we not say?82
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And people have been pushing on, pushing them to be clear, and they won't because they don't want to be pinned down to it.83
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They like having all that power.84
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So you got some little snowflake twit sitting there at YouTube, scanning the material, looking at complaints.85
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And like that poor woman, I keep going back to her on Facebook and she made the comment to her friend, all men are ugly.86
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Well, somebody on Facebook personally took exception to that, yanked her account.87
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They like having that power. That's all there is to it.88
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So we're being pushed really hard to monetize on YouTube. I don't know what the hell we would, to use our existing 300 podcasts,89
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we would have to go back through each and every one90
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and strike out anything that could remotely be construed as hate speech.91
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And I just mentioned a minute ago a couple of times, if I say I don't like millennials and snowflakes stealing our copyrighted content,92
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if I say that, that's hate speech. Where it can be, you don't know from one minute to the next.93
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It might not be hate speech today, but the next person on YouTube who sees it, they might consider it hate speech because they're a millennial.94
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And I have disparaged millennials. Oh yeah, I do it quite a bit and I'm going to continue doing it.95
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You know, like it, grow up, get a fucking life. Really?96
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So, I don't know. There's potentially a lot of money to monetize this stuff.97
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What do we even do with it? We're living pretty good now. What would we even do with it?98
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Probably it would just complicate our lives.99
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Would there be any net gain to it?100
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Probably not. I had a period of my life when I was really quite well off. I was a commercial diver. I was making $2,600 USD an hour.101
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I could do two dives a day at that depth. And I had a lot of money. I had more money than I ever thought I would make in my lifetime.102
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I was owner of the company, but you know, still.103
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The money did not make me happy at all. In fact, it detracted from my happiness.104
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I just went out and I had all this money sitting in the bank, had it in my pocket. I never had less than about $5,000, $7,000, $8,000 in my pocket, in my pocket.105
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Just in case I saw something I liked, you know. This was in the later 70s.106
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Been on through after that.107
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I'd go to an air show and I'd see a shiny airplane and I'd be like, I'll just buy it.108
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So I'd check, take it home, slide it for a while.109
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And then the complications would start. You know, needed this inspection. It needed that repair. It needed this.110
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And I had to pay for hangar space. Yeah, it was fun.111
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And I did that quite a bit. And then I'd sell it for always less than I paid. And I regret that.112
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I don't know.113
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Money can give you a degree of security, but it doesn't necessarily buy security.114
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It can buy security. It doesn't always.115
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I don't know what we're going to do. Anyway, in any case, if we do decide to monetize these and start doing something different, these ones will remain the same116
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on our server forever and ever. Can't take them off. Not even YouTube can take them off.117
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We don't care to say whatever the hell we want.118
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So there would be different versions that went on to YouTube if we did it anyway.119
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I just don't know that we want to get involved in that. YouTube screwed us really, really badly many, many years ago.120
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Cost us a registered trademark and a business because they were just so flaky and stupid and121
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dishonest. I'm not sure. Maybe that's the word dishonorable.122
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I think so. Illegal. I think so.123
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So we've still got a really, really bad, bad, poisonous, toxic taste in our mouths from YouTube.124
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Anyway, OK.125
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And the last one. I got a bunch of notes here from yesterday's or day before, whatever.126
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OK, and the last one. We left you. I had gotten my visa, my retirement visa in Thailand.127
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I needed to find a room. Get out of that hotel. Get a room. Get a real room.129
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OK, this was kind of my first introduction to Southeast Asia.130
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And it began to wake me up regarding just how far down the rabbit hole I might have fallen131
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because I didn't get it before that. Nobody does. Nobody does. You'll think you do.132
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I know people who have been in Thailand for 25 years133
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and are still waking up once a week saying, oh,134
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really? Oh, I didn't expect that, you know, after 25 years.135
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OK, so I'll go through the story.136
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And then after I get into this room, I'll go hit some of these notes that I got here from people.137
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I was hanging around this one restaurant thing. It was a bar restaurant.138
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It had lots of hookers in it. I didn't deal with them. Didn't want them. Didn't care.139
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For what? You know, if I got to the point after losing my wife, if I got to the point where I wanted another relationship,140
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it sure as hell wasn't going to be a hooker relationship. It was going to be a real one.141
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So these girls were fine to talk to for a few minutes.142
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That's it. That's just as far as it can go.143
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So I did that occasionally when they came over. It was nice to all of them. They were nice to me.144
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And everything was fine. I'd sit there and pass my afternoons. I usually didn't stay up very late.145
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About ten o'clock. That's about it. And one night, I had developed some friends in there.146
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Most of them were servers. One of them was a cashier. She was getting on up there. She was late 60s.147
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And as a Thai woman, she looked every minute of it. And she was crazy. On top of that, she was crazy.148
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Crazy. Crazy. Mad at her. Kind of crazy.149
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And I knew the mamasan. I talked to her a lot. Her English was better.150
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And then the servers and, you know, like that. One or two of the hookers. Kind of talked to her a little bit. Not too much.151
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And anyway, they would come around once in a while. Sit at my table. And they would make a little bit of a tip thing if you bought them a lady drink.152
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Even the mamasan. They didn't make much. You know, you had to pay 140 baht for a lady drink and they got to keep 40 baht.153
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Something like that. Just cola. You know, sugar water. Some stupid thing.154
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But it was just a nice token thing that you did for them. You know.155
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And it gave them an excuse to sit there and talk to you and not talk to somebody else that they might hate.156
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So that's just kind of how that worked.157
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So one night, and I noticed that they had been hanging around more and more. Getting more and more lady drinks.158
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And my bar tab at the end of the night was getting higher and higher. You know.159
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Getting a lot of nights. It was a couple hundred bucks. And that wasn't a problem. It was fine.160
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I didn't really check the details. I should have. I probably got screwed over quite a bit. Don't know.161
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That's really common. It's really common. All through Southeast Asia, maybe especially in Thailand.162
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They will just add things under tab that you never ordered. At all.163
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And people, guys, have gotten really screwed with really big tabs. Like three grand. You know. Stuff like that.164
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So I was in the back of my mind. I didn't really think about it too much. But anyway, one night.165
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They all sort of showed up at my table en masse. And just hung out, hung out, hung out.166
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And I noticed that even the ones I didn't like. You know, they'd sit there for a few minutes and pre-sume they had a drink.167
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And I'm thinking, well, where'd I get that? I didn't order it. You know.168
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And that went on for the whole night. And it was quite a little party.169
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And at the end of the night, my bar tab was 600 bucks. And it was okay. But I thought, that's enough.170
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That's enough of this shit. Because they were not people I really wanted to invest in.171
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They were just passing the time. You know. They were all girls. All ladies.172
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And anyway, so I had put the word out throughout that evening that I was looking for a room.173
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And the cashier, the old woman, said, well, she knew of one. She had a friend. Oh, God. That should have been the first fucking two.174
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And I was supposed to meet her there like 8 o'clock in the morning or something. Oh, God. It was just a medieval time of day.175
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And then we would get a cab and she would take me to look at this room. I thought, well, that's very nice of her.176
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You know, I didn't really like her, but that's a nice thing to do, right? Isn't it?177
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So I met her there and we got a cab. Turned out the cab was her friend. Charged us way overcharged for going across town to see this room.178
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And got there. We went in. Landlord showed up. Landlord was the guy I had met before.179
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Frank. Big fat. Nasty Frank. That's the same guy I told you the story. He had, he was a doctor from Australia.180
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He owned a bunch of condos, I guess. And he had taken his fiance to Australia and then caught her in the back seat with the cabbie, you know, like that.181
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OK, same guy. So anyway, I looked around. Room was OK. Price was a little high, but it was OK. I needed I just needed a room, you know, so I'm not paying every damn week.182
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And got the room. Leased it for three months.183
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I guess we got the same cab. He took us back. Back to back to the restaurant and overcharged us again.185
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And we got back at the restaurant. I went in to have a Coke. Sat down at my table.186
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And the cashier wouldn't even speak to me. Wouldn't even speak to me.187
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And I thought, oh, well, what the hell?188
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And I started to think in the back of my mind, God, maybe I was supposed to tip her for going to this trouble.189
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And I wasn't sure and I didn't know if I should ask her, you know, I just kind of let it smolder like that for a few days.190
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And she just wouldn't talk to me or she did. If she brought me a drink, she'd kind of slam it down.191
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Walk away.192
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And probably about three or four days that went on like that.193
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And meantime, I'm, you know, getting my stuff moving into that room.194
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And finally, she just got so nasty, I couldn't take it anymore.195
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And there was one bar girl there that I had gotten to know fairly well and her English was OK.196
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And I trusted her teeny tiny little bit, you know, as far as you can trust a crocodile.197
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And I got her side and I said, hey, what's what's what's going on here with this cashier?198
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You know, we were never really friends, but we weren't enemies, for God's sake.199
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And she helped me get that room and I thanked her profusely. And now she won't talk to me. So what's the deal?200
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She looked at me like, are you crazy? You stupid feline. Are you really this stupid?201
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Nobody can be this stupid.202
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And I said, well, yeah, I can. You know, you're looking at living proof.203
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I really am this stupid. I want to know. Tell me. No, I can't tell you. No, it's it's too bad. It's too bad.204
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Everybody hates you now.205
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Oh, God, I didn't do anything even remotely bad. How can they hate me?206
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And it took me quite a while to drag it out of her.207
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Go away.208
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And she finally said,209
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after you paid for the room, you got the keys.210
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Landlord left.211
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Before you went down to get the cab,212
00:21:02,000 --> 00:21:06,000
you were supposed to have sex with the cashier.213
00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:14,000
That's what she thought was going to happen. That's why she was doing this.214
00:21:14,000 --> 00:21:19,000
I said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You got something wrong. You misunderstood something.215
00:21:19,000 --> 00:21:24,000
That's no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But she assured me forever. I knew her for many years after that.216
00:21:24,000 --> 00:21:32,000
She continued to assure me that was the deal that I wasn't in on.217
00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:39,000
And the relationship with the cashier forevermore was pretty strange.218
00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:47,000
And I thought, how could I possibly have misconstrued? Well, I didn't misconstrued anything. I just didn't ever never occurred to me.219
00:21:47,000 --> 00:21:55,000
What? She's quite old. She's quite old. Quite old. Really quite old. You know,220
00:21:55,000 --> 00:22:03,000
68 or something. Looked, you know, 75 and.221
00:22:03,000 --> 00:22:11,000
And we never really hit it off anyway. Why would she think that was going to be the deal?222
00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:17,000
I don't know. I never did figure out if if I had done that, was I also supposed to pay her for it?223
00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:24,000
Probably. Almost certainly, because that's Thailand.224
00:22:24,000 --> 00:22:31,000
OK. So I moved into the room. It was a shit room, terrible room.225
00:22:31,000 --> 00:22:37,000
Full of cockroaches. Just nasty. Just full of cockroaches.226
00:22:37,000 --> 00:22:43,000
And I stayed there three months just because I wanted my deposit.227
00:22:43,000 --> 00:22:50,000
I had had to put a naturally big deposit on it, even though the guy was a friend.228
00:22:50,000 --> 00:22:57,000
And stayed there, gave him notice, gave him proper 30 days notice. And that pissed him off really pretty severely.229
00:22:57,000 --> 00:23:01,000
He thought he thought he had me on the hook for life, probably.230
00:23:01,000 --> 00:23:05,000
In 30 days and the time came up.231
00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:14,000
And. I paid a local girl to come in and clean the room, make sure it was spotless.232
00:23:14,000 --> 00:23:24,000
It was filthy when I moved in, but I wanted it spotless when I moved out. I used to be a landlord and I know what it's like to get a renter out and then have a filthy mess to clean up.233
00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:29,000
And I won't be one of those people. So I paid a girl to come in and clean it top to bottom.234
00:23:29,000 --> 00:23:34,000
Just clean, you know, empty, clean everything. And she did.235
00:23:34,000 --> 00:23:39,000
And then.236
00:23:39,000 --> 00:23:44,000
I said, OK, I'm out. I'm done. Tell the staff.237
00:23:44,000 --> 00:23:54,000
This guy wasn't available. He was somewhere else. They were just communicating my phone. The staff was communicating with him. Staff of the building was communicating with him.238
00:23:54,000 --> 00:23:57,000
00:23:57,000 --> 00:24:05,000
The staff came in and looked at the room and they said, well, this is filthy. You never get back deposit now, stupid filetting.240
00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:12,000
I said, what are you talking about? I just had it cleaned. I can't find any dirt anywhere. I look it's really, really squeaky clean.241
00:24:12,000 --> 00:24:19,000
I said, no, no, no, no, no, we must clean. We must clean it and then it will be clean. OK, they just wanted the money.242
00:24:19,000 --> 00:24:25,000
Oh, my God. So OK, I paid this whole four or five of them came in, cleaned everything again.243
00:24:25,000 --> 00:24:28,000
Of course, they didn't get any dirt.244
00:24:28,000 --> 00:24:35,000
The water in the bucket was clear. There wasn't no dirt to get, but I paid them to clean it again.245
00:24:35,000 --> 00:24:45,000
I said, OK, now I'm done. Now I want my deposit back because the staff was holding my deposit since this guy was out of town.246
00:24:45,000 --> 00:24:49,000
00:24:49,000 --> 00:24:54,000
They called him and said, OK, we cleaned the room. We vouch for it. It's clean.248
00:24:54,000 --> 00:24:59,000
Can we give back deposit? He said, no.249
00:24:59,000 --> 00:25:04,000
He said, what? What do you mean, no? It's right there in the lease.250
00:25:04,000 --> 00:25:09,000
And the staff, your own staff just vouched for it. What do you mean I don't get deposit back?251
00:25:09,000 --> 00:25:13,000
And he said, well, the safe doesn't work.252
00:25:13,000 --> 00:25:18,000
What the hell are you talking about? What do you mean the safe doesn't work?253
00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:21,000
And he said, well, it's broken.254
00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:30,000
And I said, well, it was when I moved in and I paid a safe man at my expense to come and fix it.255
00:25:30,000 --> 00:25:33,000
And now it works perfectly.256
00:25:33,000 --> 00:25:38,000
He said, no, it's broken. No deposit. Get out.257
00:25:38,000 --> 00:25:43,000
And I said, no. Bullshit. This is not going to fly.258
00:25:43,000 --> 00:25:47,000
So the staff kind of saw him for what he was.259
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And the staff went and found the safe man because he lived right there.260
00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:55,000
Thai safe man. And.261
00:25:55,000 --> 00:26:00,000
He demonstrated we did a live stream to the owner.262
00:26:00,000 --> 00:26:05,000
Demonstrated the safe was perfectly fine. Every function worked. He.263
00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:10,000
Told him he had fixed it. The safe was perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with it.264
00:26:10,000 --> 00:26:18,000
He. Sure he'd be in. And the owner said, no, he does not.265
00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:26,000
He's talking, talking about me. He does not get deposit back. Now he must also pay me fifteen thousand baht.266
00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:31,000
Well, you're one crazy motherfucker mad hat or fucking piece of goddamn shit, aren't you?267
00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:36,000
Really, it's a good thing you're not here because you'd be going to the dentist tomorrow.268
00:26:36,000 --> 00:26:46,000
This was just insane. Just in saying this was an Australian doctor.269
00:26:46,000 --> 00:26:53,000
And finally, I took a staff down to the lobby. I said, call the police because I'm not leaving.270
00:26:53,000 --> 00:27:00,000
Just call the police and they can arrest me for trespass wherever you want. I'm not leaving until I get my deposit back.271
00:27:00,000 --> 00:27:05,000
And Thais don't like confrontations like that. And so they're all looking at the floor and they're walking around.272
00:27:05,000 --> 00:27:10,000
They could see that this guy was a fucking ripoff scammer, a piece of shit.273
00:27:10,000 --> 00:27:16,000
Asshole. The fuck was his last name? I can't remember. I've got it on my file somewhere.274
00:27:16,000 --> 00:27:20,000
I had more trouble with him later.275
00:27:20,000 --> 00:27:24,000
God damn it.276
00:27:24,000 --> 00:27:30,000
And they fished around for a while and they were going to call the police and then they decided not to.277
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And they ended up calling the owner back a few more times and told him, look, you know, we all saw it.278
00:27:36,000 --> 00:27:41,000
Safe works fine. The room is really, really antiseptically clean.279
00:27:41,000 --> 00:27:47,000
And, you know, we don't really have any choice. We're going to have to give this guy's money back.280
00:27:47,000 --> 00:27:54,000
And this Frank was like, no, no, don't give him money. No. And he also must pay me 15,000 baht for something.281
00:27:54,000 --> 00:27:57,000
I don't know what that was supposed to be for.282
00:27:57,000 --> 00:28:00,000
And funny, they just pretty much said, fuck you, Frank.283
00:28:00,000 --> 00:28:07,000
And they hung up and they gave me back my deposit. Went out.284
00:28:07,000 --> 00:28:15,000
That was my first experience renting something in Thailand.285
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And as I said before,286
00:28:20,000 --> 00:28:25,000
people talk a lot about how the Thai landlords are going to rip you off. Well, they probably will.287
00:28:25,000 --> 00:28:28,000
But the Phlaing landlords are going to rip you off more.288
00:28:28,000 --> 00:28:35,000
They are far more dishonest than the Thais.289
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They are just dastardly.290
00:28:39,000 --> 00:28:44,000
I've got a huge website about the last one I dealt with.291
00:28:44,000 --> 00:28:49,000
A property rental place. A big one. A big one.292
00:28:49,000 --> 00:28:54,000
And I got their names and pictures and their home addresses and the whole bit on there.293
00:28:54,000 --> 00:28:56,000
And they can't do a goddamn thing about it.294
00:28:56,000 --> 00:29:02,000
And it has affected their business very seriously.295
00:29:02,000 --> 00:29:09,000
Now, in Thailand, when you have an experience like that, you cannot tell anyone.296
00:29:09,000 --> 00:29:17,000
Because not only can the person you're talking about sue you297
00:29:17,000 --> 00:29:21,000
for defamation and win every time.298
00:29:21,000 --> 00:29:24,000
They'll win every time.299
00:29:24,000 --> 00:29:31,000
It's also a crime and the police will arrest you and put you in jail for defaming someone in Thailand.300
00:29:31,000 --> 00:29:38,000
Now, if you're coming from the US or even the UK,301
00:29:38,000 --> 00:29:45,000
you have an inborn kind of love for free speech.302
00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:52,000
It's very, very crucial to your existence.303
00:29:52,000 --> 00:29:59,000
In the Thai law about defamation, it states, quote,304
00:29:59,000 --> 00:30:06,000
the truth may not be considered a defense.305
00:30:06,000 --> 00:30:10,000
Book it up. Google it.306
00:30:10,000 --> 00:30:16,000
If you say anything disparaging about anyone or any business or, God forbid, especially the government,307
00:30:16,000 --> 00:30:24,000
or you want to go 50 levels higher than that, talk about, say one bad thing about the king308
00:30:24,000 --> 00:30:29,000
and you will spend probably the rest of your life in Thai prison forever.309
00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:31,000
You won't come out.310
00:30:31,000 --> 00:30:35,000
No embassy can help you.311
00:30:35,000 --> 00:30:41,000
Lots of lots of them in there. Anyway,312
00:30:41,000 --> 00:30:46,000
when people did these things like this, like this bad landlord,313
00:30:46,000 --> 00:30:51,000
I would make a website and I would show it to them314
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and I would put it on the Internet in such a way that only they could see it.315
00:30:58,000 --> 00:31:02,000
But they thought everybody could see it.316
00:31:02,000 --> 00:31:05,000
So they would run around to attorneys and all kinds of shit like that317
00:31:05,000 --> 00:31:11,000
and spend all kinds of money and waste all kinds of time trying to prosecute me for defaming them.318
00:31:11,000 --> 00:31:18,000
Well, I hadn't publicly. It took them a long time to figure that out in some cases.319
00:31:18,000 --> 00:31:21,000
Only they could see the page.320
00:31:21,000 --> 00:31:28,000
And then when they found that out, they're like, oh, fuck, what can I do now? What? What? What? What? What?321
00:31:28,000 --> 00:31:38,000
OK. And then when I left Thailand, I activated every page. So the public.322
00:31:38,000 --> 00:31:43,000
Fuck. Terror to thieves.323
00:31:43,000 --> 00:31:47,000
This guy was. Well, this guy told me one time.324
00:31:47,000 --> 00:31:51,000
He would. How do you put it? He said he is the most.325
00:31:51,000 --> 00:31:58,000
I said, I am the most dishonorable human being I've ever known talking about himself. And it turned out he was.326
00:31:58,000 --> 00:32:05,000
And I'll tell you stories about him later.327
00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:12,000
God. So you got a time and or any other Southeast Asian country, even the Philippines.328
00:32:12,000 --> 00:32:18,000
I've had trouble in the Philippines already.329
00:32:18,000 --> 00:32:29,000
You have to be very, very wary of the ties, Thai landlords, landlady, but more so of the phalanx.330
00:32:29,000 --> 00:32:34,000
That's the God's truth.331
00:32:34,000 --> 00:32:41,000
Thai businesses are corrupt and scammy and dishonest and dishonorable and.332
00:32:41,000 --> 00:32:44,000
00:32:44,000 --> 00:32:53,000
But the phalanx businesses are. Maybe two levels lower than that.334
00:32:53,000 --> 00:32:58,000
Oh, it's a bad situation. OK, so I still get this note up here.335
00:32:58,000 --> 00:33:04,000
People want me to tell monkey stories. What the hell?336
00:33:04,000 --> 00:33:15,000
You ever watch David Letterman? Jackass. God, he was a worthless human being. But anyway, I watched him for a while until I figured out he was a worthless human being.337
00:33:15,000 --> 00:33:19,000
He used to have some girl on there. She was like a stage assistant or some damn thing.338
00:33:19,000 --> 00:33:23,000
And he would travel around, I guess, to some places, something like that.339
00:33:23,000 --> 00:33:29,000
And she would always ask him when he got back, did you see or touch any monkeys?340
00:33:29,000 --> 00:33:36,000
You know, she was that three, four, five times a night asking that it became a little joke line.341
00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:42,000
Anyway, so I guess people want me to tell them if I saw or touched any monkeys.342
00:33:42,000 --> 00:33:46,000
Yeah, monkeys are everywhere.343
00:33:46,000 --> 00:33:50,000
In many areas of Thailand, not all. They used to be everywhere.344
00:33:50,000 --> 00:33:54,000
And then they kind of get forced out or eaten or something. I don't know.345
00:33:54,000 --> 00:33:59,000
But some areas are just lousy, lousy, lousy with them where I was.346
00:33:59,000 --> 00:34:11,000
Oh, my God. Well, there's some pictures on stock photos of monkeys doing monkey things.347
00:34:11,000 --> 00:34:17,000
I borrowed a motorbike one day and rode to a monkey place just to commune with the monkeys because they like to sit there.348
00:34:17,000 --> 00:34:21,000
They'll come and sit on your lap. They'll groom your hair, shit like that.349
00:34:21,000 --> 00:34:25,000
Once in a while, they'll bite you and then you got to go get the rabies.350
00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:28,000
They never bit me. I'm lucky.351
00:34:28,000 --> 00:34:30,000
Sometimes they'll just attack you for no reason.352
00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:37,000
They'll be sitting on your lap and then they'll just attack you because they're crazy.353
00:34:37,000 --> 00:34:44,000
But I'd have to go up there sometimes and you could buy bananas and stuff like that and mess around with them.354
00:34:44,000 --> 00:34:55,000
You give them a bottle of bottled water. I don't remember. I think they could get the cap off.355
00:34:55,000 --> 00:34:58,000
But in any case, you would take the cap off and give them the bottle.356
00:34:58,000 --> 00:35:02,000
And they knew exactly how to drink it. You know, you gave them the last half.357
00:35:02,000 --> 00:35:05,000
You didn't drink it after that, you know.358
00:35:05,000 --> 00:35:12,000
But they would just sit there on your lap and drink this bottle of water.359
00:35:12,000 --> 00:35:14,000
It was fun.360
00:35:14,000 --> 00:35:22,000
Anyway, I borrowed this guy's motorbike and rode it up there, up onto this hill.361
00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:30,000
And sat there and talked to the monkeys, communed with them for a while, hour and a half.362
00:35:30,000 --> 00:35:35,000
And I got done and I'd gone back to the motorbike and they were all following me.363
00:35:35,000 --> 00:35:42,000
They said, you know, go away. We love you.364
00:35:42,000 --> 00:35:47,000
And I went to put the key in the motorbike.365
00:35:47,000 --> 00:35:57,000
And I saw a bunch of wires hanging out by the switch and I thought, oh no, this cannot be good.366
00:35:57,000 --> 00:36:00,000
And it was not good.367
00:36:00,000 --> 00:36:08,000
While I was over in the other place where I couldn't see them, they had stripped out every single inch of wire that they could get their little monkey claws on.368
00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:15,000
And when I looked around, they were sitting around on the ground near the motorbike.369
00:36:15,000 --> 00:36:19,000
And they were stripping the insulation off the wires.370
00:36:19,000 --> 00:36:26,000
They'd throw the copper wire down, but they would chew up the insulation like it was licorice, you know, something like that.371
00:36:26,000 --> 00:36:32,000
They stripped everything out of that motorbike they could get a hold of.372
00:36:32,000 --> 00:36:35,000
It was really impressive.373
00:36:35,000 --> 00:36:41,000
What the hell? I don't think it hurt them. It would have passed through, you know.374
00:36:41,000 --> 00:36:45,000
I hope. Who would have thought?375
00:36:45,000 --> 00:36:50,000
And we had to truck the motorbike down.376
00:36:50,000 --> 00:36:57,000
I had a whole new wiring harness, you know, cost me quite a bit of money.377
00:36:57,000 --> 00:37:03,000
And then from then on, any time I went up there, I just stayed near the motorbike.378
00:37:03,000 --> 00:37:10,000
They'll grab your helmets and run off and they love to pull stuffing out of your helmets.379
00:37:10,000 --> 00:37:19,000
One thing they really enjoy doing is they'll sit on the seat and look at themselves in the mirror, in your side mirrors.380
00:37:19,000 --> 00:37:24,000
They'll groom. Sometimes they'll kiss themselves in the mirrors.381
00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:26,000
That always tickled me.382
00:37:26,000 --> 00:37:30,000
There was a eating area there.383
00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:36,000
And if you started heading for the place to order some food, oh, they're on you. They're on you.384
00:37:36,000 --> 00:37:39,000
You've got a herd of them hanging around your feet, you know.385
00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:42,000
And I swear to God, I could hear them down there.386
00:37:42,000 --> 00:37:50,000
I want this one, Papa. I want it. No, I like the poppy, Papa. Please, can you get that? You know.387
00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:52,000
I swear that's what they were saying.388
00:37:52,000 --> 00:37:55,000
And I would order stuff for me and stuff for them.389
00:37:55,000 --> 00:38:01,000
I'd go sit down on a rickety picnic table and they're on you. They're on you.390
00:38:01,000 --> 00:38:09,000
And you've got to cover your own food, you know, pretty diligently because they'll take anything, even if they don't like it, they'll take it.391
00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:13,000
And then you parse out the stuff you've gotten for them.392
00:38:13,000 --> 00:38:20,000
You know, here, okay, you can have this little thing now. Don't eat it all at once, you know. It'll spoil your dinner, you know.393
00:38:20,000 --> 00:38:25,000
It was like that. And of course, they scarfed whatever they could get hold of.394
00:38:25,000 --> 00:38:30,000
And then when you didn't have anything at all anymore, they went off and go harass somebody else.395
00:38:30,000 --> 00:38:34,000
But I always look forward to those. That was fun.396
00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:44,000
Some people did get bitten badly. Go get the shots, you know, because they're rabies carriers. Can be.397
00:38:44,000 --> 00:38:49,000
And you'll never, you know, you say, well, it was that one. He had brown hair, you know.398
00:38:49,000 --> 00:38:52,000
They're never going to come back and get him and cut his brain open to find out if he was rabid.399
00:38:52,000 --> 00:38:57,000
They didn't even know which one he was. So you need to ask, get the shots. Jesus.400
00:38:57,000 --> 00:39:04,000
You can get rabies vaccines and they're kind of nasty in and of themselves.401
00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:14,000
And they still don't absolve you from having to go get rabies shots. If something bites you, it just means you get fewer of them.402
00:39:14,000 --> 00:39:24,000
Okay. Another time I was in a golf cart. It was a big golf cart. We rented it. It was an open zoo.403
00:39:24,000 --> 00:39:28,000
I don't know how much land it covered. It must have been.404
00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:35,000
Man, it must have been like 320 acres. It was huge. Maybe more than that. No, it was more than that.405
00:39:35,000 --> 00:39:39,000
It had to have been a whole section, 640 acres. Huge.406
00:39:39,000 --> 00:39:47,000
And they had these little paved paths that meandered all through, you know, you could see all the animals were wild.407
00:39:47,000 --> 00:39:51,000
And they all lived together, you know, more or less in harmony, kind of sort of.408
00:39:51,000 --> 00:39:58,000
And so you just, you drove along and I had a girlfriend and I guess just one little kid.409
00:39:58,000 --> 00:40:04,000
And we're driving along, driving along slowly, slowly. You know, you're doing five, six, seven miles an hour because you're trying to see stuff.410
00:40:04,000 --> 00:40:08,000
And it's just jungle on all sides. It's just jungle everywhere.411
00:40:08,000 --> 00:40:15,000
And we had stopped at the concession and we had loaded up with snacks because we had planned to be out there touring, you know, for the whole day.412
00:40:15,000 --> 00:40:22,000
So we had every kind of drink and every kind of potato chip and every kind of candy bar and, you know, all nutritious stuff like that.413
00:40:22,000 --> 00:40:34,000
And I came around the little corner and there was a straightaway, probably quarter of a mile, kind of went down a little dip and then went up on the other side.414
00:40:34,000 --> 00:40:40,000
Around the bottom of it, I looked and I said, oh my God, look, there's, you know, look, you want to see some monkeys?415
00:40:40,000 --> 00:40:45,000
There's some monkeys. There's like 30 of them. OK.416
00:40:45,000 --> 00:40:51,000
This wasn't a, what's a monkey bunch called? Is it a troop?417
00:40:51,000 --> 00:41:00,000
Well, this was a herd. And they were sitting on the side of the road, on the shoulder in the grass.418
00:41:00,000 --> 00:41:08,000
They're just sitting there looking around. And I thought, well, OK.419
00:41:08,000 --> 00:41:14,000
You know, let's go on by. Maybe we'll get some pictures as we're going by, you know, like that.420
00:41:14,000 --> 00:41:25,000
So I start easing on ahead. And as we got closer, they spotted us and.421
00:41:25,000 --> 00:41:33,000
They're getting ready. I swear to God, I could see the lead one. He's telling them, OK, now listen, listen up, you little fucks. Listen to me.422
00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:38,000
This is what we're going to do. OK, Bob, you go around that way.423
00:41:38,000 --> 00:41:43,000
Alex, you go up there. Jack, you jump on the top.424
00:41:43,000 --> 00:41:50,000
You girls, you go there and dance. You keep busy, you know, like that. They had this fucking thing planned out. They really did.425
00:41:50,000 --> 00:41:55,000
And I could I could sense it. I could feel it in my bones. That's what they were doing.426
00:41:55,000 --> 00:42:01,000
And we got closer. And I'm thinking, well, should I speed up?427
00:42:01,000 --> 00:42:05,000
Get by really quickly. You know, this thing's only going to do seven miles an hour.428
00:42:05,000 --> 00:42:09,000
You know, they can run faster than that. They can run easily.429
00:42:09,000 --> 00:42:15,000
Swanty, maybe maybe 25, something like that.430
00:42:15,000 --> 00:42:23,000
But I thought maybe if we zoomed on by, you know, they would say, oh, let that guy go.431
00:42:23,000 --> 00:42:29,000
And we start getting closer and I was getting right at the point where, OK, if I'm going to punch it, I got to do it now.432
00:42:29,000 --> 00:42:32,000
And they came out and block the road.433
00:42:32,000 --> 00:42:39,000
And by this time, we're 60, 80 feet from.434
00:42:39,000 --> 00:42:47,000
And I thought, well, well, then, you little shits.435
00:42:47,000 --> 00:42:50,000
And I thought, well, let's just turn around. Let's go back the other way.436
00:42:50,000 --> 00:42:54,000
There's, you know, some other paths, little trail things.437
00:42:54,000 --> 00:42:59,000
I looked back to back up and we had been flanked.438
00:42:59,000 --> 00:43:04,000
They had us from behind, too, and they're moving in.439
00:43:04,000 --> 00:43:09,000
I thought, oh, God, well, I don't know, they're going to be nicer.440
00:43:09,000 --> 00:43:11,000
What the hell are they going to do? Maybe they're going to rape us.441
00:43:11,000 --> 00:43:19,000
I don't know whether they were that they weren't very big, you know, but their monkeys are really, really strong and they're really, really vicious when they're mad.442
00:43:19,000 --> 00:43:27,000
Really? Oh, God, you don't want to fight even one ever.443
00:43:27,000 --> 00:43:30,000
So we stopped.444
00:43:30,000 --> 00:43:32,000
Nothing else you could do.445
00:43:32,000 --> 00:43:40,000
And they moved in. And then like on command, they sprinted.446
00:43:40,000 --> 00:43:45,000
I swear to God, they could fly right out of Wizard of Oz. I swear to God they were flying monkeys.447
00:43:45,000 --> 00:43:53,000
They flew up into the air. They landed on that little golf cart thing at the top and a roof, you know, stuff like that. Really deluxe.448
00:43:53,000 --> 00:43:58,000
And a bench seat in the back for a kid, you know, it's really nice.449
00:43:58,000 --> 00:44:07,000
And they were on that thing. They were on it like locusts on a cob of corn, you know.450
00:44:07,000 --> 00:44:16,000
God almighty, it was incredible. A little bit frightening.451
00:44:16,000 --> 00:44:25,000
There's like 10 of them on the roof and they all are swinging down from the roof, you know, swinging in through the windshield.452
00:44:25,000 --> 00:44:28,000
There was no windshield, but it's through that space.453
00:44:28,000 --> 00:44:33,000
And they're everywhere and the kid is screaming and stomping his feet and shrieking and crying.454
00:44:33,000 --> 00:44:37,000
And the girl with me, she's like, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, what do we do? What do we do?455
00:44:37,000 --> 00:44:41,000
And I said, well, you know, just hide your hands and just sit there.456
00:44:41,000 --> 00:44:43,000
Don't move.457
00:44:43,000 --> 00:44:48,000
And monkeys didn't really regard us all that much.458
00:44:48,000 --> 00:44:52,000
But clearly they had done this before.459
00:44:52,000 --> 00:44:54,000
Probably a thousand, five thousand times.460
00:44:54,000 --> 00:45:01,000
And they knew every single compartment in that little vehicle.461
00:45:01,000 --> 00:45:08,000
The ones that were latched, the glove box, the little place thing between the seats.462
00:45:08,000 --> 00:45:12,000
Every place there could possibly remotely be a snack.463
00:45:12,000 --> 00:45:15,000
They knew it. And they're just, kachakachakachak, fast as they could go.464
00:45:15,000 --> 00:45:17,000
You know, there's 30 of them.465
00:45:17,000 --> 00:45:21,000
And they're just on it.466
00:45:21,000 --> 00:45:28,000
And within 10 to 15 seconds.467
00:45:28,000 --> 00:45:32,000
Yeah, yeah, 10 to 15 seconds, no more than 15.468
00:45:32,000 --> 00:45:35,000
There was not a snack or a drink left.469
00:45:35,000 --> 00:45:41,000
And like on a signal, somebody said, Yep, we got everything. Come on, Bob, let's go call them off.470
00:45:41,000 --> 00:45:48,000
And they hopped down to the road and went back into the bush, carrying our bottles and our snacks and ripping them open.471
00:45:48,000 --> 00:45:52,000
You know, Fritos flying into the air and they're just hopping around and squealing.472
00:45:52,000 --> 00:45:59,000
Oh, this is a happy day. Happy, happy, happy, happy day for the bunkies.473
00:45:59,000 --> 00:46:05,000
And then we had no snacks and no drinks and no nothing.474
00:46:05,000 --> 00:46:09,000
We drive on to the next concession. Stock up again.475
00:46:09,000 --> 00:46:16,000
It was like, I don't know, the snacks are cheap in Thailand, but this is like $30 in freaking snacks, you know.476
00:46:16,000 --> 00:46:19,000
Holy crap.477
00:46:19,000 --> 00:46:27,000
And then as we're leaving, we saw the bones of their previous villages.478
00:46:27,000 --> 00:46:34,000
You know, little piles of bottles and wrappers and shit where they had people before us had been unlucky also.479
00:46:34,000 --> 00:46:36,000
So this was a business enterprise.480
00:46:36,000 --> 00:46:44,000
This was Captain Hook, you know.481
00:46:44,000 --> 00:46:47,000
OK, that's monkeys.482
00:46:47,000 --> 00:46:51,000
Monkeys will show up on your balconies.483
00:46:51,000 --> 00:46:57,000
Do not let them... I shouldn't have to say this. Do not let them in your freaking condo.484
00:46:57,000 --> 00:47:01,000
Do not. 20, 30 floors up, they'll show up in your balcony.485
00:47:01,000 --> 00:47:04,000
How they got there.486
00:47:04,000 --> 00:47:06,000
Do not let them in.487
00:47:06,000 --> 00:47:09,000
It's best not to put snacks out for them because then they're back every day.488
00:47:09,000 --> 00:47:13,000
And then what's going to happen is one day you're going to be kind of groggy.489
00:47:13,000 --> 00:47:15,000
You know, maybe it's nighttime, something like that. Oh, I want a breath of fresh air.490
00:47:15,000 --> 00:47:17,000
You slide that door six inches.491
00:47:17,000 --> 00:47:19,000
Bam, you got five of them in the condo.492
00:47:19,000 --> 00:47:21,000
And then you just try to get them out.493
00:47:21,000 --> 00:47:25,000
You just try it. See what happens.494
00:47:25,000 --> 00:47:29,000
They might as well just move.495
00:47:29,000 --> 00:47:31,000
00:47:31,000 --> 00:47:37,000
So they'll be out in front of your place and they're shitting up and down the wires, the electrical wires.497
00:47:37,000 --> 00:47:38,000
Doing this and doing that.498
00:47:38,000 --> 00:47:40,000
And they're examining everything that's loose.499
00:47:40,000 --> 00:47:48,000
And they think it might have some value to run off and pick it to pieces, you know, stuff like that.500
00:47:48,000 --> 00:47:51,000
They get in the dumpsters.501
00:47:51,000 --> 00:47:54,000
They like to chase the cats sometimes.502
00:47:54,000 --> 00:47:58,000
Cats get all big and puffy like, oh, God, oh, God, it's aliens.503
00:47:58,000 --> 00:48:02,000
First, I knew they were coming.504
00:48:02,000 --> 00:48:07,000
OK, so that's monkeys. There's a million monkey stories.505
00:48:07,000 --> 00:48:12,000
Oh, they run in gangs. Well, the thing I just described was a gang attack.506
00:48:12,000 --> 00:48:22,000
But all over Thailand, from time to time, they figure out how to organize more, better, more.507
00:48:22,000 --> 00:48:28,000
And they will go to tourist areas where they know the tourists won't slap them or kick them.508
00:48:28,000 --> 00:48:33,000
And they particularly target children.509
00:48:33,000 --> 00:48:39,000
I see children with a snack, but they don't come and beg, you know, like a polite monkey might.510
00:48:39,000 --> 00:48:44,000
There'll be three or four of them that is hitting like linebackers and knocking down.511
00:48:44,000 --> 00:48:47,000
Ravage, whatever, go through his clothing.512
00:48:47,000 --> 00:48:51,000
It's regular mugging. I mean, it really is.513
00:48:51,000 --> 00:48:57,000
God forbid they should ever figure out how to sharpen a stick, you know, then, oh, God, we're in trouble.514
00:48:57,000 --> 00:49:07,000
In quite a few cases, the government would have to move in and relocate some leader monkeys, you know, or sometimes the whole bunch of them, split them up, you know, take them far out in the jungle so they never find their way back.515
00:49:07,000 --> 00:49:15,000
But usually they do find their way back.516
00:49:15,000 --> 00:49:19,000
I was in Cambodia.517
00:49:19,000 --> 00:49:21,000
In Phnom Penh.518
00:49:21,000 --> 00:49:27,000
And that place is even the city, even in the city, it's lousy with them.519
00:49:27,000 --> 00:49:34,000
And you walk along, maybe you're on a little trail, a little sidewalk or something, two or three of them sitting on the sidewalk.520
00:49:34,000 --> 00:49:37,000
And they see you coming.521
00:49:37,000 --> 00:49:40,000
And you know a dog, a lot of times they'll move.522
00:49:40,000 --> 00:49:44,000
Monkeys won't. They just sit there and stare you down.523
00:49:44,000 --> 00:49:47,000
Well, you don't really want to bump them with your foot.524
00:49:47,000 --> 00:49:53,000
You might piss them off, even if you get too close, might piss them off. And some of them, God, some of the ones in Phnom Penh are,525
00:49:53,000 --> 00:50:00,000
Geez, I don't know, they must be pushing 30, 40 pounds like chimps. They look like chimps.526
00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:05,000
So you don't mess with them because they might bite you really badly.527
00:50:05,000 --> 00:50:11,000
You don't mess with them. You don't care what you have to do. You go around, find some other way around.528
00:50:11,000 --> 00:50:17,000
Off the path, you make a new path, you go around and then you get back on the path and then you keep going.529
00:50:17,000 --> 00:50:25,000
They love to sit on steps. So you got long steps going up somewhere and they love to clog up the steps.530
00:50:25,000 --> 00:50:31,000
Some can be higher than others. That's cool for them.531
00:50:31,000 --> 00:50:34,000
I like them except for the biting part.532
00:50:34,000 --> 00:50:40,000
If it wasn't for the potential of being bitten really badly,533
00:50:40,000 --> 00:50:46,000
you can even lose a hand or something like that. You can lose your face.534
00:50:46,000 --> 00:50:52,000
If it wasn't for that, I would love them a lot. But you just don't know.535
00:50:52,000 --> 00:50:58,000
We used to say that bears in Alaska, we used to say bears were notional creatures.536
00:50:58,000 --> 00:51:06,000
They could just take a notion to ignore you or they could take a notion to eat you.537
00:51:06,000 --> 00:51:10,000
You never know which was going to happen.538
00:51:10,000 --> 00:51:17,000
Monkeys are like that. You don't know which. You can't predict. Maybe some monkey expert. I never could.539
00:51:17,000 --> 00:51:21,000
OK, so that's my monkey stories.540
00:51:21,000 --> 00:51:27,000
We covered driving to some degree. I'm going to leave that up there because I might hit it again.541
00:51:27,000 --> 00:51:33,000
People want opinions of the nationalities you run into in Southeast Asia.542
00:51:33,000 --> 00:51:36,000
I've touched on this a few times.543
00:51:36,000 --> 00:51:42,000
Now, something like this. If I say, well, these people traditionally cause this kind of problem and these other people cause that kind of problem,544
00:51:42,000 --> 00:51:49,000
then you try to put that on YouTube. It's going to yanked in 24 hours because YouTube545
00:51:49,000 --> 00:51:57,000
couldn't possibly have anything controversial or opinionated. Oh my God, no, the world will end.546
00:51:57,000 --> 00:52:01,000
What a bunch of wussies.547
00:52:01,000 --> 00:52:04,000
It is really pathetic.548
00:52:04,000 --> 00:52:09,000
So what I'm going to say now could not ever fit on YouTube.549
00:52:09,000 --> 00:52:11,000
00:52:11,000 --> 00:52:15,000
00:52:15,000 --> 00:52:20,000
Man, they can actually cancel your channel for voicing an opinion.552
00:52:20,000 --> 00:52:25,000
And they do it, I don't know, a thousand times a day, something. I don't know.553
00:52:25,000 --> 00:52:32,000
People who have worked up a channel and they're depending on it as their sole source of income, they're screwed.554
00:52:32,000 --> 00:52:39,000
They're f-ed. They're bankrupt. And I personally know many people that's happened to.555
00:52:39,000 --> 00:52:45,000
So this is why we have never pursued YouTube at all. At all.556
00:52:45,000 --> 00:52:48,000
Because we just know this stuff.557
00:52:48,000 --> 00:52:52,000
I've never had anything jerk from YouTube.558
00:52:52,000 --> 00:52:58,000
But then I've never monetized anything. I've never turned on the monetize checkbox.559
00:52:58,000 --> 00:53:00,000
That's when things get ugly.560
00:53:00,000 --> 00:53:04,000
That's when YouTube figures it owns your stuff.561
00:53:04,000 --> 00:53:11,000
And do anything it wants and control it in any way it wants.562
00:53:11,000 --> 00:53:18,000
Well, I mean, they're giving you the platform, you know, and you're agreeing to the TOS, which is nebulous and insane, but you agreed to it.563
00:53:18,000 --> 00:53:22,000
You checked the little box and I agree.564
00:53:22,000 --> 00:53:28,000
There you go. You're screwed. You didn't read it all, did you? Nobody does.565
00:53:28,000 --> 00:53:32,000
And that's by design. They don't want you to.566
00:53:32,000 --> 00:53:38,000
They want to make it so confusing and stupid that you just say, well, it's okay, you know.567
00:53:38,000 --> 00:53:44,000
They probably wouldn't make me sign anything really heinous, you know.568
00:53:44,000 --> 00:53:49,000
Oh, yeah, they would. And they do.569
00:53:49,000 --> 00:53:57,000
Okay, so, opinions or nationalities in Southeast Asia. When I first got there.570
00:53:57,000 --> 00:54:05,000
First, the first nationality I became aware of was571
00:54:05,000 --> 00:54:10,000
the Brits.572
00:54:10,000 --> 00:54:17,000
Didn't think anything about them at first. Brits, what? Just Brits. They got a different accent.573
00:54:17,000 --> 00:54:22,000
I'd like to go to Great Britain someday.574
00:54:22,000 --> 00:54:28,000
My people come from Scotland. I want to go there. And then I'd like to see England.575
00:54:28,000 --> 00:54:35,000
Seemed like a very proper country.576
00:54:35,000 --> 00:54:42,000
So the Brits are going to be the first people you run into. It's going to be virtually all guys.577
00:54:42,000 --> 00:54:50,000
They're all going to hang into bars. Seems like that's the only place they got to go.578
00:54:50,000 --> 00:54:56,000
They taught me very diligently and painstakingly and very thoroughly to hate their guts.579
00:54:56,000 --> 00:55:02,000
Oh, there's hate speech. Oh, my God. Oh, call the FBI.580
00:55:02,000 --> 00:55:07,000
They taught me to hate them. I didn't hate them at all.581
00:55:07,000 --> 00:55:11,000
Not even one millionth of one percent, but they taught me to.582
00:55:11,000 --> 00:55:20,000
I found them to be loud and crude and foul.583
00:55:20,000 --> 00:55:27,000
I use foul language. They cannot say one sentence without using the F word. They cannot.584
00:55:27,000 --> 00:55:32,000
It's in their DNA. They cannot do it.585
00:55:32,000 --> 00:55:38,000
I tell people I was on a US NUXA long, long, long time ago.586
00:55:38,000 --> 00:55:47,000
And the atmosphere was like a very high end movie theater. Quiet, subdued lighting.587
00:55:47,000 --> 00:55:54,000
People spoke in hushed tones only loud enough to be heard by the person they're speaking to.588
00:55:54,000 --> 00:55:58,000
They were polite.589
00:55:58,000 --> 00:56:03,000
Officers would come into a compartment. They need something done.590
00:56:03,000 --> 00:56:10,000
And they would speak to one of the crew. They didn't yell across the compartment. They would speak to a crewman.591
00:56:10,000 --> 00:56:15,000
And they would say, OK, I'd like you to do this. And very often they said, please.592
00:56:15,000 --> 00:56:22,000
And the crewman, yes, sir, on it. Got it. Don't worry. I got it.593
00:56:22,000 --> 00:56:27,000
And they'd scurry off and do the best job they possibly could.594
00:56:27,000 --> 00:56:32,000
Very often the officers would say, thank you.595
00:56:32,000 --> 00:56:36,000
And I thought, oh, my God, I could just live here forever.596
00:56:36,000 --> 00:56:43,000
That was my idea of597
00:56:43,000 --> 00:56:46,000
civilized beings.598
00:56:46,000 --> 00:56:48,000
And it was pleasing.599
00:56:48,000 --> 00:56:52,000
And I loved it. And I respected it.600
00:56:52,000 --> 00:56:56,000
An officer comes and asks me to do something.601
00:56:56,000 --> 00:57:03,000
In that manner, I'm going to bust my ass. I'm going to die trying to get that thing done.602
00:57:03,000 --> 00:57:14,000
OK, so many, many years later, just sort of by happenstance, I was on a UK nuke seven.603
00:57:14,000 --> 00:57:22,000
It was like the the atmosphere and the environment was like a movie theater where the ticket price was a penny.604
00:57:22,000 --> 00:57:26,000
They only showed porn.605
00:57:26,000 --> 00:57:30,000
And there were no ushers and no managers.606
00:57:30,000 --> 00:57:36,000
And the only people,607
00:57:36,000 --> 00:57:45,000
the only viewers who ever showed up were 16 year old pimply faced punks.608
00:57:45,000 --> 00:57:50,000
And the decks were strewn with shit.609
00:57:50,000 --> 00:57:53,000
Didn't smell nice. The lighting was harsh.610
00:57:53,000 --> 00:57:58,000
Everybody was loud.611
00:57:58,000 --> 00:58:03,000
Officers would bark commands across the compartment.612
00:58:03,000 --> 00:58:12,000
Maybe close through the hatch or the companion way into the next compartment, just yelling, do this, do this, damn it.613
00:58:12,000 --> 00:58:21,000
And even from the officers, every sentence had a fuck in it.614
00:58:21,000 --> 00:58:26,000
And the officers would just rudely command somebody to do something.615
00:58:26,000 --> 00:58:30,000
And they're like, their attitude was,616
00:58:30,000 --> 00:58:37,000
I ain't into this, but, you know, I'll do a little bit if I have to.617
00:58:37,000 --> 00:58:40,000
Not going to get done. It's not going to get done right.618
00:58:40,000 --> 00:58:43,000
Then I'm going to quit early and don't like it. Fuck you.619
00:58:43,000 --> 00:58:46,000
You know, that was their attitude.620
00:58:46,000 --> 00:58:50,000
And I swear, sometimes they almost verbalized that.621
00:58:50,000 --> 00:58:59,000
It was kind of a atmosphere approaching Dante's Inferno.622
00:58:59,000 --> 00:59:02,000
And I thought, oh shit.623
00:59:02,000 --> 00:59:09,000
It was such an epiphany for me to see the contrast between the US nuke sub and the British nuke sub.624
00:59:09,000 --> 00:59:18,000
It was shocking. Well, it was shocking.625
00:59:18,000 --> 00:59:22,000
And very, very displeasing, distressing even.626
00:59:22,000 --> 00:59:32,000
Like how and what kind of crew is this? Where'd you get these guys? Out of the bar somewhere?627
00:59:32,000 --> 00:59:40,000
OK, so that's the mentality of Brits that I saw in Southeast Asia, Thailand.628
00:59:40,000 --> 00:59:45,000
But every country, every country was the same with them.629
00:59:45,000 --> 00:59:48,000
They sit around the bars and they're fat and they're...630
00:59:48,000 --> 00:59:52,000
They dress stupidly and poorly.631
00:59:52,000 --> 00:59:59,000
Then they smell and they're loud and they're drunk and they start fights that they can't back up.632
00:59:59,000 --> 01:00:04,000
They're mouthy and they're insulting and they're rude. Rude.633
01:00:04,000 --> 01:00:08,000
Unspeakably rude.634
01:00:08,000 --> 01:00:11,000
They're fuckheads.635
01:00:11,000 --> 01:00:16,000
And I got to the point where if I walked into a place, restaurant, bar, whatever,636
01:00:16,000 --> 01:00:21,000
and I saw that there was really any number of Brits in there, if I could hear their accents, I just walked out.637
01:00:21,000 --> 01:00:24,000
Just walked the fuck out.638
01:00:24,000 --> 01:00:28,000
I don't want to be triggered by them.639
01:00:28,000 --> 01:00:34,000
And that stayed that way. Never got any better for the entire time that I was there.640
01:00:34,000 --> 01:00:41,000
Ask the Germans there what they think of the Brits. They'll tell you exactly the same thing.641
01:00:41,000 --> 01:00:47,000
I walked into... I specifically sought out this restaurant. It was a higher end restaurant.642
01:00:47,000 --> 01:00:49,000
Biggish restaurant.643
01:00:49,000 --> 01:00:52,000
I think they had... Yeah, they had a hotel upstairs.644
01:00:52,000 --> 01:00:55,000
It was an English breakfast restaurant.645
01:00:55,000 --> 01:01:03,000
They specialized in real, authentic, real English breakfast.646
01:01:03,000 --> 01:01:08,000
And all kinds of places will say that and then you get there and it's just some fucking Thai version of English breakfast.647
01:01:08,000 --> 01:01:11,000
It's crap.648
01:01:11,000 --> 01:01:15,000
Hell, rice and chicken, you know, it's not English breakfast.649
01:01:15,000 --> 01:01:21,000
So anyway, I sought this place out, drove all the way across town to get through it, went there, walked in, looked at the menu.650
01:01:21,000 --> 01:01:24,000
The menu was really impressive. I thought, oh my God.651
01:01:24,000 --> 01:01:27,000
Then I sat at the bar.652
01:01:27,000 --> 01:01:32,000
So I had a full view of all the seated patrons.653
01:01:32,000 --> 01:01:41,000
And I ordered a nice big English breakfast. Price was good.654
01:01:41,000 --> 01:01:48,000
But you can't get American stuff there. There's not enough Americans there that anybody would build an American restaurant, except McDonald's.655
01:01:48,000 --> 01:01:53,000
So British English is closest you're going to get.656
01:01:53,000 --> 01:01:57,000
And I sat there and I'm just looking around, you know, looking at the decor and thinking...657
01:01:57,000 --> 01:02:00,000
And the place was full of jam packed food.658
01:02:00,000 --> 01:02:03,000
Every customer in there was a Brit.659
01:02:03,000 --> 01:02:07,000
And every one of them had at least one bar girl sitting next to him.660
01:02:07,000 --> 01:02:13,000
Sometimes two or three. All of them had one at least.661
01:02:13,000 --> 01:02:18,000
How many people in there? Probably 60.662
01:02:18,000 --> 01:02:20,000
At least 60.663
01:02:20,000 --> 01:02:23,000
Yeah, 60.664
01:02:23,000 --> 01:02:30,000
There wasn't any machinery or anything going so you could hear every conversation. And the Brits are loud.665
01:02:30,000 --> 01:02:33,000
God, they're loud anyway.666
01:02:33,000 --> 01:02:39,000
I don't know why they don't get megaphones implanted up their ass.667
01:02:39,000 --> 01:02:44,000
So they can be that much louder. That obnoxious. I don't know.668
01:02:44,000 --> 01:02:49,000
Anyway, I started tuning into some of the conversations nearest to me.669
01:02:49,000 --> 01:02:53,000
And here's what they were. Every single one of them. Every single conversation.670
01:02:53,000 --> 01:02:59,000
The guys would sit there. A lot of them knew each other. A lot of them didn't.671
01:02:59,000 --> 01:03:06,000
And they would yell around to different tables wherever.672
01:03:06,000 --> 01:03:07,000
01:03:07,000 --> 01:03:15,000
In graphic detail.674
01:03:15,000 --> 01:03:19,000
Makes me want to put my fucking fist through the monitor right now.675
01:03:19,000 --> 01:03:27,000
They would yell in graphic detail what they did to that girl last night up in the room upstairs.676
01:03:27,000 --> 01:03:32,000
Now, I ain't no prude. Look at
01:03:32,000 --> 01:03:36,000
No prude. Prude can create that.678
01:03:36,000 --> 01:03:43,000
And I go skirting the boundaries of taste, you know, quite often.679
01:03:43,000 --> 01:03:51,000
But these guys were 120 kilometers over that line.680
01:03:51,000 --> 01:03:57,000
Describing what they did to each and every one of those girls last night.681
01:03:57,000 --> 01:04:02,000
And they would laugh and guffaw among themselves.682
01:04:02,000 --> 01:04:05,000
No, that's nothing. You know what I did to this one?683
01:04:05,000 --> 01:04:08,000
And the girls, they're bar girls. They spoke English.684
01:04:08,000 --> 01:04:13,000
They were young enough to understand, you know, 50% was being said. 60.685
01:04:13,000 --> 01:04:16,000
Some of them probably 80 or 90.686
01:04:16,000 --> 01:04:21,000
And they just sat there with their heads down.687
01:04:21,000 --> 01:04:27,000
Because they couldn't leave. They couldn't walk out because they hadn't been paid yet for last night.688
01:04:27,000 --> 01:04:31,000
They had to sit there and choke this shit down.689
01:04:31,000 --> 01:04:36,000
I'm not going to go into any specifics of what I heard.690
01:04:36,000 --> 01:04:45,000
I don't think Howard Stern even would parrot that shit.691
01:04:45,000 --> 01:04:52,000
A lot of the talk had to do with various foods going up the vagina.692
01:04:52,000 --> 01:04:54,000
Chair legs.693
01:04:54,000 --> 01:05:03,000
Oh, that really made her, that made her cum. Oh my God.694
01:05:03,000 --> 01:05:16,000
And I've, I never felt more badly for any girls on earth.695
01:05:16,000 --> 01:05:24,000
I never, to this day, I can't imagine how any girls I could feel more pity for.696
01:05:24,000 --> 01:05:28,000
I suppose if they're starving, they're living in the dump,697
01:05:28,000 --> 01:05:35,000
they're scraping out all tin cans to get a little bit of food and then they get food poisoning and they lay there and die.698
01:05:35,000 --> 01:05:39,000
I guess I'd feel worse for them.699
01:05:39,000 --> 01:05:41,000
01:05:41,000 --> 01:05:45,000
These girls were mortified beyond my ability to articulate.701
01:05:45,000 --> 01:05:49,000
Every one of them, they weren't laughing, they weren't joining in.702
01:05:49,000 --> 01:05:55,000
This was not a good time.703
01:05:55,000 --> 01:06:03,000
If I had the money of Gates, I would have stood up.704
01:06:03,000 --> 01:06:06,000
I would have told them to shut up or get hurt.705
01:06:06,000 --> 01:06:10,000
And I would have announced to the Thai girls,706
01:06:10,000 --> 01:06:16,000
every one of you gets 10,000 baht, walk out now. Meet me outside. I'll give you 10,000 baht every single one of you.707
01:06:16,000 --> 01:06:24,000
Tell these fucking oaf pieces of fucking shit to shove it up their own fucking ass.708
01:06:24,000 --> 01:06:27,000
10,000 baht right now, walk out.709
01:06:27,000 --> 01:06:32,000
If I would have had that kind of money, well, let's see, at that time,710
01:06:32,000 --> 01:06:39,000
I did. It would have hurt. But I could have done it.711
01:06:39,000 --> 01:06:51,000
What would it have proven? Well, it would have shown the Thai girls that there are better human beings in the world.712
01:06:51,000 --> 01:06:56,000
Wouldn't have showed the Brits anything at all.713
01:06:56,000 --> 01:07:04,000
All they would do is get together like that, they'd be even more disgusting.714
01:07:04,000 --> 01:07:11,000
That was a bad experience for me. I ate about half of my meal and paid and tipped and left.715
01:07:11,000 --> 01:07:18,000
And I kept looking at the girls behind the counter like,716
01:07:18,000 --> 01:07:22,000
you know, this is your establishment. Why don't you tell them to shut up?717
01:07:22,000 --> 01:07:28,000
Why don't you tell them to exercise a little bit of decorum here?718
01:07:28,000 --> 01:07:34,000
And they knew what I was thinking exactly. And they would just look away like, you know, we don't own it. We can't do anything.719
01:07:34,000 --> 01:07:42,000
It was a Brit that owned it. And I'm sure he was just endlessly entertained by that fucking putrid behavior.720
01:07:42,000 --> 01:07:48,000
Because that's probably what he was about also.721
01:07:48,000 --> 01:07:55,000
That was a really low moment in my life.722
01:07:55,000 --> 01:08:00,000
I should have videoed it. I kicked myself. I should have videoed it on the phone.723
01:08:00,000 --> 01:08:06,000
Phones in those days were not all that good, but I still could have got it. I could have gotten good, clear audio at the very least.724
01:08:06,000 --> 01:08:20,000
Posted on. Post that on YouTube. See how long it lasts. You know, they don't want any kind of reality on there. They want some fluffy shit.725
01:08:20,000 --> 01:08:26,000
I'm still... this was eight years ago.726
01:08:26,000 --> 01:08:35,000
And I'm still just reeling from it. It was that odious. It was that rotten.727
01:08:35,000 --> 01:08:48,000
So YouTube will almost certainly not allow me to say anything disparaging against the Brits. Well, fuck them. Fuck the Brits and fuck YouTube.728
01:08:48,000 --> 01:08:54,000
I can say it on my own server. They don't like it. Fuck them again.729
01:08:54,000 --> 01:09:07,000
Up the ass. With a razor wire. Packed.730
01:09:07,000 --> 01:09:14,000
Now, I have not been to England and all around it. Just through the airport one time.731
01:09:14,000 --> 01:09:25,000
I pray to God that the real Brits are not like that at all.732
01:09:25,000 --> 01:09:33,000
But I don't know, because these are the only Brits I have any experience with.733
01:09:33,000 --> 01:09:39,000
And I got endless, endless, far, far too much experience with these Brits.734
01:09:39,000 --> 01:09:45,000
All across Southeast Asia. Last Brit story.735
01:09:45,000 --> 01:09:51,000
And then I cannot stomach any more of these pieces of fucking dog shit.736
01:09:51,000 --> 01:10:00,000
I was in a little town in... well, it doesn't really matter. I happened to be in a little town in southern Philippines,737
01:10:00,000 --> 01:10:05,000
because I bopped back and forth between Thailand and Philippines and all around.738
01:10:05,000 --> 01:10:12,000
And I was in this little town, and you can see this in the middle. You can go everywhere, it doesn't matter.739
01:10:12,000 --> 01:10:16,000
And I was sitting in a sidewalk cafe having a something drink.740
01:10:16,000 --> 01:10:24,000
And it was adjacent to a big popular bus stop. Public bus stop on a main boulevard.741
01:10:24,000 --> 01:10:34,000
And there were seating for probably 15 or 20 people. Bench seats, waiting for the buses.742
01:10:34,000 --> 01:10:42,000
And every seat was taken by a young girl, because I think school was getting out, and I think high school was getting out, maybe junior high.743
01:10:42,000 --> 01:10:51,000
Probably both. And they would walk from the school over to this bus stop, wait for the buses to take them home.744
01:10:51,000 --> 01:10:59,000
So they're sitting there. And actually they couldn't seat them all. There was quite a few standing there in lines and queues.745
01:10:59,000 --> 01:11:03,000
And I didn't think anything about it. I was just sitting there drinking my drink and looking around, watching the traffic.746
01:11:03,000 --> 01:11:08,000
And I noticed that these guys, there's a steady stream of guys.747
01:11:08,000 --> 01:11:19,000
Now these girls ranged in age from probably about eight. I don't think I saw any older than about 15.748
01:11:19,000 --> 01:11:23,000
So it had to be like a junior high level.749
01:11:23,000 --> 01:11:34,000
And I noticed that there was a steady stream of guys and they would just come around, one alone or sometimes a couple together.750
01:11:34,000 --> 01:11:50,000
And these are old guys, fat guys. Probably 60 up. I'm sure I didn't see any younger than 60.751
01:11:50,000 --> 01:11:56,000
They all had British accents. And I could hear them quite clearly.752
01:11:56,000 --> 01:12:04,000
Even when they whispered, because I was that close. There was a lull in the traffic. I could hear every whisper.753
01:12:04,000 --> 01:12:10,000
And they would stand back from these little pockets of girls and look at them and appraise them.754
01:12:10,000 --> 01:12:14,000
And then they would sidle up to them.755
01:12:14,000 --> 01:12:27,000
And their pitch would go something like, hey baby, are you hungry? Would you like some food? Are you OK?756
01:12:27,000 --> 01:12:31,000
Would you like some money? Because I can give you some money.757
01:12:31,000 --> 01:12:41,000
And these girls were mortified beyond description.758
01:12:41,000 --> 01:12:47,000
They would just put their heads down and turn it away from these guys.759
01:12:47,000 --> 01:12:56,000
And their body posture was tense. They'd fold their arms. They had to stay there and wait for the bus. Just praying that son of a bitch would show up.760
01:12:56,000 --> 01:13:01,000
Any second. Please, please God, please. Where's my bus? Where's my bus?761
01:13:01,000 --> 01:13:07,000
And these guys would just keep on it.762
01:13:07,000 --> 01:13:15,000
And they're trying to be secretive about it. You could hear them.763
01:13:15,000 --> 01:13:21,000
And they're just trying to get the girl to say anything at all. Would you like some money? Well, yes.764
01:13:21,000 --> 01:13:28,000
Then they got them. They fucking got them. One little response. They got them. That's the hook. They just set the hook.765
01:13:28,000 --> 01:13:35,000
And they know what to say next. Well, you know, I can give you some money right now.766
01:13:35,000 --> 01:13:46,000
And they're masters at this shit because they've been doing it for God knows how many years, maybe decades.767
01:13:46,000 --> 01:13:55,000
I would say 85 percent of the girls just, you know, did what I said. They looked down, they got tense and folded their arms and they looked away.768
01:13:55,000 --> 01:14:06,000
85 percent. I would say 10 percent. You could tell that they were interested, but they didn't want to chance it. They didn't want to get involved. They knew it was bad.769
01:14:06,000 --> 01:14:14,000
But they're still, they're thinking, God, oh God, oh God, how much money? They didn't say that. But they're thinking it, you could tell.770
01:14:14,000 --> 01:14:22,000
And yes, I am hungry. Yes, I live in a fucking shit shed with my family and the chickens. You know, yes, I'm hungry.771
01:14:22,000 --> 01:14:31,000
They're thinking that. You know, occasionally they would glance up at the guys. Just try to assess them, I guess.772
01:14:31,000 --> 01:14:41,000
So now we've accounted for 95 percent of the girls. The other five percent, they'd look around, see if their friends were looking, see if anybody's looking.773
01:14:41,000 --> 01:14:52,000
And they're like, no, it wasn't five percent. Two or three percent.774
01:14:52,000 --> 01:15:02,000
And you could see them mumble something like, well, how much? How much? I can have money now. What would I have to do?775
01:15:02,000 --> 01:15:08,000
And the guys are like, well, you know, we'll just go to my house and we'll have some food and we'll talk.776
01:15:08,000 --> 01:15:15,000
And they think about that for a minute.777
01:15:15,000 --> 01:15:22,000
Of those, of the ones who responded like that, what percentage actually went with the guys?778
01:15:22,000 --> 01:15:33,000
Less than one percent, I would say. Out of a hundred, I would say, well, shit, barely one out of a hundred.779
01:15:33,000 --> 01:15:41,000
But the guys didn't care because that was their occupation. Pedophilia was their fucking occupation. That was their job. That was their business.780
01:15:41,000 --> 01:15:47,000
And they get the girls to their home. I mean, you know the story. They get them to their condo or whatever the fuck.781
01:15:47,000 --> 01:15:57,000
And, you know, feed them. Here, have a glass of this. It really tastes good. You know, it's sweet wine. Oh, you'll like it so much.782
01:15:57,000 --> 01:16:03,000
And then, you know, get them a little bit drunk and the girl wants the money. They get the money out there on the table.783
01:16:03,000 --> 01:16:12,000
It might be those guys probably offering ten bucks.784
01:16:12,000 --> 01:16:28,000
And the girl sees that on the money so she knows the money's real. And they help her over the bed. They might be 10, 11, 12, 13 years old.785
01:16:28,000 --> 01:16:43,000
I came very, very close. And I watched these guys for hours that one day. And then once I was cued in on what they were doing, I watched them for the whole rest of the time I was there. I was there a couple of months, I guess.786
01:16:43,000 --> 01:16:58,000
Sometimes you see the same faces, but of guys. Mostly it's a whole new crowd. Whole new crowd just filtering through. They probably had circuits. They probably had routes, you know, around all the bus stops, something like that.787
01:16:58,000 --> 01:17:06,000
Virtually all Brits. Virtually all. 99%.788
01:17:06,000 --> 01:17:13,000
Never saw one under 60.789
01:17:13,000 --> 01:17:22,000
I came very close. Very, very close. Quite a few times to just sideline up behind them and sucker punch them in the fucking temple.790
01:17:22,000 --> 01:17:28,000
God, I wanted to do that so bad I almost cried over it.791
01:17:28,000 --> 01:17:39,000
And if you stand up, if you stand up and face them and hard stare them down, usually they'd wander off. They'd just go to the next girl, you know, they'd walk 30, 40, 50 feet to the next group.792
01:17:39,000 --> 01:17:46,000
Figure you're not going to follow them there. You'd probably go to Philippine prison.793
01:17:46,000 --> 01:17:52,000
They do that in every country, of course, but they seem to do it more in Philippines than any other country.794
01:17:52,000 --> 01:18:02,000
These guys don't want hookers. They want really young, preferably, virgins.795
01:18:02,000 --> 01:18:12,000
Now, are all Brits like that? Pretty much all the ones I met in Southeast Asia. I'm sure there has to be a few that aren't like that, that I didn't happen to personally meet.796
01:18:12,000 --> 01:18:20,000
And I'm positive the entire British population is not like that. This is a teeny tiny percentage.797
01:18:20,000 --> 01:18:39,000
But it's the ones who show up here. Now, finally, thank you, sweet Jesus. Finally, after all the decades of these guys doing this shit, how many babies did they produce to fucking 13 year old girls and they could never be found?798
01:18:39,000 --> 01:18:41,000
Temple punching is too good.799
01:18:41,000 --> 01:18:45,000
01:18:45,000 --> 01:18:52,000
I lost my track. I got so engrossed in the thought of temple punching them, I lost my train of thought.801
01:18:52,000 --> 01:18:55,000
01:18:55,000 --> 01:18:57,000
I hate that one.803
01:18:57,000 --> 01:19:00,000
That was such a lovely thought.804
01:19:00,000 --> 01:19:11,000
Okay, so what finally happened in the Philippines, I don't know of any other country who has instituted this law. Philippines just did it, I don't know, like a year ago, I think.805
01:19:11,000 --> 01:19:15,000
I think it only went into effect like a year ago, maybe even less, I'm not sure.806
01:19:15,000 --> 01:19:23,000
The Philippine government got so tired of this because some of the girls would go home and tell their parents and their parents would say, oh, no, no, no, no, this ain't gonna fly.807
01:19:23,000 --> 01:19:36,000
And they would go to the police. And so the police were just being bombarded by complaints about this, but they didn't do anything about it for decades and decades and decades because it was not illegal.808
01:19:36,000 --> 01:19:45,000
Anyway, Philippine government finally initiated a new law. You can look it up. I don't remember the number of the law, just one on the books.809
01:19:45,000 --> 01:19:47,000
That says,810
01:19:47,000 --> 01:19:50,000
if a guy does this,811
01:19:50,000 --> 01:20:00,000
they don't care if he's a flying, if a guy does this to you, the girl, you fucking call us and you tell us, we'll arrest that son of a bitch on the goddamn spot.812
01:20:00,000 --> 01:20:07,000
For that, it is a specific crime now to do that.813
01:20:07,000 --> 01:20:16,000
I don't know, I suspect that it's not being followed up on because Filipino girls are so shy,814
01:20:16,000 --> 01:20:25,000
especially in the provinces like where I was. They're so shy. They're not going to tell their parents because they're afraid their parents are going to think they did something wrong.815
01:20:25,000 --> 01:20:32,000
They're just there to tell their friends probably, but the police are never going to hear about it. There's never going to be a complaint. Nobody's ever going to get arrested.816
01:20:32,000 --> 01:20:38,000
I don't know. You could probably look up and see if there have been guys arrested for this.817
01:20:38,000 --> 01:20:44,000
If there have been, I bet the number is really, really small, especially compared to the818
01:20:44,000 --> 01:20:49,000
tens and tens and tens and hundreds of thousands of guys who do it819
01:20:49,000 --> 01:20:53,000
and the number of times they've done it.820
01:20:53,000 --> 01:20:58,000
I have not, since I've been back to Philippines, I have not been to those areas821
01:20:58,000 --> 01:21:05,000
where this was prevalent.822
01:21:05,000 --> 01:21:11,000
So I haven't been in a position to look and see if they're still doing it. I suspect they probably still are.823
01:21:11,000 --> 01:21:24,000
If I see it again, I don't know. I don't know how much control I'm going to have because now I'm pre-pissed.824
01:21:24,000 --> 01:21:31,000
Maybe the solution is to, let's say, we're just following.825
01:21:31,000 --> 01:21:39,000
A lot of times they'll try to do this around dusk-ish, so they're not broad daylight, a little bit dusk-ish.826
01:21:39,000 --> 01:21:47,000
So you just follow them to their home, hope that they have to go down some little trail, you know,827
01:21:47,000 --> 01:21:52,000
on the way to their home, something like that.828
01:21:52,000 --> 01:22:02,000
And you say, excuse me, sir, might I have a word?829
01:22:02,000 --> 01:22:06,000
And you have a word.830
01:22:06,000 --> 01:22:12,000
Sorry, I don't give a rat's ass if anybody likes it or not. I don't fucking care.831
01:22:12,000 --> 01:22:15,000
We do live in a thing called society.832
01:22:15,000 --> 01:22:28,000
And society has rules and norms and acceptable behavior and unacceptable behavior.833
01:22:28,000 --> 01:22:36,000
These are bullies. These are sex bullies. They're pedophilia bullies, and I don't like them.834
01:22:36,000 --> 01:22:45,000
When I was a little kid, I remember I was in kindergarten.835
01:22:45,000 --> 01:22:51,000
And we had a blind kid in our school. They weren't being separated out, but that way, he was totally blind.836
01:22:51,000 --> 01:22:57,000
And I felt bad for him, and I helped him around, helped him get to his seat, and helped him find his pencil, you know, and shit like that.837
01:22:57,000 --> 01:23:00,000
Nice kid, nice kid.838
01:23:00,000 --> 01:23:07,000
But he got bullied a lot because he was blind.839
01:23:07,000 --> 01:23:18,000
And even as a kindergarten, I was in a lot of fights.840
01:23:18,000 --> 01:23:21,000
Because I won't fucking tolerate it.841
01:23:21,000 --> 01:23:32,000
I won't. I don't care. They want to kill me? OK, well, OK. But they're going to get hurt before that happens.842
01:23:32,000 --> 01:23:40,000
Albrecht's. I don't recall ever seeing another accent do that.843
01:23:40,000 --> 01:23:44,000
Certainly, they probably do. Probably some Americans in there, too.844
01:23:44,000 --> 01:23:48,000
Well, they get the same goddamn treatment.845
01:23:48,000 --> 01:23:56,000
OK, so somebody made a mistake asking me about different nationalities in different countries.846
01:23:56,000 --> 01:24:02,000
Well, there.847
01:24:02,000 --> 01:24:07,000
We've covered that except for specific stories that are going to come up as we go along.848
01:24:07,000 --> 01:24:20,000
I'm just basically relating my experiences all this time through Southeast Asia because I'm too lazy to make an outline.849
01:24:20,000 --> 01:24:22,000
And this is the best way I can remember.850
01:24:22,000 --> 01:24:27,000
This is the best way I can come up with to be able to remember all the stuff that needs to be mentioned.851
01:24:27,000 --> 01:24:33,000
So I just go through my life there because I did everything there was to do, and I experienced everything there was to do.852
01:24:33,000 --> 01:24:39,000
And so I can I can just think that I can say, well, see, and the week after that, I did this.853
01:24:39,000 --> 01:24:44,000
Oh, yeah. OK, we'll talk about that. So that's how this whole thing is going to go.854
01:24:44,000 --> 01:24:49,000
What do we get for notes here?855
01:24:49,000 --> 01:24:55,000
Oh, oh, oh, people are saying I need to clarify.856
01:24:55,000 --> 01:25:00,000
Thailand. I sort of suggested females should not go to Thailand.857
01:25:00,000 --> 01:25:04,000
Well, I'm saying they shouldn't. I'm just saying, you know, it's going to be the point.858
01:25:04,000 --> 01:25:09,000
Well, it depends if you want to go to Thailand to experience the culture and the food.859
01:25:09,000 --> 01:25:12,000
Go, Jesus, go.860
01:25:12,000 --> 01:25:14,000
You'll love it. You'll love it.861
01:25:14,000 --> 01:25:23,000
If you're going there with any thoughts of romance, you know, of finding a guy in Thailand, forget that.862
01:25:23,000 --> 01:25:26,000
Of keeping your guy in Thailand.863
01:25:26,000 --> 01:25:32,000
Forget that anything romantic is going to end very, very badly for you.864
01:25:32,000 --> 01:25:38,000
Western women just don't even if you have that thought in your head, don't go.865
01:25:38,000 --> 01:25:44,000
Just don't go. Leave the boyfriend at home. Leave the hubby at home.866
01:25:44,000 --> 01:25:48,000
Don't even think about Thai guys unless you want to hire them.867
01:25:48,000 --> 01:25:52,000
You know, like that one girl was her name, April.868
01:25:52,000 --> 01:25:56,000
I think I made a mistake. I think that actually was her name.869
01:25:56,000 --> 01:25:58,000
So I never knew her last name.870
01:25:58,000 --> 01:26:03,000
But anyway, if you want to go hire hot young Thai guys, you're a cougar.871
01:26:03,000 --> 01:26:07,000
Oh, gosh, you're a cougar. Well, I don't know.872
01:26:07,000 --> 01:26:09,000
They're not going to like you.873
01:26:09,000 --> 01:26:14,000
They like thin brown Thai girls.874
01:26:14,000 --> 01:26:16,000
That's what they like.875
01:26:16,000 --> 01:26:21,000
That's what we all like. I'm sorry.876
01:26:21,000 --> 01:26:26,000
So anyway, just, you know, don't go.877
01:26:26,000 --> 01:26:28,000
You can if you want.878
01:26:28,000 --> 01:26:37,000
A lot of times the Western women, any white skinned, taller women who go to Thailand are mistaken for Russian hookers.879
01:26:37,000 --> 01:26:41,000
There's quite a few Russian hookers there and I don't know why.880
01:26:41,000 --> 01:26:44,000
Thais don't want them.881
01:26:44,000 --> 01:26:48,000
I suppose the Phalangs want them. I don't know.882
01:26:48,000 --> 01:26:52,000
I think they're gorgeous women, but I don't ever want to sleep with them.883
01:26:52,000 --> 01:26:56,000
I've known too many of them.884
01:26:56,000 --> 01:26:58,000
Even the ones who aren't hookers, I don't want anything to do with them.885
01:26:58,000 --> 01:27:08,000
It was a weird thing that happened. I usually had a big camera, maybe 400 millimeter, big cannon.886
01:27:08,000 --> 01:27:13,000
That I would take everywhere. I tried to remember to take it absolutely everywhere I went.887
01:27:13,000 --> 01:27:22,000
And if I was sitting somewhere and I had that thing,888
01:27:22,000 --> 01:27:33,000
I would begin to notice in my peripheral vision, peripheral vision, that somebody was kind of edging around over there, getting kind of closer.889
01:27:33,000 --> 01:27:36,000
I could sort of tell that they were looking at me more and more.890
01:27:36,000 --> 01:27:39,000
And I would think, oh, Thai girl, she wants to hit on me. And I'd look over.891
01:27:39,000 --> 01:27:46,000
No, it's a Russian girl. Very often it's stunning. Beyond supermodel looks. Beyond. Beyond.892
01:27:46,000 --> 01:27:51,000
There's some pictures on stock photos
01:27:51,000 --> 01:27:55,000
And I thought, oh, they want to hit on me. Oh, well, I don't know. I don't really like.894
01:27:55,000 --> 01:27:58,000
I don't like white skin. I'm sorry. I don't like white skin. I never have.895
01:27:58,000 --> 01:28:02,000
Even as a little kid, I didn't like it. I think it's creepy.896
01:28:02,000 --> 01:28:07,000
My wife had white skin. She was German. But, you know, I dealt with that because I loved her in the heart.897
01:28:07,000 --> 01:28:10,000
So I would have dealt with anything at all.898
01:28:10,000 --> 01:28:17,000
She would have lost all her limbs and got her face ruined by acid. I mean, nothing. Nothing.899
01:28:17,000 --> 01:28:25,000
But I don't go looking for girls with white skin because I don't like it. I'm sorry.900
01:28:25,000 --> 01:28:32,000
No, no, no, no. So anyway, I would look at them and I would see that they're looking at me, looking at me, looking at me.901
01:28:32,000 --> 01:28:47,000
And they would very quickly, as soon as they knew they had my attention, they would very quickly start trying to pose in ways that didn't look like poses.902
01:28:47,000 --> 01:28:55,000
It was a damnedest thing. It was just comical.903
01:28:55,000 --> 01:29:03,000
Every kind of wackadoodle pose you could think of, poses I never imagined even when I was shooting in studio.904
01:29:03,000 --> 01:29:08,000
They're really creative. And they got knockout bodies and their skin is beautiful.905
01:29:08,000 --> 01:29:14,000
If you just take it, put some tan cream on it, you know, so it's not white anymore.906
01:29:14,000 --> 01:29:18,000
Oh, God, they'd be the most stunning women on earth.907
01:29:18,000 --> 01:29:29,000
All the Eastern Bloc women are God, Romanian, Ukrainian women. Oh, my God.908
01:29:29,000 --> 01:29:37,000
But they're white, you know. So anyway, these Russian girls would see that I had a big camera and I very quickly figured out they didn't want to hit on me at all.909
01:29:37,000 --> 01:29:43,000
They thought I was some big time photographer and they wanted to be discovered.910
01:29:43,000 --> 01:29:48,000
Sometimes they do this right in front of their husband, with their husband, maybe the husband is coaching them a little bit.911
01:29:48,000 --> 01:29:51,000
Now stand this way. Stick this, stick this.912
01:29:51,000 --> 01:29:53,000
He's looking at you. Go ahead. No, no, no.913
01:29:53,000 --> 01:30:04,000
OK, so that's what it was. And sometimes I would snap them and usually I wouldn't.914
01:30:04,000 --> 01:30:09,000
Anyway, that was a peculiar thing that Russian women did and only Russian women.915
01:30:09,000 --> 01:30:16,000
Only them, no other women. None ever. Not one time.916
01:30:16,000 --> 01:30:24,000
They probably thinking, oh, maybe this is a way out of Russia, you know, maybe this is a way I can stay here and where it's warm, you know.917
01:30:24,000 --> 01:30:28,000
Instead of going back to Moscow. Oh, God.918
01:30:28,000 --> 01:30:33,000
Because they were all on vacation. They weren't staying there. They were just vacationing or couples.919
01:30:33,000 --> 01:30:36,000
Well, that's not true. A lot of them were working in the bars.920
01:30:36,000 --> 01:30:40,000
They had specific Russian bars. Well, they still do.921
01:30:40,000 --> 01:30:44,000
Where only Russian girls could work in there.922
01:30:44,000 --> 01:30:49,000
So the guys who only wanted Russian girls, they could go in there and then that's all they had, was Russian girls.923
01:30:49,000 --> 01:30:54,000
OK, so. So they, you know, they have days off and stuff like that.924
01:30:54,000 --> 01:30:59,000
They're not mucking around, wanting to get photographed.925
01:30:59,000 --> 01:31:06,000
OK, so there I just whacking through these notes here. What are we doing for time?926
01:31:06,000 --> 01:31:09,000
They're not too good. Pretty soon.927
01:31:09,000 --> 01:31:16,000
OK, people say, why would anybody like Cambodia? OK, because I've described that it's rough and tumble.928
01:31:16,000 --> 01:31:23,000
It's the old west. It's the old west. It's.929
01:31:23,000 --> 01:31:29,000
Wow. OK.930
01:31:29,000 --> 01:31:34,000
There is a certain charm to chaos.931
01:31:34,000 --> 01:31:37,000
Some people just don't even want to have anything to do with some people.932
01:31:37,000 --> 01:31:42,000
Some people go there and like, oh, my God, I'm home. I'm home.933
01:31:42,000 --> 01:31:45,000
What? Thank you. Thank you.934
01:31:45,000 --> 01:31:50,000
And then there's guys like me who think, well, it's kind of it has its upside.935
01:31:50,000 --> 01:31:55,000
It has its downside. You know, I can deal with the chaos.936
01:31:55,000 --> 01:32:00,000
I don't mind fighting a robber over my suitcase or my backpack or whatever.937
01:32:00,000 --> 01:32:06,000
But it's kind of a pain in the butt at the same time, you know.938
01:32:06,000 --> 01:32:13,000
When you get to Cambodia, you're going to want to buy a gun. You can buy them. Expensive.939
01:32:13,000 --> 01:32:18,000
You're going to be in bad condition. Oh, I know what I was going to do.940
01:32:18,000 --> 01:32:25,000
For this question or any question like this, I was going to do my thing about Pol Pot.941
01:32:25,000 --> 01:32:35,000
P-O-L, maybe a dash, maybe not a dash. P-O-T. Pol Pot. He was a Khmer general of the Khmer army.942
01:32:35,000 --> 01:32:44,000
Back in the early 70s, and he rose up through the ranks. Got to be the big cheese.943
01:32:44,000 --> 01:32:51,000
And he destroyed, he single handedly destroyed Cambodia.944
01:32:51,000 --> 01:32:56,000
I'm not going to do that now. That's a long list. That's like an hour just on that.945
01:32:56,000 --> 01:33:04,000
People say, well, why is Cambodia so fucked up? Well, that's why. Because Pol Pot destroyed it. He sent it back.946
01:33:04,000 --> 01:33:11,000
The US military went in and bombed it back into the Stone Age. And I remember them on TV saying,947
01:33:11,000 --> 01:33:17,000
Yeah, Cambodia, we bombed it back into the Stone Age. Fuck those people.948
01:33:17,000 --> 01:33:21,000
Well, they did. They did. They're still not recovered from it.949
01:33:21,000 --> 01:33:27,000
Their rail system still has not recovered from Vietnam War bombing in the 68, 69.950
01:33:27,000 --> 01:33:32,000
They still haven't been able to put it back together. They did. They bombed them back into the Stone Age.951
01:33:32,000 --> 01:33:38,000
And then they were just starting to kind of sort of recover. And then along about 1973, 74, something like that,952
01:33:38,000 --> 01:33:44,000
Pol Pot came along and just gave them the coup de grace.953
01:33:44,000 --> 01:33:54,000
They were down for the count. Not really recovering from Vietnam.954
01:33:54,000 --> 01:34:02,000
And then this asshole, Khmer guy, he's a Khmer guy. I went to college, I went to university in the US.955
01:34:02,000 --> 01:34:11,000
And he came along and said, Well, motherfuckers, I'm just going to finish it off because I think it'll be fun.956
01:34:11,000 --> 01:34:22,000
And he killed estimates very, but I'm thinking three million high estimates or something like 4.5, low estimates, a million and a half.957
01:34:22,000 --> 01:34:30,000
I studied him. I'm certainly not an expert on Pol Pot at all.958
01:34:30,000 --> 01:34:35,000
I studied him enough such that I felt that I had a really strong idea of what happened.959
01:34:35,000 --> 01:34:44,000
And I've walked his killing fields. And I know people, you've got a Cambodia, everybody's going to tell you, Oh, yeah, he killed my father.960
01:34:44,000 --> 01:34:50,000
Well, he might have probably didn't. It's kind of a thing they do to get sympathy from Westerners.961
01:34:50,000 --> 01:34:58,000
But I know people in Thailand who ran and hid, had to live for weeks and weeks in their own farm fields out in the irrigation ditches962
01:34:58,000 --> 01:35:09,000
because Pol Pot was coming to Thailand. Pol Pot was the devil. Pol Pot was Satan.963
01:35:09,000 --> 01:35:22,000
And that's why Cambodia, Cambodian people were down on the ground and they're bleeding and they're stunned from Vietnam.964
01:35:22,000 --> 01:35:31,000
Hungry. They don't know what to do next. They're on their hands and knees.965
01:35:31,000 --> 01:35:38,000
Puking blood. Collectively.966
01:35:38,000 --> 01:35:48,000
And their own guy, Pol Pot, he comes along and he says, well, off with their fucking heads.967
01:35:48,000 --> 01:35:54,000
So I suppose what we've done here is we've led up to what has to be the next episode, Pol Pot.968
01:35:54,000 --> 01:36:08,000
Now, I told you I'm not an expert on Pol Pot. It's possible I could get some little details wrong when I go through my Pol Pot thing.969
01:36:08,000 --> 01:36:17,000
I've been to the killing fields a few times. That's where I got the bone up through my shoe. Little girl.970
01:36:17,000 --> 01:36:33,000
It's way out in the country outside of Phnom Penh. I remember this in real time.971
01:36:33,000 --> 01:36:45,000
The US news networks announced that Pol Pot was just running through Cambodia, killing everybody.972
01:36:45,000 --> 01:36:53,000
And a lot of us, a lot of us, are like, well, OK, let's go. Let's fucking go. Let's go now.973
01:36:53,000 --> 01:37:02,000
You know, just go. Let's go.974
01:37:02,000 --> 01:37:12,000
You know, nobody wanted to go back to that region. But for that, they're like, OK, we're on board. Let's go. Come on, rock and roll.975
01:37:12,000 --> 01:37:18,000
And I did, too. I wanted to go back there so badly, I almost cried about it at nights.976
01:37:18,000 --> 01:37:24,000
And this went on for a long, long, long, long time. And then the American news just kept reporting it, reporting it.977
01:37:24,000 --> 01:37:30,000
You know, so many more bodies found today, so many more bodies, so many more bodies. He's doing this. Now he's doing that.978
01:37:30,000 --> 01:37:34,000
Now he has killed every teacher in the city. Now he's killed every lawyer in the city.979
01:37:34,000 --> 01:37:41,000
And we're just watching this as good as the coverage could be, which was not all that great.980
01:37:41,000 --> 01:37:53,000
And the U.S. government wouldn't let us go because it was pissed off at Cambodia, because Cambodia had chosen sides with Vietnam during the war, North Vietnam.981
01:37:53,000 --> 01:38:00,000
And so it's like, OK, Cambodia can run. We don't care what kind of horrors those people are going to suffer.982
01:38:00,000 --> 01:38:13,000
We don't care. It's good. Pol Pot's a good man. He's teaching them that they shouldn't have fucked around with the U.S. Well, the Pol Pot thing had nothing to do with the U.S.983
01:38:13,000 --> 01:38:18,000
But Pol Pot killed Cambodia's heart, killed its heart.984
01:38:18,000 --> 01:38:24,000
Now, when I'm in Cambodia, especially Phnom Penh, where the center of all this shit was,985
01:38:24,000 --> 01:38:31,000
OK, if I'm in San Francisco and some fuckhead grabs my bag and tries to run off, I'll stop him.986
01:38:31,000 --> 01:38:38,000
I'll fucking stop him using any means I have to. Any means.987
01:38:38,000 --> 01:38:46,000
If I'm in Phnom Penh and somebody grabs my bag and tries to run off, I'll stop him.988
01:38:46,000 --> 01:38:52,000
But I don't feel the...989
01:38:52,000 --> 01:38:56,000
I don't feel the hatred.990
01:38:56,000 --> 01:39:06,000
Because I know that all of his mentors, all of his trainers, all of his teachers, all of the people who provided structure to his society,991
01:39:06,000 --> 01:39:11,000
gone, killed. Gone.992
01:39:11,000 --> 01:39:20,000
And he grew up, could be his parents grew up, without the structure, without this training, without the teaching.993
01:39:20,000 --> 01:39:28,000
And they just had to fend for themselves. All these years, Pol Pot got out of there, actually the Vietnamese ran him out in 79.994
01:39:28,000 --> 01:39:36,000
And then he retreated up to the Thailand border. He tried to get into Thailand and Thailand said, Ah, no, no, motherfucker, no.995
01:39:36,000 --> 01:39:44,000
And so he just settled right on the border of Thailand and Cambodia. And he got himself a little996
01:39:44,000 --> 01:39:50,000
compound there and he lived out his life. I think he died in 98.997
01:39:50,000 --> 01:39:55,000
They tried to prosecute him a few times, halfheartedly.998
01:39:55,000 --> 01:40:03,000
Nobody really got punished for that. But I guess tomorrow, or whatever episode, the next one is 13. Well, that's fitting, isn't it? Fucking fuck.999
01:40:03,000 --> 01:40:12,000
13. This is 12, so next will be 13. Sometimes I skip 13.1000
01:40:12,000 --> 01:40:22,000
Not gonna. Pol Pot deserves to have his episode labeled 13.1001
01:40:22,000 --> 01:40:29,000
I wanted to go back there so bad.1002
01:40:29,000 --> 01:40:42,000
This was, you know, for a guy who viscerally hates bullies. And here's the greatest, most prolific bully since Hitler.1003
01:40:42,000 --> 01:40:49,000
Since really, he's number two in the world, and people don't really hear about him that much.1004
01:40:49,000 --> 01:40:55,000
I don't think anybody knows what his real name ever was. He assigned the name Pol Pot to himself.1005
01:40:55,000 --> 01:41:01,000
He was a very good student, very educated, and then he went to France and the frogs taught him about communism.1006
01:41:01,000 --> 01:41:14,000
Oh, yeah, baby, this is the way. And then he took that to Cambodia and decided to implement it.1007
01:41:14,000 --> 01:41:19,000
I'll say one thing. I'm going to go through the story in the next episode.1008
01:41:19,000 --> 01:41:28,000
I'm going to tell you right now, if you have no other reason why Americans should have guns, this is your reason.1009
01:41:28,000 --> 01:41:37,000
The. When Pol Pot came sweeping through Phnom Penh with his army, with the Khmer army, their own people,1010
01:41:37,000 --> 01:41:46,000
when he came sweeping through Phnom Penh, nobody could resist that. Oh, they had kitchen knives.1011
01:41:46,000 --> 01:41:53,000
And the army was the army. And he killed them all.1012
01:41:53,000 --> 01:41:58,000
Why couldn't they resist? Because they didn't have any guns.1013
01:41:58,000 --> 01:42:11,000
Why didn't they have any guns? Because the government, long before this, had taken them all from the Khmer people.1014
01:42:11,000 --> 01:42:21,000
For their safety. And they all died, three million.1015
01:42:21,000 --> 01:42:31,000
Because an aspect of the government went crazy. And it took them, it took other forces three years.1016
01:42:31,000 --> 01:42:36,000
Three or four years to stop it.1017
01:42:36,000 --> 01:42:42,000
OK, so that's that's the next episode. Pol Pot. And nobody knows what the name means.1018
01:42:42,000 --> 01:42:47,000
He just pulled it out of his ass. If there was any meaning to it, he never told them.1019
01:42:47,000 --> 01:42:55,000
Pol Pot. P-O-L-P-O-T. OK, so I think we're done.1020
01:42:55,000 --> 01:43:01,000
Now, I couldn't say anything like any of this stuff on YouTube, because this is a war subject. Oh, fuck.1021
01:43:01,000 --> 01:43:10,000
And the things I'm going to tell you in the next episode are beyond anything you ever imagined in your wildest dreams.1022
01:43:10,000 --> 01:43:18,000
I actually went through this, I think, partially in one of the old alien probe tapes.1023
01:43:18,000 --> 01:43:25,000
But I'll do it again. And hopefully that's the last time in this lifetime I got to go through this.1024
01:43:25,000 --> 01:43:31,000
I could very well end up back down there. If I get tired of the Philippines, that's maybe where I would go next.1025
01:43:31,000 --> 01:43:36,000
I can get along down there. A lot of people can't. I can.1026
01:43:36,000 --> 01:43:41,000
Except for the food. I can't eat the food.1027
01:43:41,000 --> 01:43:47,000
Well, hell, you can barely eat the food in the Philippines either, so.1028
01:43:47,000 --> 01:43:59,000
I wish... God, if YouTube was made up of adults,1029
01:43:59,000 --> 01:44:03,000
this would be great content for YouTube.1030
01:44:03,000 --> 01:44:09,000
But it's not made up of adults. It's made up of snowflake little millennial fucking limpriston.1031
01:44:09,000 --> 01:44:15,000
Some things. Oh, I got one more note here. I got to cover this. How's our time?1032
01:44:15,000 --> 01:44:25,000
Oh, fuck. OK, people are saying...1033
01:44:25,000 --> 01:44:33,000
They say there's this discrepancy. I didn't cover this before. Did I just forget to take this note off here?1034
01:44:33,000 --> 01:44:38,000
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. About birth certificates. OK, I made the mention.1035
01:44:38,000 --> 01:44:46,000
You know, everybody knows I'm perfectly pro-LGBMSPTQ. I don't care. I don't want to know about it.1036
01:44:46,000 --> 01:44:51,000
I'm not going to change my language for it. I don't care what you are. And you shouldn't care what I am either.1037
01:44:51,000 --> 01:44:57,000
And you have no right to ask me. And I have no right to know what you are. And that's the end of it. I don't care.1038
01:44:57,000 --> 01:45:05,000
If you're my friend, you're my friend. I'll call you my friend. I don't care. You like to fuck rabbits. I don't care.1039
01:45:05,000 --> 01:45:13,000
I don't want to know about it. Well, I mean, rabbits, maybe. That would be over the line.1040
01:45:13,000 --> 01:45:19,000
I didn't know a guy in Thailand who did. I'm sorry.1041
01:45:19,000 --> 01:45:27,000
OK, so I made the comment that there's a third sex. There's males and females. And then right in the middle of that, there's another sex.1042
01:45:27,000 --> 01:45:33,000
And then there's offshoots from that in every direction. OK, the third sex, the middle sex, is real.1043
01:45:33,000 --> 01:45:37,000
And I made that argument. It's a real thing. There are people who are not.1044
01:45:37,000 --> 01:45:45,000
Well, there are guys who really in their souls are females and vice versa. And then there are people who aren't either one.1045
01:45:45,000 --> 01:45:52,000
And they're real. It's a third sex. And I said, well, I should put that on the birth certificates then. OK.1046
01:45:52,000 --> 01:45:57,000
And then everybody wrote in like, oh, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're a morn. I can't go on the birth certificates.1047
01:45:57,000 --> 01:46:03,000
OK, that's not what I meant. I said it, but I didn't mean that.1048
01:46:03,000 --> 01:46:15,000
Their original birth biology, their DNA has to go on the birth certificate. It has to, because if they, you know, trip over an alligator, fall down, hit their head,1049
01:46:15,000 --> 01:46:19,000
got to go to the hospital, they're unconscious. The doctors have to know what the hell physiology they're dealing with, you know.1050
01:46:19,000 --> 01:46:28,000
It's a million things like that they have to know. So your birth gender, your birth DNA is what it is.1051
01:46:28,000 --> 01:46:34,000
Period. You know, unless they can change the DNA, you are stuck with that turkey. Period. Suck it up.1052
01:46:34,000 --> 01:46:48,000
OK. What I meant was you got to be so careful. Geez, you got to be careful explaining yourself on here, because people will pick these to death.1053
01:46:48,000 --> 01:46:58,000
What I meant was it should be available as an amendment to a birth certificate, biological, birth, sex, male, female.1054
01:46:58,000 --> 01:47:04,000
There's only two. Genetically, there's only two.1055
01:47:04,000 --> 01:47:23,000
Identifies as whatever. I don't care. That should go on the birth certificate. That should be so that you can show, document it, documentably, that's what you identify as.1056
01:47:23,000 --> 01:47:32,000
I just don't know why they wouldn't do that. What would be the problem? Well, maybe the problem is that1057
01:47:32,000 --> 01:47:39,000
well, in the old days, you know, birth certificates were just paper things. There were no electronic copies.1058
01:47:39,000 --> 01:47:43,000
It would be really hard to change those forms.1059
01:47:43,000 --> 01:47:48,000
I mean, you'd have to do it graphically, you know.1060
01:47:48,000 --> 01:47:55,000
God, for every county, for every state, God, it would be a colossal mess.1061
01:47:55,000 --> 01:48:02,000
I don't know. I think they are allowing people to put identifiers on driver's licenses or something. You're not sure.1062
01:48:02,000 --> 01:48:09,000
The original birth DNA has to remain, period. OK, and then they say, what about1063
01:48:09,000 --> 01:48:16,000
trans in sports, you know, switching sides in sports? No, it's fucking bullshit. It's just fucking bullshit.1064
01:48:16,000 --> 01:48:19,000
It's bullshit.1065
01:48:19,000 --> 01:48:22,000
Males are1066
01:48:22,000 --> 01:48:28,000
bigger, almost always. They're stronger, almost always. They have different muscle structures, almost always.1067
01:48:28,000 --> 01:48:34,000
They have different skeletal structures, almost always.1068
01:48:34,000 --> 01:48:39,000
For them to compete against women is1069
01:48:39,000 --> 01:48:43,000
one of the craziest things I've ever heard in my entire life.1070
01:48:43,000 --> 01:48:46,000
You want to make a category for trans? Do that.1071
01:48:46,000 --> 01:48:49,000
They can all compete together.1072
01:48:49,000 --> 01:48:53,000
The biological males in that category are usually going to win.1073
01:48:53,000 --> 01:48:58,000
OK, whatever. At least you know that going in1074
01:48:58,000 --> 01:49:03,000
before you join that club.1075
01:49:03,000 --> 01:49:07,000
Any biological male1076
01:49:07,000 --> 01:49:17,000
who's trans, who takes it upon himself to go enter all the girls' sports and then win.1077
01:49:17,000 --> 01:49:20,000
What is he winning?1078
01:49:20,000 --> 01:49:26,000
We have a field right down here below my building. They do junior high1079
01:49:26,000 --> 01:49:31,000
sports things in it. Really nice field.1080
01:49:31,000 --> 01:49:35,000
I could go down there1081
01:49:35,000 --> 01:49:40,000
and join certain kinds of athletic events.1082
01:49:40,000 --> 01:49:45,000
Well, maybe not so much now, but I could, you know, a few years ago.1083
01:49:45,000 --> 01:49:48,000
And I'd win every single one.1084
01:49:48,000 --> 01:49:51,000
What would I win?1085
01:49:51,000 --> 01:49:53,000
01:49:53,000 --> 01:49:58,000
How? Do you not have any self-respect at all?1087
01:49:58,000 --> 01:50:02,000
Hey, look, Mom, I went out, I beat a bunch of girls today.1088
01:50:02,000 --> 01:50:06,000
Yes, I'm a girl, but I'm not really a girl, but I beat them anyway.1089
01:50:06,000 --> 01:50:09,000
Aren't you proud of me, Mom, because I'm 6'4".1090
01:50:09,000 --> 01:50:13,000
And they were 5'3", and I beat them.1091
01:50:13,000 --> 01:50:19,000
That means I'm really, really special, right, Mommy?1092
01:50:19,000 --> 01:50:23,000
You're fucking shitting me.1093
01:50:23,000 --> 01:50:29,000
Geez, I gotta go. Time's up. Tomorrow. Next day. Whatever. Whatever the hell.1094
01:50:29,000 --> 01:50:33,000
If I don't get hit by a speeding tuk-tuk.1095
01:50:33,000 --> 01:50:37,000
Could happen.1096
01:50:37,000 --> 01:50:44,000
Pol Pot. Cambodia. I mean, I know we're doing Thailand, but1097
01:50:44,000 --> 01:50:49,000
I want you to understand what the culture is like in that whole region, because you may not go to Thailand, you may go to Cambodia.1098
01:50:49,000 --> 01:50:52,000
Lots and lots more guys are getting fed up with Thailand, they're going to Cambodia.1099
01:50:52,000 --> 01:50:55,000
So I'm going to fill you in a little bit.1100
01:50:55,000 --> 01:51:01,000
And I'm going to try to arrange it such that you can1101
01:51:01,000 --> 01:51:05,000
develop a little bit of compassion for Cambodians.1102
01:51:05,000 --> 01:51:10,000
I mean, I don't have a great deal for them, but I sure as hell have some, because I know what they went through.1103
01:51:10,000 --> 01:51:19,000
And I know how that society got its legs cut up from under it back in the 70s.1104
01:51:19,000 --> 01:51:23,000
So yeah, I'll stop a robber.1105
01:51:23,000 --> 01:51:28,000
I know what he's been through. You know, maybe not him personally, but I know1106
01:51:28,000 --> 01:51:34,000
the background of how he has had to live.1107
01:51:34,000 --> 01:51:41,000
And the disadvantages that he's had.1108
01:51:41,000 --> 01:51:44,000
OK, that's it.1109
01:51:44,000 --> 01:51:49,000
All tapes copyright 2023. Stock photos If you like aliens, go to1110
01:51:49,000 --> 01:51:54,000
01:51:54,000 --> 01:51:57,000
01:51:57,000 --> 01:52:06,000
01:52:06,000 --> 01:52:11,000
All right. Thank you very, very much.1114
01:52:11,000 --> 01:52:13,000
See you next time.1115
01:52:13,000 --> 01:52:28,000
Good evening and good night.